Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Request for an interview

Dear Mr. Moore.

We represent a German internationally involved production company, Selkirk Pictures, which produces high-class documentary films for the leading state broadcasting networks. We would like to release a documentary about you and your election campaign and implicate it with the forthcoming presidential election.

Although the election is extremely important to most Europeans, the majority do not realize that third or independent parties, which you represent, even exist in the American political landscape. Our documentary plans to bring you and the matter of your party up front to them before the election in November.

We would appreciate working with you a lot. Please let us know via email when we can arrange an appointment for an interview with you.

Best regards,

William Cochran

P.S.: For further information please visit our Website at

Frank Moore wrote:

I would love to!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

William Cochran wrote:
Dear Mr. Moore,

thank you for your prompt reply. First of all, we are very happy to hear that you are interested in our documentary.

At this very moment we are working on our travel time schedule. We are planning to visit the US at the end of August/beginning of September. Would this be a convenient time for you? Are you preparing any specific campaign actions, since this will be a major part in our film?

I will give you explicit information about our time schedule in the next two weeks, so we can arrange an appointment.

Thank you for your patience in advance.

Best regards,
William Cochran

Frank Moore wrote:
that works for us. we will set up campaign events for then. keep in mind i'm a "third-party" candidate. so everything we do is intimate, not large.

In Freedom,

Frank Moore

Jesse Beagle wrote:
It's wonderful they want to make known that USA DOES HAVE third parties and happy they chose you as that 3rd party example. HURRAY HURRAY OH HAPPY DAY!



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