Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Swedish TV show features Frank Moore

100 Hojdare, aka Filip & Fredrik:

Monday, April 21, 2008

Is this a joke?

From: Kim
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 10:58 PM
Subject: Is this a joke?

I will invoke my right to free speech, this candidate is an idiot.

Frank Moore wrote:
care to expand?

A Question for Frank Moore

From: "Sophia Shapira"
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 8:45 AM
Subject: A Question for Frank Moore

My name is Sophia Shapira. I am "shopping" among third-party candidates because if Obama wins the Democratic primaries, it will be time (in my opinion) to send a loud-and-clear message to the Democrats that if they want to be taken seriously as the opposition to the Republicans, they need to start doing more than just lord the threat of the Republicans over us.

In reading your platform - I find a lot that I like. However, I have some questions that aren't answered in your platform document that I would like to ask here.

I would like to know what you would do to help alleviate some of the difficulties that transsexual women face.

Transsexual women are people who have the misfortune of being born with female brains, yet male bodies. A few are able to adjust and function in their birth-assigned gender-role -- but many are unable to do so. These women have to transition - to live in the role that their brain is configured to work in. However, society places many obstacles against transsexual women who need to transition.

Many transsexual women require a surgical operation called "vaginoplasty". (Contrary to popular belief, in vaginplasty, the male genitals aren't "cut off", but are re-configured to form prosthetic female genitalia.) However --- it is an expensive operation - and even though this operation is a life-and-death matter for many transsexuals, and for still others a necessity if they are to lead productive lives -- there are too many insurance companies who won't cover it simply because they can get away without covering it. You mentioned that you support universal healthcare. Will vaginoplasty be covered?

If you want to know more about the long and difficult journey transsexual women have to make, I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have (or if I don't have the answer, I can at least direct you to someone who might).

Another thing is -- many states make it difficult for transsexuals to change their gender-markers on various documents. In a reasonable society -- gender-markers would be changed on drivers license and social-security-ID databases upon diagnosis ---- and would be amended on the birth certificate upon completion of surgery. However, there are some states that refuse to amend birth the gender-marker on a birth certificate no matter what --- or which will demand full-surgery before even changing it on the drivers license (and sometimes not even being willing to amend that)! I mean, I have nothing against State Rights -- but the right to torment a minority should not be one of those State Rights. Do you plan to do anything to help us against this obstacle?

Thank you for reading this -- and I wait for your response.
Sophia Shapira

Frank Moore wrote:
hi, sophia! i value your support and your vote....if i measure up! what state do you live in?

yes, the well as the pre- and post-operation treatment...will be covered. i believe that johns hopkins has a great program. we will make it more accessable.

i believe the individual should decide what gender s/he is, not the government. i'll work to make this so.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sophia Shapira wrote:
I live in East Tennessee.

Frank Moore wrote:
the reason why i was asking is i'm in the process of getting qualified to be a write-in in as many states as i can. some states outright don't allow it or make it practically impossible. other states require me to get signatures. but tenn. just requires me to fill out a form.

but if you decide to vote for me, would you print out my platform and pass it around there?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

On A Roll To The Oval Office

the below article just came out in the major u.k. magazine, disabilty now.

Frank Moore

On A Roll To The Oval Office

I’m running for the U.S. president. I have been running…or rolling in my wheelchair…on the campaign trail now for over a year. I started because no candidate was talking about the issues that the average person cares about in a direct, clear way. So I started to. And people have responded overwhelmingly. My having cerebral palsy does not seem to matter to most people. In fact they seem to see it as an asset. I am a member of a suppressed group. But obviously I have successfully fought the discrimination all of my life and have had fun doing it! Most people get that and feel hope. And then they read my platform…and they are hooked!

There has been one exception to this. There was an Obama operative who thought that anybody who took me seriously as a candidate must be nuts…even though she couldn’t find any fault in my platform. It is an understandable opinion. After all I have no money, no “political experience,” etc. But we pushed her to tell us what her problem was with me. This is what she said:

“You are disabled! You talk with a head pointer and a letter board! You can’t be President! Be realistic! I’m a disability advocate…but this crosses the line! You people can have advisory roles in the background. But you need to be verbal to be President!”

Poor Obama! She is a severe handicap to his campaign. I’m sure he doesn’t share her opinion. But she represents him! The good news is she is in the minority.

I have always been dumb to what is impossible. So I just figure out how to do the “impossible.” I have been doing this all my life! When I was born, doctors told my parents that I had no intelligence, that I had no future, that I would be best put into an institution and be forgotten. So I learned from an early age to ignore supposed limits. The struggle for freedom, and against the powers-that-be has been my life. And it has been a continuous struggle, struggling with schools to let me in, etc. I have always been a radical. I was in the first special class placed on a regular high school campus so that the disabled students could be in regular classes and be a part of campus life. I was involved in the civil rights and anti-war movements. This was 1965…before it was popular to be against the Vietnam War. In the school paper I got into a debate with a GI in Vietnam. I was sat down and told that, because of my political philosophy and activities, I was hurting the chances of the disabled students who would come after me. I replied that the goal was to get the rights for the disabled [and for all people] to be complete and equal…and that included the right to be political. I would not surrender that, or any other, right.

I’m not a disabled candidate, but a candidate who is “disabled.” I believe disability just makes everything more obvious and hence makes things much easier to handle. In my art I use the “disability” as a tool to address larger issues of humanity, not just “disability issues”. We “disabled” are really the adapters that Society desperately needs because we operate outside the boxes of “normalcy,” coming up with solutions from left field. I’m the candidate of all who do not fit into “normalcy”…which is almost everyone. The heart of my platform is equal and full access for everyone to realizing their potential. This full access will be created by a guaranteed minimum income, a free prenatal-to-the-grave health care system, and a free lifetime education system. What I’m advocating is a society of caring.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Friday, April 18, 2008

Invitation to 2008 Presidential Candidate Ruth Bryant White

Frank Moorewrote:
my fellow "fringe" candidates..

If you let me know in advance of your coming to the San Francisco bay area, I'll try to book you on my show. We do it as a 2-hours+ live streaming video show on our web station We do it from our north Berkeley home. Then we will play it on b-tv, Berkeley's cable access channel, and archive it on our site. We archive the shows at

I'll interview you.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

From: "Steven White"
To: "Frank Moore"
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: i also want to interview you!

Hello Mr. Moore,

2008 Presidential Candidate Ruth Bryant White has not been invited to come to San Francisco, but you may arrange a telephone interview with her and I can send you a photo of her that you can put on your screen while you're speaking to her. Will that help?

How did you hear about this campaign? Ruth is always interested in how people find her.

Thank you for your interest,

Steve White
Senior Advisor 2008" More Than A Woman" Presidential Campaign

Frank Moore wrote:
i first became aware of ruth from but when that Wikinews reporter emailed all of us and gave all of our email addresses, i jumped on it!

telephone interviews don't work for us. i only do in-the-flesh interviews.

however we will play any videos and tapes you send us on

Frank Moore

From: "Steven White"
To: "Frank Moore"; "Ruth White"
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: i also want to interview you!

Thank you Mr. Moore,

Ruth has a live interview of her appearance on Fox's The O'Reilly Factor with Bill O'Reilly and her radio interview with NPR's KNPR should be on the Presidential Website

You may also go to the youtube website and look up whitehouseenterprise, and you will see all of the videos Ruth produced for the Youtube/CNN Debate.

Ruth said she will inform you should she be invited to San Francisco. Ruth does have a son who's a Stockbroker Investigator and is working with some of his clients there in San Francisco for a few months.

If that's and option and you want his information let the campaign know know and we'll contact him.

Thank you again,

Steve White
Senior Advisor 2008" More Than A Woman" Presidential Campaign

Frank Moore wrote:
sorry it took me so long to respond. i got waylaid by a series of campaign interviews.
It turns out there is a way for us to use YOUTUBE videos. so we'll play ruth's videos.

and i'd love to have her son on my show.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

From: "Steven White"
To: "Frank Moore"
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: i also want to interview you!

Hello Mr. Moore,

I have forwarded your information to Ruth's Son Pershaun Reynolds. He's a Stock Market Expert and Brokerage House Consultant. He will be in San Francisco a few more months finishing a contract.

Steve White
Senior Advisor 2008" More Than A Woman" Presidential Campaign

Frank Moore wrote:


From: "Steven White"
To: "Frank Moore"
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: i also want to interview you!

Hi Frank,

Ruth wanted me to ask you if you know male activist Mark Rudov in San Francisco? Ruth wants Mark to know that she is the only female (or male) Presidential Candidate supporting good fathers when it comes to Child support and he should know about her.

The lesser known Presidential Candidates are being silenced by the major media and that's why he may not have heard of Ruth. Mark makes about 3 appearances a week on Fox News and other worldwide Cable News Programs.

Just in case you know him you can let him know he has a Presidential Supporter.


Steve White
2008 "More Than A Woman" Presidential Campaign

Frank Moore wrote:
nope, don't know mark. but ruth isn't alone. i also support good dads.

People's Park 39th anniversary event

ah, yes...we have entered a new stage of the campaign!

Presidential Candidate Frank Moore will be speaking at the
People's Park 39th Anniversary Event in Berkeley, California
on Sunday April 27, 2008.

Drop by Frank's info table to meet and talk to the candidate and check out the swag!

Peoples Park is located in the City of Berkeley, a few blocks South of the University of California campus. The Park is bounded on the East by Bowditch St., on the South by Dwight Way, on the North by Haste St. and on the West, it's a short half block from Telegraph Avenue.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

another day, more europe!

there is a photo of me on the campaign trail and caption in, the online magazine of the main German TV Station ZDF. Here the link:
the caption reads:

"Frank Moore can neither speak nor walk, he's been handicapped since birth. For the "Just make sense party" he wants to transform America into small villages and establish a $1000 minimum wage. His up to 48-hours lasting ritualistic sex performances made the artist famous in the 90s."

thank you, dietmar, for translating!

Aktivist March 2008 Poland

Well, here's another european article about our campaign in a major magazine. This time our own Tomek translated it back into english. Tomek said it's a very popular mag, with a readership of around 8 million! We are reaching a lot of people with this campaign!

It is a good piece...getting a lot out. It is interesting how what I actually said changed through a different language...and through extensive editing I assume for space (the actual interview was much longer)....and when I talked about how the corporations are ripping us off of our culture and nightlife, actual censorship. But the message gets through. I will send out the the orginal interview so you can compare.

Aktivist March 2008 Poland

Elections in the US are approaching fast. Although
both Hillary and Barack have begged us for an
interview - we refused. We're opting for so called
"third-party candidates", people unaffiliated with
neither republicans nor liberals. Are you a US
citizen? Love party and weed? Vote for Frank Moore!

Section - Counterintelligence

MK: Let's assume I'm an American. Why would I cast my vote just for you?

FM: Because none of the candidates is sincere, they don't want to introduce any necessary changes, and realistically support societal progress. This is just what my task is going to be. People don't see me as a performer bound to a wheelchair, but someone who shares their dreams and speaks about things that in fact concern life. They realize that by pulling forces/efforts together we can overcome fear and isolation, abandon corporate shackles and ensure everyone's medical care, education, decent income, reintroduce rights and liberties and bring the army back home. We have to be aware of these possibilities. Don't waste your vote on someone who doesn't understand your dreams, because he or she is surely not going to help you realize them.

Vote for Frank Moore!

MK: So your participation in the presidential election is not solely another performance.

FM: Every election campaign is a performance. Except it's quite serious. My campaign started with a T-shirt. Two years ago, Michael LaBash, one of five members of our commune gave me a T that said "Frank Moore for President" as a X-mas present. I have sported it a few times, people got interested then began to ask me about my election program. It just goes to show that it's impossible to tell which direction an art project would evolve. I don't perform to tell stories, paint pictures, strip in public or even more so to make some dough. It's simply the best way to create a community! In the 80's and 90's by using a variety of techniques I would take the audiences of my long ritual shows onto a virtual island of 'Lila'. Out there everyone felt like a member of a family in which isolation, fear and competition did not exist. Such experience made people realize that it is possible to create an analogical community in real world. It gave hope that is associated with changes and a rise of expectations. And my presidential campaign reaches much further than those hours long rituals.

MK: Right on. You are considered as a behavioral scandalist, a shocking performer famous for parties that astonish with nudity and last 48 hours. Even America considering herself super-liberal is not ready for a president like you.

FM: We'll see. Today's Americans are much more open-minded than their so called leaders. My program and ideas are the clearest points in this electoral performance. People are focused on them exclusively, nothing else matters to them. Anyway, most people who come to see my ritualistic performance are relaxed rather than shocked.

MK: You say that you are a "political virgin". History of presidential elections shows that independent newbies don't count in the game as far as winning. Especially persons like you who cut themselves off of this whole "political world".

FM: Do you mean that I'm not a politician, a person addicted to power? That's right. I've never tried to run for office - maybe with one exception of a small episode in college. Nevertheless, I've always been engaged in politics in a wider, social context. Back then I've collaborated with independent press. History shows that for "third party candidates" the goal is not to win. Basically the electoral system is rigged to prevent us from winning. Our task is to instill new ideas, cause ferment, instigate change. In this context my presidential campaign is super effective. On the other hand... It'd be cool to defeat those suckers!

MK: You've been living with five people for the last 40 years. Hippie commune? It used to be cool ages ago. You will rather not impress your fellow citizens with this.

FM: Cohabitation offers various possibilities. Living in a commune is cheaper. Besides, it's written into human history. People have been living together for millennia! As a president I will support building small, well connected neighborhoods. We'll be walking or bicycling to work, school, or to go shopping. This way we'll get rid of traffic jams, limit greenhouse gas emissions, stress and feelings of alienation. Everyone will be granted a housing.

MK: So back to the roots then. You've been excited about socialism during college,

today you often use terms like "anticorporate", "anticapitalist". Do you think that a lack of campaign funds is your asset?

FM: No sponsors means no compromise. I set imagination in motion, improvise. I keep in mind the scale and the possibilities and do not give empty promises. All that put together gives me absolute freedom!

MK: One of your propositions is legalizing and taxing the sale of drugs.

FM: War against drugs has become a part in a bigger war against people, especially people of color and leftists. One in a hundred Americans is in prison. Marijuana should be available, to adults only. As a further matter, taxing this most demanded crop in the U.S. will bring measurable benefits. This idea really makes sense.

MK: Your propaganda megaphone is your website How much does it cost to maintain a 24 hour working internet radio?

FM: Love Underground Visionary Revolution was founded 9 years ago. It's an anti-corporate, anti-capitalist revolution! Uncensored, working according to DIY philosophy, a non-commercial institution. In the beginning it cost us $99 per month, now its up to 700. We don't have much support and we cover most of the cost ourselves. That's what underground is about!

MK: Readers of "AKTIVIST" magazine are interested in metropolitan life and culture. What will you offer such people as president?

FM: I often perform in illegal punk clubs, Japanese restaurants and at other interesting gatherings. I'm a musician, poet, TV-show personality, I also run my own club. I know how to have a good time - I'll send unbelievers to Club culture, raves, street festivals, musicians... since the mid 80's all these things have been gradually losing importance. As a president I will revive nightlife and bring it back to its old splendor. Again, people will have places to meet, talk and party!

MK: In your dictionary there is no term for "impossible". If you don't succeed in the presidential election this time around, are you going to run again in four years?

FM: Easy, i've got a plan and I carry it out step by step so be alert!


Frank Moore - performer, poet, musician, painter. He was born with cerebral palsy - he doesn't speak and uses a wheelchair. He can communicate in a somewhat similar way to the main character in "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" movie. In the early 90's he has been a target of an influential senator Jesse Helms who torpedoed efforts of the National Foundation for the Arts established by Frank Moore which, according to the politician, promoted "obscene" ideas. In one of the recent interviews Frank was asked a question about the difference between him and his rival candidates in the presidential election, he answered: "Which other candidate will be your homeboy?".

Here is the link to the original article in Polish:,473,tekst.html

the original interview for Aktivist March 2008 Poland

Let’s say I’m an American. Try to convince me why should I vote for you?


I have been running for president for about a year now. I started running basically because none of the prominent candidates are talking honestly and directly about the state of things, are committed to fundamental change, and have a clear plan to create a humane, sustainable, and just plain enjoyable society. So I took on that role. When everyday people in the “real world” hear about my candidacy, they become extremely excited. They don’t see a performance artist in a wheelchair. They don’t check the odds of my winning. Instead they see someone who they could excitedly vote for… somebody who shares their dreams, talks deeply about what really affects their lives. And then they read my platform. Then they got more excited at how possible it is to bring our dreams for our society into reality… to remove fear and isolation; to get the boot of big corporations off our neck; to provide everyone health care, life-long education, a minimum income, and a livable wage; to restore our rights and freedoms; and to bring our troops home now! We everyday people know the real state of the union! But more importantly, we have the sense of what is possible! We need leaders who share our dreams and who do not sell us short. Or sell us out!

So for most of the year, I have been running way below their radar. A performance artist in a wheelchair “pretending” to run for president is no threat… just a weird piece of conceptual art. But now I’m beginning to be a blip on the radar. Just a blip, mind you. But it is amazing that we have gotten to the blip stage this early… or at all! A blip who talks about the issues seriously and who gives real alternatives is dangerous. So the gatekeepers are beginning to say that I am not a “real” or serious” candidate. What they are really saying is that I’m not a part of the political system that has been corrupted by big bucks; that I’m not playing by the unwritten rules, etc. And of course this is true. It is one of the reasons why everyday people are excited about my running. That big bucks political system has been divorced from the everyday reality, hijacked by the addicts of obscenely huge profits. I am a real, serious candidate. I’m just working outside of their boxes. Outside of boxes is where the new possibilities are. Inside the limiting boxes is where political power is created. This is why the normal politicians stay in the boxes. This is why fundamental, humane change rarely—if ever—has come from power politics. I hope they keep saying that I’m not a real and serious candidate because each time they say that our blip gets brighter and more intense. I also hope they keep saying I am the candidate of the fringe, of the margins. Consider who they have marginalized… the poor, the working poor. In fact, most of the labor force: the disabled, gays, seniors, the uninsured, women, the middle class, artists, family farmers, racial minorities, immigrants, etc. Hey, I may win by a wide margin!

True, I do have my problems. As one “art expert” once wrote, I, “Seem to have a compulsion not to take no for an answer under any circumstances.” I do have this disability of not knowing what is “impossible.” So, I just figure out how to do it. When I was born, the doctors told my parents I had no IQ. Obviously the doctors were wrong. So I don’t pay any intention to the supposed limitations. I just do what is needed. When I was growing up, I struggled to get educated, struggled against discrimination and prejudices. I really enjoy the righteous struggle. This enjoyment of struggle gives me an advantage when struggle is needed. When Senator Jesse Helms tried to blacklist me, when the Berkeley City Council tried to ban my public access cable show… there have been so many struggles! My enjoying righteous struggle has been a winning element. I also enjoy when struggle is successful. I’m looking forward to the huge struggle of taking away controlling power from the big corporations, of reclaiming the rights and freedoms that have been stolen from the people of this country, of creating a new post-oil social order in which we will eliminate fear of getting sick, of getting old, of the future, of the Other.

In reality, as president, I will be able to do a lot to start the process of change. And I will! I get results! I deliver! But realistically, I will be working with a Congress full of people heavily invested in the old power system. I will need you! Writing me in on Election Day will just be the first step. I will need you to get involved in your local community. I will probably need you to put pressure on Congress—and on the press—to enact our dreams. It may take you coming to Washington DC a few times as you did for civil rights and to stop the Vietnam War. But together we will get this done! If it takes me throwing a giant party on The Mall every three months, then that’s what I’ll do!

It will be an exciting, fun four years! Just imagine a world in which somebody like you or me could really become president. Now keep imagining it and we just may win! Do not throw your vote away on a candidate who does not share your dreams, who is not committed to bring your dreams into reality! Go for it! It is the only practical thing to do because if we don’t go for it, we will never get what we need, what we want, what we are dreaming. Hey, it just makes sense… right? So write Frank Moore in on Election Day!

Analyzing your biography one can imagine Frank Moore’s campaign as another performance, but reading/watching your political statements everything looks very serious. Where the truth lies?

Well, are not all political campaigns performances? That doesn’t mean they are not serious. My performances often start with something seemingly trivial then grow by themselves very quickly into forces unto themselves. This campaign started with a t-shirt of The Three Stooges. Michael [“Mikee”] LaBash, who is one of five people I live with in a tribal relationship and who is our graphic/web designer, had a CURLY FOR PRESIDENT t-shirt. For Christmas two years ago Mikee made me a FRANK MOORE FOR PRESIDENT shirt. When I wore it, people started asking me what my platform was. So I wrote a platform up. Everybody who read it got excited, overflowed with hope, saying it expressed what they felt and wanted. Their reactions placed on me a responsibility to mount a serious campaign, to commit and surrender to it…and to hang on no matter where this ride would go. I never know where a performance or a project will evolve.

I do performances not to tell stories, not to paint pictures for others to look at, not even to reveal something about myself or about the state of things, and certainly not for fame or fortune. It’s simply the best way that I see to create the intimate community which I as a person need and that I think society needs as an alternative to the personal isolation. I have always wanted to bring dreams into reality. For that to be successful, a seriousness and a respect for the process and for the people in the “audience” is required. In my long ritual performances in the 80s and 90s, I took my audiences via performance techniques to an island called Lila, on which everybody was family...where isolation, fear, competition, etc. did not exist. The physical contact with such a society in the dream state of the performance opened up for the people the real possibility of such society existing in this reality. This released hope. And hope brings about change, raises expectations, and brings people together. This campaign just has a much bigger frame than those rituals!

You say you are a “political virgin”. History of presidential elections shows independent novice defeat in election game. Especially a person like you, who doesn’t care about all “political world”.

Do you mean I am not a politician, not addicted to getting and keeping power? That is true. I have never run for political office before…except in college. But I have always been involved in politics in a bigger context…that of social change.

When I was born, doctors told my parents that I had no intelligence, that I had no future, that I would be best put into an institution and be forgotten. So the struggle for freedom, and against the powers-that-be has been my life. And it has been a continuous struggle, struggling with schools to let me in, etc. I have always been a radical. But that became obvious when I was 17 and invented my head pointer with which I type and communicate. The first thing I wrote was how I believed in a one world socialist government. I started writing political columns for the high school paper…as well as putting out an underground paper. I was in the first special class placed on a regular high school campus so that the disabled students could be in regular classes and be a part of campus life. I was involved in the civil rights and anti-war movements. This was 1965…before it was popular to be against the Vietnam War. In the school paper I got into a debate with a GI in Vietnam. I was sat down and told that, because of my political philosophy and activities, I was hurting the chances of the disabled students who would come after me. I replied that the goal was to get the rights for the disabled [and for all people] to be complete and equal…and that included the right to be political. I would not surrender that, or any other, right.

So I started doing political columns for underground newspapers, joined Students for Democratic Society. I helped to found the San Bernardino chapter of the Peace and Freedom Party in the late 60’s. I did political pranks…such as rolling in my wheelchair into the Marines Recruiting Office to join, offering to push the BUTTON with my head pointer. But after the Kent State killings, I switched from straight politics to art, performance, and community building as my tools for effecting social change. The only public office I have held is when I was appointed to the rent board in Santa Fe, New Mexico after a successful rent strike in the early 70’s. I also continued writing political columns in underground newspapers. Moreover living tribally is a powerful political act.

In the early 90s I and five other performance artists were targeted by Sen. Jesse Helms in what is commonly seen as the first battle of the cultural wars. This placed me in a great position to fight for our freedoms!

And I always have projects that confront political suppression in very sneaky ways. For an example, in recent years I shepparded a project to test foods for GMO’s and to certify products as GMO or GMO-free. We had an independent testing lab and over 300 natural food stores in both the U. S. and Canada that would use the results in deciding what they would sell. We developed this project from our local consumer protest. In the end, the project threatened the corporate “natural”/”organic” food industry [the likes of Whole Foods] so much that they staged a hostile take-over to kill it. This is the kind of under-the-surface politics I’m into!

Historically the goal of independent and third-party candidates is not to “win.” Realistically the process is rigged to prevent us from “winning.” The function of such a candidate as I is to introduce ideas, to induce change, to raise the bar. Within this context, my campaign is extremely effective. But on the other hand, I JUST MAY WIN THIS SUCKER!

Realistically it is impossible for any of us independent/third-party candidates to win…and for that matter candidates such as Edwards whom the mainstream media labels hopeless. It is not really about a lack of money.

First of all a large number of states either out-right ban write-in candidates or make it virtually impossible to qualify to be a write-in candidate. These states throw out the entire ballot with a write-in on it. This disenfranchises the voters in those states from the full choices. It freezes in place not only the 2-party system…which is a product of evolution, not of the Constitution…but the two parties that happen to be the major parties at the present moment. This has to change before we will have a chance of winning. One effect of my campaign has been forcing several states to clean up their write-in processes.

The mainstream media wants to simplify the story down to as few candidates as possible as fast as possible…focusing on the candidates the closest to the corporate interest and painting the rest as fringe….and hence not worth coverage or being included in debates.

But the indie media has developed as a meaningful alternative to the mainstream media. And it will get much more powerful in the coming years as a hammer breaking down the monopolistic control of the corporate media.

You started anti-war crusade in the name of freedom before Vietnam war – as a high school student. Can you tell us more about prank in Marines Recruiting Office?

That was in college in 1969 in San Bernardino, California. I had my friend, Steve Emanuel [who still plays guitar in my band!] push my wheelchair into the Marines’ office on campus so that I could enlist. Steve just stood there, forcing the recruiter to deal with me, to read my communication board, etc. I acted very serious, very earnest…so the guy thought I really wanted to join. I became upset when he told me they couldn’t take me because of my body! After all, I could push THE BUTTON with my head pointer! Only when I delivered THE BUTTON punch line did the guy know he had been had!

I am thinking about doing the prank again because Berkeley, California [where we live] has informed the Marines’ recruiters that they aren’t welcome in our city, causing a national firestorm. Things are repeating!

At the beginning of ’90 you were targeted by powerful Sen. Jesse Helms – he attacked NEA as an institution promoting “obscene” art. That resulted in your political passivity. What made you announce election start in 2006?

Above I have talked about why I entered the campaign. Besides the reasons I gave, running for President gives me a powerful tool to plant ideas and dreams worldwide which will bring about change. And this is also what happened when Helms targeted me and the other artists…and when the Berkeley City Council tried unsuccessfully to ban my public access television show. If you do the kind of work I do, you have to be ready to fight censorship. It is a part of the job, a part of the art. I’m always ready to joyfully take on the powers-that-be…to do whatever it takes. So the censors do not have a chance!

For years before Helms made his move, I had been warning the art world that it needed to take a firm and united stand against any kind of censorship…or we would face a wave of governmental censorship. This was in the era of political correctness…so I pissed people off.

So I saw it coming. But I didn’t think I would be on the front lines. I was overjoyed that I made it onto Helms’ top 6 list! I fired off my open letter to Helms and I wrote the combine plot, a detailed analysis of the attack. Both were published widely and are available on line:
and Basically, because I embraced the struggle, it opened up all kinds of opportunities to me to tour, to address core issues on a national stage without compromise. Unfortunately many in the art world didn’t share this lusty attitude. Many artists signed what amounted to a loyalty oath to the establishment to get their governmental grants. This paved the way for the beginning of the government stopping giving grants to individual artists, instead giving grants to art institutions which are easier to control.

You are an author of shocking happenings, known for 48 hours long erotic ritual performances – is super liberal America ready for such a president?

We shall see! I have found that everyday people are generally much more open than the “leaders.” The platform and the ideas contained in it seem to be the “stars” of this ”performance.” That is what the people are focused on. The other stuff doesn’t seem to matter. Of course if the powers-that-be deemed me a treat, the mainstream media would start using those other things to dismiss, to distract. But then it will be too late!

By the way, most people who come to our ritualistic performances aren’t shocked, but expanded.

For 40 years you’ve been living communally – with 5 other persons and 4 cats. America isn’t hippie anymore. Most people treat it like some kind of freaky thing...

Yep, for about 40 years, I have lived tribally/communally. Now the 6 of us live together in two houses [one of which we built] on a street in Berkeley with 4 cats. Linda and I have been together for over 35 years. Michael has been with us for 20 years…as have Corey and Alexi. Erika joined us 6 years ago. We live as a tribal body. This tells you that I will expand concepts such as a family and family values. My relationships have always been what I am about. So we put our personal relationships and one another first. This opens up possibilities and expands our ability to use opportunities.

Living tribally costs much less than living singly on every level. You use less fact less everything...when you live tribally. So it is one model of ecological living. Humans have lived in tribes for millions of years! In tribal families, the people have a web work of caring on which they can depend.

As President, I will encourage a society of small villages connected by mass transit. Within these small villages, people could walk or bike to work, to school, to shopping, to entertainment, etc. Mass transit will combine these small villages within 15 miles radius into dynamic communities. Living in these villages will end gridlock traffic, will cut greenhouse gasses, will cut stress and isolation. Housing for all incomes will be included equally in each village.

Most important issue of your presidency would be bringing home troops from Iraq. How important is drug legalization? Why do you think use of drugs should be legalized and taxed?

Yes, I will bring the troops home from Iraq immediately. Moreover, I will change this country’s self-image from that of THE SUPER POWER/ WORLD LEADER to that of a member of the global community.

The so-called “war against drugs” in this country in reality has been a part of a war against the people...especially people of color and on the left. 1 in every 100 Americans is in prison. This doesn’t include people in mental institutions, nursing homes, and other human warehouses. These human warehouses drain money away from education, health care, rebuilding America, etc. This also drains our communities of both actual and potential leaders of the opposition.

Prisons should be only for violent or otherwise dangerous criminals. Prisons should be a part of the health and educational system and should include drug rehab programs. This should also be true for the new creative in-community programs for non-violent criminals for paying-back, rehab, and education sentencing. These programs will be more effective and much less expensive and harmful to the community on every level than the current human warehouse system. Flexibility of sentencing should to be returned to judges. I will ban the death penalty. I will push the Justice Department to investigate the war on The Left by the F.B.I. since the 60’s.

The use of drugs should be legalized and taxed. Pot and spirits should be sold over the counter to adults only. Tobacco and other addictive drugs should be sold by prescription only. Free drug rehab programs should be readily available. These policies will deflate drug prices which are why the criminal organizations are in the drug trade.

All of this will drastically reduce the crime rate. Moreover taxing America’s number-one cash crop, pot, just makes sense. is your means of propaganda. You’re looking for revolutionary people – i.e. poets and musicians who want to share their art, as well as sponsors. How much does it cost to maintain 24 hour working internet radio? Who supports you? Do artists from Poland can also send you their demos or poetry?

I/we started over 9 years ago. It is one of those things that took on a life of its own. I started doing a show on one of the first internet stations. But it quickly became clear that that station was run by would-be yuppies who had unrealistic wet-dreams about selling it for a killing. So we started luver just to do my show. But it quickly grew into a powerful channel for music, politics, art, whatever. At the beginning it cost us $99 a month to run luver. It now costs over $700 a month when everything is added up. Commercials are taboo on luver...and I don’t believe in grants. We do get some donations. But we pay for most of it ourselves. That’s the way of the underground! [Btw, that other station folded years ago!]

LUVeR is a totally new communication media which combines live streaming, on-demand libraries of programming, audio, and video. LUVeR is an anti-corporate, anti-capitalist revolution! LUVeR is and will remain a non-corporate, d.i.y., totally uncensored, noncommercial, nonprofit internet-only communal collective with 24-hour "live" programming (by amazing people) with "no-limits" content. In short, LUVeR is what THEY told us only a few years ago how the internet would be. But THEY now want us to believe that we little people can’t do this. In fact THEY are trying to force us little people off the internet, making the web just another corporate-controlled selling medium!

LUVeR is based on shows created/webcasted by individuals around the world, created from their personal passions. These individuals have total control over their shows, insuring the channel's freedom and independence. This also insures that the channel is accessible to voices, music, creativity, news, visions, histories, etc. which have been frozen out of the commercial media.

LUVeR is based on shows created/webcasted by individuals around the world, created from their personal passions. These individuals have total control over their shows, insuring the channel's freedom and independence. This also insures that the channel is accessible to voices, music, creativity, news, visions, histories, etc. which have been frozen out of the commercial media.

When we aren’t playing regular shows, we play the mix...which is selections from luver’s huge music library [over 110,000 songs at last count]. The mix has both all of your favorites and d.i.y. music from the best experimental, punk, rap, hiphop, folk, bluegrass, classical, and unclassified musicians from around the world. Bands, artists, poets, etc. from all over the world send luver their cds, tapes, dvds, and mp3s! SEND YOURS TO Frank Moore/Inter-Relations, p.o. Box 11445, Berkeley, Ca 94712! And if you want to do your own luver show, e-mail me at

Aktivist magazine – newspaper we make this interview for – is meant for young people interested in big cities culture & party life... What can you offer such people as a president?

Well, I perform in illegal underground punk clubs, artist collectives, Japanese restaurants, and other interesting venues. Among other things, I’m a singer, a musician, a poet, the host of a cable TV hard core music show, and I ran an all-ages nightclub. In other words, I am of the people culture! And you can check out and judge for yourself if I know how to party.

Since the mid-80s in this country there has been a crack down on clubs, dancing, street musicians, raves, street festivals, and in general anywhere people gather together. This is a part of the war on the people to keep us isolated from one another. Online the big record companies are trying to pull the plug on us web stations and to silence the independent bands. This is an attempt by the big corporations to rip off our culture, our music, etc. and to sell it back to us as product. As President I will return our culture, our nightlife, and our fun to their vital function of giving people places to be together, to talk, dance, and play together.

Your political statements are rich of immigration aspects. Existing US immigration policy is full of restrictions (visas, fingerprints etc.). Are you going to change that? What about visas abolition for Polish?

Yep, I believe we as citizens of the world should have the right of travel/movement. I believe we need immigrates. So I believe in fairly open borders…using our historical relationship with Canada as the model. I would remove racist filters. I would deny entry to those with criminal records. I would seriously beef up the security and inspections at our ports.
All businesses selling their products in the U.S. will have to certify that their products were manufactured in accordance with this country’s labor, wage, environmental, and safety laws ... that they meet or exceed these ... no matter where they were produced. This would curb people’s desire to come to this country for a better life. It would also remove the corporations’ motivation for draining jobs from this country. Businesses would pay non-citizen workers at least the minimum wage which would be tied to the cost of living. Businesses that employ non-citizens will have to pay $1 a day per worker to off-set the costs to the education and the health systems.

I have been trying to get two of my Canadian students into this country for over 6 months. We have jobs waiting for them. They have spent a lot of money on the process without the end in sight. The kicker is if they could pay $1,000 more, the process would be shortened to a few weeks! This simply is not right. The truth is the rich have the freedom of movement. But the rest of us are denied that basic freedom. That simply is not right!

You says: "I will change this country’s self-image from that of the super power/world leader to that of a member of the global community”. Most Americans are proud of being citizens of the super power/world leader country, don’t you think so?

Frankly it is wearing really thin here. A lot of people here are waking up!

You’ve got specific international support. „Enough of these traditional political shit!!! Regards to Frank Moore and his platform. I wish I had some radical stuff like that in every conservative country...” – how many people want to live in “your America”?

Glad to hear that I have international support! Even most people who think what I am talking about is impossible then say they want to live in the caring society. And that is a big step to bring it into reality!

Once you said lack of money is one of your strengths. Why?

Well, I don’t have to compromise. I just use creativity and improvisation to do what needs to be done. I keep everything within the scale that we can support. All of this gives us absolute freedom!

When you lost your front tooth, you auctioned it off for $250! Who bought it? Are you going to sell any other part of your body?

An artist bought it. The dentist didn’t charge me to pull it. So it was pure profit!

Which part of my body are you interested in?

Your disability made you forget about word “impossible”. If you won’t win this year, are you going to fight for presidency in 2012?

I take everything one step at a time. So stay tuned!