Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

A stripped amendment and a neutered bill

 Frank Moore wrote:
my presidential platform is  looking better and better!

On Thu, 10/29/09, Tim Carpenter for PDA wrote:

    From: Tim Carpenter for PDA
    Subject: A stripped amendment and a neutered bill
    Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 2:36 PM

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    Act Now to Pressure “Management”
    Dear Dorothy,
    Today the House unveiled its healthcare reform package. And the news is all bad.
    The Kucinich Amendment, which would give the states a clear path for enacting their own single-payer legislation, was stripped from the bill.
    The Weiner Amendment, which would substitute the clean, clear language of HR 676 for the behemoth of a introduced, may not be given its vote in the House—in spite of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s promise.
    While single payer hangs in the balance, PDA will continue to fight for single payer at the state level. Meanwhile, we have a small window of opportunity to get the Kucinich Amendment back in the bill and to make sure that Speaker Pelosi follows through on her promise to allow a vote on single-payer—the first ever in the House.
    Democratic House leaders can insert what is called a “ Manager’s Amendment” into legislation, even when it is closed to any other amendments. The managers are the majority and minority members who “manage” debate for the bill on each side.
    Today, tomorrow, and beyond, we need to call these “managers” and insist that the Kucinich Amendment is restored into the healthcare bill. We also need to urge these leaders to exert pressure on Speaker Pelosi—and exert it on her ourselves—to follow through on her promise to put the Weiner Amendment to a vote.
    The “gang” that holds our future in their hands includes:

        * Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Washington, DC, office (202) 225-4965; San Francisco office (415) 556-4862
        * Majority Leader Steny Hoyer: Washington, DC, office (202) 225-4131; Greenbelt office (301) 474-0119; Waldorf office (301) 843-1577
        * Rep. Henry Waxman: Washington, DC, office (202) 225-3976; Los Angeles office (323) 651-1040
        * Rep. Charles Rangel: Washington, DC, office (202) 225-4365; New York office (212) 663-3900
        * Rep. George Miller: Washington, DC, office (202) 225-2095; Concord office (925) 602-1880; Richmond office (510) 262-6500; Vallejo office (707) 645-1888

    It’s crucial for everyone in PDA to make these calls, to make them more than once, and to tell others to make these calls. Act NOW!
    In solidarity,
    Tim Carpenter, National Director
    Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. Our goal in 2009: Work with and increase the progressive majority in Congress as we build on our 2008 electoral successes. PDA's advisory board includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea Benjamin, Thom Hartmann, Jim Hightower, and Rev. Lennox Yearwood.

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Rafael-alexandre Ramos replied:
Hey Frank,
Are you saying you're presenting yourself as a candidate for 2012 as well ? :)
If so, in good spirit, we'll do another collage for that :)

Frank Moore replied:
well, I am like zorro!  I am there whenever I am needed!

28-hour day

Frank Moore said:
And we here have evolved in to a 28-hour day.

Jane Vincent replied:
You need to bring that up in 2012. I've always said I'd vote for anyone who could promise me more hours in the day...
How goes the novel?

Frank Moore replied:
well, you had your chance last time, Jane!  I would set up N.Y.C. time...
That is, like in N.Y.C., almost everything would be open around the clock.
This would create a lot of new jobs.  And it would give us time flex!

I have written nine chapters!