Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

From the chat tonight (3.14.08)

* Ronnie has joined #luver
Good evening...
Is Frank Moore here?
yes, he's here
LUVeR and baby-mac here are with Frank
This is wonderful....
How are things in Berkeley this evening? I live in Southern Californian.
things are super up here ... how do you know Frank? Can you tune into
I grew up in Berkeley.
How do I tune in?
I don't know Frank. I learned of him during a name search for someone else. I was astounded by his accomplishments. An amazing man..
go to and click on "Listen Now"
yes re: Frank!
* Ronnie has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
* Ronnie has joined #luver
Hi Ronnie
I went there and found an audio feed. What should I find?
Depending on what kind of audio player you use, you can select one of the streams ...
right now, the show playing is a rebroadcast of a KALX show, dj'd by Jesse Luscious
I understand. Are they live/
This show is streaming live, but is a rebroadcast ..., are the other folks shown as online here?
they are around, but away from the chatroom right now
did you know that Frank is running for President?
And by the way, am I speakng with Linda or Frank? Who do I have the pleasure of speaking?
Actually, you're speaking with Corey & Alexi ... we're students of Frank's
Yes I know that he is running. I tend to think that that either a tall black man or dumpy white woman will be President.
Unless something extraordinary happens, the old POW will fail.
Indeed. Nice to meet you.
Yes ... well, we're writing-in Frank!
I have read Frank's positions, and I have to say that I find him to be spot-on.
Cool! Yes, it really all "just makes sense".
With the economy on the brink, and an idiot like George Bush in office. Frank is a breath of fresh air.
That's really neat to hear! ... we will pass it on to him unless they see this soon ...
Unless who sees it soon?
Frank, Linda, et al ...
Do you want to be an elector for Frank?
I understand. So who do you guys fit into texture of are students of Frank.
yes, he is a shaman, and a teacher of how to live a happy, full, deep life!
that's what we're learning ...
Let me re-say that: how do you guys fint into the texture of things relative to Frank Moore. I understand you are students. Are you Cal Students too>
but right now, we gotta make dinner!
Okay...nice talking...

Re: Art & Politics Series at CounterPULSE

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 8:02 PM, Corey Nichoill wrote:

Hi Chris,

Loren Robertson from Counter-Pulse forwarded an email from me to you, but I just wanted to check in about it to make sure you got it ... I am writing to see if it would be possible to book performance artist and 2008 presidential candidate Frank Moore as a presenter for one of your "Art & Politics" nights at CounterPULSE.
(see: )

Looking through the other presenters that you have scheduled since last fall and into the first months of this year, I think Frank would fit very well into this series. You may know of Frank from all of the work he did at 848 some years ago, and he has been a radical performance artist in the Bay Area for many years. As an artist engaged now in what he has called a "2-year performance" otherwise known as "Frank Moore for President 2008", which is a reality-performance in which he is actually running for President, Frank can discuss the ways in which his candidacy has created both change and community in the same ways as his other performance work has done ... he can show slides/video of his political/art events that have been transformative on many levels, humanistically and politically. But more than anything, Frank will want to use his night as an opening for a deep discussion of the core issues facing all of us today, and a way to bring people together ... he will be available to be grilled on his presidential platform! The presentation will also reveal the political structures in place that seek to prevent the people from truly gaining political power in our current system by looking at the process for a write-in Presidential candidate in California and the rest of the U.S..


-- Corey Nicholl

Chris Carlsson wrote:
Hi Corey,

i did get that and I'm sorry i haven't responded already... We are planning now for the fall 08 through Spring 09.. I have Frank Moore as a possibility and will let you know when we decide. There's a meeting coming up on March 10 and I'll have a clearer idea about what is going to fit when after that...



Corey Nicholl wrote:
Hi Chris,

Just checking in after your Monday meeting ... any idea yet when it might work for Frank to do a night at the Art & Politics Series? Thanks!

-- Corey

Chris Carlsson wroye:
Hi Corey,

we talked it over and we decided that Frank won't fit our plans for the Art & Politics series. But thank you for inquiring... best of luck.


Frank Moore wrote:
mmmmm....a performance artist running for president doesn't fit in an"art and politics" series? interesting! a campaign that in the last 2 weeks has been in the major newspapers and magazines in england, germany, and poland just isn't that important!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


for including my platfom video on your i'm honored! and i value your vote!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Hey Frank! Rich werner from NOTE here...

From: Rich Werner
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 11:30 PM
Subject: Hey Frank! Rich werner from NOTE here...

Hey there Frank!

Hope all is well.
Happy to say I enjoyed several of your bog entries and journal bits over the past year. I especially appreciated your presidential campaign.
Gearing up for the next Hollywood Performance Marathon and wanted to invite you and the Cherotic All Stars back. We had so much fun with you last year. I hoped you'd want to spend the day with us again.
The date will be:
Saturday, January 19th at NOTE, 1517 N Cahuenga Blvd. in Hollywood (same place as last year).
Lemmie know when you can if you'd like to be part of this event once again.

Best Wishes,
Rich Werner

Frank Moore wrote:
shit, rich! i just discovered last night i wasn't getting email from this account! so i ain't a rude snob! we would love to do the year!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Frank Moore on German Online Magazine ZEIT ONLINE

From: Norbert Bayer
To: Franik Moore
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 6:26 AM
Subject: Press Image for German Online Magazine ZEIT ONLINE

Dear supporters of Frank Moore,

this is Norbert Bayer writing to you from the German online magazine Zuender which is a division of ZEITonline, the online service of the German's biggest weekly paper DIE ZEIT.

I would like to ask you if it would be possible for you to send us a photo (or even a selection) of Frank Moore, which is royalty-free for an anlimited time.

We want to publish an article about candidates for the presidential election.

I would appreciate it very much if we would hear from you soon, because this article is planned for tomorrow, 4th of march 2008.

Thanks for your support!

Many greetings from Hamburg
Norbert Bayer
Speersort 1
20095 Hamburg

Frank Moore wrote:
another day, another country!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Dietmar, thanks for translating this. it's blowing our minds how we are reaching so many people with this campaign!

Dietmar Lorenz wrote:

Hi Linda,

Here are the translations. It isn't always easy to capture the tone or spirit when trying to stay close to wording used in the other language. Hope it helps.


The election campaign in the USA is determined by the candidates of two major parties – Republicans and Democrats. However, the picture that is conveyed by the media is deceptive and doesn’t address that there are many small parties and independent presidential candidates.


The majority is politically irrelevant; sometimes they don’t know how serious they should take their endeavor. Among the several dozen candidates that have already announced that they would run in the fall are: a self-declared vampire, an archangel and an extraterrestrial.

Zuender presents six candidates – some of whom might actually still have influence on the election campaign. And some who will hopefully never gain political significance.

Frank Moore (Just Makes Sense Party)

Official Website:


Person: Frank Moore has been handicapped since birth. A paralysis of the nervous system makes it impossible for him to speak or walk. Exposed to the civil rights movement in the mid-60s, he became interested in politics, and some of his political ideas seem to stem from that era: Frank Moore demands the radical transformation of America into a society of small villages, linked by a free transit system that operates around the clock. He promises all Americans an unconditional minimum (monthly) wage of $1000.

This shall be financed by a tax rate of 75% for millionaires (people with lower income pay a 10% flat rate tax for all income above the minimum (monthly) wage). In addition, Moore demands quitting nuclear (power), leaving Iraq, as well as free education and health care for everybody.

Or, how Moore puts it (with the help of his interpreter): „It just makes Sense!“

Qualifications: In the 90s, the professional artist gained experience with conservative politicians who wanted to cut the public funding for his hours long ritualistic sex performances.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Aktivist magazine / Poland - questions

From: "Michal Karpa"
To: "Frank Moore"
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 12:16 PM
Subject: Aktivist magazine / Poland - questions

attached you'll find some questions.
let me know if everything is ok.

Best regards

Frank Moore wrote:
good timing, michal! yesterday i finished an in-depth interview for WIKINEWS [see this link ]. so i'm off to answer your interesting questions. i'll try to finish them by next week...but i can't promise.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Frank Moore wrote:
did you receive my answers that i emailed you yesterday?

Michal Karpa wrote:
Thanks a lot, I'm just translating them into polish:)

Best regards

Frank Moore wrote:
that will be in polish!


Lanaia Lee here, I know a lot of you don't remember the days, when Wood stock, occurred. When life was layed back, people really cared about each other, kids went to school to learn, instead of taking guns to school, with ill will on their minds, everyone stood up for what they believed in, without bodily harm. People weren't ready to kill us just because we are American. One's color or heritage didn't measure their worth. You could go places and not worry about if you were going to die. This is so inconvenient today. Frank Moore like I remembers these days and that is why I endorse Frank Moore for president!

Lanaia Lee

Frank Moore wrote:
thanks, lanaia!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wikinews interviews Frank Moore, independent candidate for US President

From: Nicholas Moreau
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: here it is!

Thanks Frank!

Here's the link to the article.

Best of luck,
Nick Moreau

Frank Moore wrote:
great, nick.

In Freedom
Frank Moore

Jesse Beagle wrote:
Dear Frank,

Excellent, incisive interview, your answers covering state of the country in a global world, as an entity 'of the people, for the people and by the people' fully expressing the needs of all the people in the country and how to make it work.

I believe, in reading this, the statements should go into a small, inexpensive booklet to get to potential voters or somehow be made available, and considering how many people do not have Internet.

And simply because it is too well written not to go into a book.

Also, because it is the subject that this March 4, is on everyone's mind, even those who never followed politics before including the young voters, whose futures have been robbed, all are seeking answers to save a dying country.

best wishes,
Jesse Beagle

Frank Moore wrote:

John The Baker wrote:
wow that is a great interview frank. thanks for being you!


John the Baker

Frank Moore wrote:


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Did you see this?

From: Dr Susan Block Institute
To: 'Frank Moore'
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2008 12:32 PM
Subject: did you see this?

Google News Alert for: Dr. Susan Block

Frank Moore Gathers Presidential Electors Nationwide For ...
Bay Area Indymedia - San Francisco,CA,USA
The Moore/Block campaign (his running mate is Dr. Susan Block from Los Angeles) is calling for supporters to participate in an inspiring grassroots ...

Frank Moore wrote:
you bet! actually corey wrote it and sent it to all the indie media sites. i always plant!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

yep, this will hit us here hard!

From: Henry Long
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 9:12 AM
Subject: FW: CDCAN REPORT #036-2008: Legislature Approves Emergency Budget Actions - Cuts Medi-Cal, SSI/SSP, Regional Centers

Hi Frank and Linda,

Attached are some news about IHSS took place in Sacramento, thought you might want to know.

Henry Long
Case Manager
Older Adult Services Group
Oakland Office


California Disability Community Action Network
Advocacy Without Borders:
News Impacting People With Disabilities, Mental Health Needs, Seniors & Others
Goes out to over 45,000 people, organizations, policy makers across California
Report #036-2008 - February 15, 2008 - Friday morning



Approves 10% Medi-Cal Rate Reduction July 1 - Continues Regional Center Cost Containments - Approves Suspension of Cost of Living for SSP & CalWORKS Until October 2008 - No Action Until Regular Budget Process on IHSS, Adult Protective Services, Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Programs, Supported Employment Program

SACRAMENTO (CDCAN) - Both houses of the Legislature this morning (February 15) gave final approval to a package of bills that okays some but not all of the Governor's proposed emergency budget cuts, that include a 10% rate reduction to most Medi-Cal providers, including adult day health centers, effective July 1, 2008, permanent continuation of existing regional center "cost containment" measures including expansion of a share of cost program for families, and suspension of the state funded cost of living increases due June 1, 2008 for SSI/SSP for five months until October 1, 2008. Cost of living increases due to CalWORKS recipients on July 1 was also suspended until October 1, 2008. [See separate CDCAN Report for details on the cuts as approved by both houses. CDCAN will also be holding a series of townhall telemeetings on the budget].

The Assembly took action first on the package of bills and then adjourned, with the State Senate then approving those bills and adjourning just before 12 noon today.

The overall impact of the passage of the emergency budget actions and cuts, according to leaders in both houses is to reduce overall projected $14.5 billion shortfall projected by the end of the 2008-2009 State Budget year to about $7 billion. The package of bills, according to legislative leaders from both parties, will also eliminate the $3 billion shortfall in the current 2007-2008 State budget year that ends June 30, 2008 and create a $1 billion reserve. However those savings and figures could change by May depending on the State's economy and revenues coming in by then. In addition, the task of closing even a $7 billion deficit is daunting - with all of the Governor's proposals for sweepings cuts that the Legislature did not act on yet, still on the table.

Senate Floor Gets Heated

Unlike in the Assembly, the debate on the Senate floor at many points got fierce with Sen. Jeff Denham (Republican - Merced, 12th District), under threat of a recall in his Senate district, angrily accusing the Democratic leadership of pushing for his recall because of his votes last year's budget and cited the dumping of Sen. Joe Simitian (Democrat - Palo Alto, 11th) as a committee chair for raising questions during the February 13th Senate budget committee hearing, and said he would not be voting to support any of the budget bills.

Sen. Sheila Kuehl (Democrat - Santa Monica, 23rd District) strongly refuted that charge saying that the issue wasn't about an individual legislator but the impact on Californians, citing the sweeping cuts to health, human services and education.

Sen. Tom McClintock (Republican - Thousand Oaks, 19th District) said the issue raised by Denham wasn't about himself but a larger problem in the State Senate in discussing issues.

Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata (Democrat - Oakland, 9th District) gave an impassioned floor speech about the budget and its impact on millions of California and the difficult choices saying there were "no evil people" in the State Senate. He wondered about how the State could push for health care and human services, and yet make cuts to health and human services, or push for quality education and make cuts to education

Medi-Cal 10% Rate Reduction Approved

* Both houses approved the 10% rate reduction to most Medi-Cal providers as proposed by the Governor, but changed the effective date to July 1, 2008 instead of June 1, 2008 . The cut will mean a reduction to the Medi-Cal program in the 2008-2009 State Budget of over $540 million.

* Neither house took action on the proposed elimination of some Medi-Cal optional benefits.

Regional Center $329 Million Cost Containment Made Permanent

* Both houses approved to continue on a permanent basis, the regional center cost containment measures that will cut over $329 million (including federal funds) from the regional center budget for the 2008-2009 State Budget year.

* Approved to continue on a permanent basis other regional center cost containment measures impacting operations.

* Approved to continue on a permanent basis the current family cost participation program (sometimes referred to as family share of cost or parental co-payments) that was due to end June 30, 2009, and also approved expansion of the program to include, for those families whose income exceed a certain level, children under the Early Intervention Program.

* Neither house took action yet on the Governor's proposed 10% rate reduction to the supported employment program.

Suspends CalWORKS and State Portion of SSI/SSP Grants to October 1, 2008

* Both houses also approved suspending or delaying the cost of living ]increases for the SSP portion of the SSI/SSP grants to the lowest income people with disabilities, seniors and the blind, due June 1, 2008 to October 1, 2008, which is different from the Governor's proposal that called for a full year cut or suspension of the cost of living increase due June 1, 2008 for the state portion (SSP) of the SSI/SSP grants.

* It took no action yet on the Governor's proposal to suspend or cut the cost of living increase for the state portion (SSP) due June 1, 2009.

* Both houses also approved a delay in cost of living increases due to CalWORKs recipients on July 1, 2008 to October 1, 2008, which the Governor did not propose in his January 10 proposed State Budget.

No Action Yet on IHSS, SSI/SSP COLA for 2009, Foster Care, Adoption Assistance

Neither house actually rejected any of the Governor's proposals - but held off taking action on several other major proposed cuts that they will further review and take final action later during the regular budget process that begins with budget subcommittee hearings in March through early May:

* In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) - held off taking action until the regular budget hearings that will be held from March through early May, on the Governor's proposed 18% reduction in the non-medical, domestic and related hours for persons receiving IHSS, and also 10% reduction to the counties in the administration of IHSS

* Medi-Cal optional benefits - held off taking action until the regular budget hearings in March through May, on the Governor's proposal to eliminate some of the Medi-Cal optional benefits

* Adult Protective Services - held off taking action until the regular budget hearings that will be held from March through early May on the Governor's proposed cuts to this program

* Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Programs - held off taking action until the regular budget hearings that will be held from March through earfly May on the Governor's proposed cuts, including a 10% rate reduction to these programs.

* Supported Employment Program - held off taking action until the regular budget hearings that will be held from March through early May on the Governor's proposed 10% rate reduction to this program

* Education Funding - held off taking action on the Governor's proposal to suspend the State Constitution provision(referred to as Proposition 98) that guarantees a certain level

Bills Passed By Both Houses Going to Governor For Approval

* The bills containing the emergency budget cuts and other changes as passed by both houses (copies of these bills can be found on the CDCAN website at

* The bills have a designation of "x3" which stands for the 3rd extraordinary (or special) session.

* These bills all required 2/3rds vote in both houses - meaning it needed votes of Democrats and some Republicans to pass.

* The bills, when signed by the Governor, will go into effect immediately - though the actual cuts or cost shifting or deferrals go into effective depending on the dates specificed for each specific program.

ABx3 3 - Contains line item changes to the 2007-2008 State Budget act

In addition to ABx3 3, the following are budget related or "trailer bills" that contain needed changes in State law that would implement the budget cuts, cost shifting and delays in payments in ABx3 3:

ABx3 4 - Education cuts, shifting of funding

ABx3 5 - Health (includes changes to state law that implement Medi-Cal provider rate reduction, regional centers)

ABx3 6 - Human Services (includes SSI/SSP and CalWORKS state funded cost of living suspension until 10/08)

ABx3 7 - Transportation (including delay payments to local counties of gas tax reimbursements)

ABx3 8 - General government (includes defers filling unfilled and new judgeships)

SBx3 8 which contained the same contents of ABx3 10, passed the State Senate with 28 votes, but there was no chance of passage, where ABx3 10 failed earlier, in the Assembly, who adjourned for the weekend and holiday before the Senate took its action.

Sen. Denise Ducheny (Democrat - San Diego, 40th District) said it was not a tax increase but restores a law that was in effect in 2004. She said the loophole was "big enough to fly an airplane" through it. Sen. Sheila Kuehl (Democrat - Santa Monica, 23rd District) said it was more horrible to make cuts to education, Healthy Families and other programs.

Sen. Dick Ackerman (Republican - Irvine, 33rd District) said that the economic impact is "severe" and would mean a loss of the State's revenues - a point echoed by Sen. Dennis Hollingsworth (Republican Murrieta, 36th District) who also said it would hurt families and working people who work in the industries targeted by the bill.

Breaking with his Republican Senate members and under threat of a recall in his district, Sen. Jeff Denham (Republican - Merced, 12th District) however said he believed it was a loophole that should be closed, but said if it was truly a bi-partisan effort to close loopholes, wondered about not making other cuts or close other loopholes.

New incoming Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (Democrat - Sacramento, 6th District) said it would be better to close the loophholes and put the savings and not cut Medi-Cal providers.



* The emergency budget bills now head to the Governor for approval, which he will sign in the next few days.

* Governor will issue a revision to his proposed budget, in Mid-May that could contain new proposals, new economic information about the State's revenues and spending.


* Legislative Analyst Office will release its annual review of the Governor's budget proposal, on February 20th

* Legislative budget subcommittees will begin to hold hearings on next year's budget in March through early May.

Frank Moore wrote:
yep, this will hit us here hard! people ask why i am running for president. well, this is why! politicians keep yammering about NO NEW TAXES. but the truth is these cuts are tax on the poor, disabled, seniors, and kids!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Henry Long wrote:
I absolutely agreed, common sense dose not prevail in many public funding allocation in this country. The politicians have no visional except their own. Yuck……….

Frank Moore wrote:
yep...they are visionally challenged!

Saturday, March 08, 2008


From: Eva Sweeney
To: Frank Moore>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 2:52 PM
Subject: Interview

Hey Frank,

Hope you're doing well. In 3 months, I'll be moving up to the Bay Area. I'm soooo excited! :) But first I have to finish my thesis Which is why I'm emailing you. My thesis is on disability and sexuality; specifically, it's on why the disabled community (and organizations) are scared of sex I would love to interview you because I know you have very strong opinions on the subject. It's a quick interview, usually done over email. So let me know.


Queers On Wheels
Los Angeles, California, 90041-0723

Frank Moore wrote:
great, eva! i will do the interview. i'm working on 2 interviews at the

moment. running for president is hard work!

In Freedom,

Frank Moore

Platform on Illegal Immigration

From: Brian Berg
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:28 PM
Subject: Platform on Illegal Immigration

What is your stance on this issue?

Frank Moore wrote:

hi, brian.

I believe we as citizens of the world should have the right of travel/movement. I believe we need immigrates. So I believe in fairly open borders.using our historical relationship with Canada as the model. I would remove racist filters. I would deny entry to those with criminal records. I would seriously beef up the security and inspections at our ports.

All businesses selling their products in the U.S. will have to certify that their products were manufactured in accordance with this country's labor, wage, environmental, and safety laws ... that they meet or exceed these ... no matter where they were produced. This would curb people's desire to come to this country for a better life. It would also remove the motivation of the corporations to drain jobs from this country. Businesses would pay non-citizen workers at least the minimum wage which would be tied to the cost of living. Businesses that hire non-citizen workers would pay a tax to cover the additional costs to our educational and health systems. This tax couldn't be taken out of the wages of the workers.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Australian Travel TV - Filming Campaign Trail

From: Jope, Penny
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 6:49 PM
Subject: Australian Travel TV - Filming Campaign Trail

Dear Mr Moore,

We produce the Australian TV travel series Getaway and will be filming a story on the US presidential campaign this year. Getaway is Australia's highest rating travel program and has been running for 15 years. We will be sending a crew of four to the US from May 5 to 18, 2008.

We are seeking to film with at least two different candidates who will be campaigning during those weeks. Our crew and presenter, Ben Dark, would be interested in shadowing you and Dr Susan Block on your campaign tour for 2 to 3 days. The story will show Ben Dark joining candidates out on the campaign trail, show a personal account of the election race, and visit a cross section of communities and towns in the US.

I have attached a profile on the show, you can also visit our website for further info on the show.

I would be happy to discuss the opportunity with you further. I am based in Sydney Australia and can be reached on +61 2 9965 2871 or via this email. Alternatively you could email me a convenient time and phone number to reach you on.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With thanks,

Penny Jope
Getaway - Researcher

Frank Moore wrote:
of course, penny, i would love to have ben shadow me! keep in mind that i'm not running a traditional campaign. a swedish tv crew was just here filming. we'd need to firm up dates soon so that i can arrange events for you shoot.

suzy, my running mate, lives in l.a.. i'll talk to her about the possibility of her coming up for the filming.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

they just contacted us today, wanting to do a story about the campaign!

Grab the best seat in the house and explore the world with Getaway ……

Australia's Number One National Travel Show

The Nine Network’s Getaway is Australia’s longest-running and highest-rating holiday and travel program, attracting around 2 million viewers in Australia and an estimated 10 million viewers worldwide.

Currently in its sixteenth year of production, Getaway has been on air, prime time, since 1992 and has attracted consistently high ratings since day one.

In Australia, Getaway airs weekly during prime time at 7:30pm on Thursdays. Getaway is also repeated on Saturday afternoons and shown on Foxtel’s ‘W’ Channel.

Getaway broadcasts internationally in New Zealand via both the Prime TV Network and the Living Channel, throughout Asia via the ABC Asia Pacific Service and Latin America via The Discovery Channel. Getaway also airs as part of Air New Zealand’s In-flight entertainment program.

Getaway is a collection of local and international travel stories focusing on destinations as holiday options – covering everything from adventure travel to family-friendly holidays to the ultimate in luxury escapes. Being a part of the show is a great opportunity to show off your product/destination to millions of keen travellers.

To give you an idea of the value of a story on Getaway, advertisers pay around AUS$39,000 (approx. US$29,000) for a 30-second advert nationally during Getaway. An international feature story typically runs 6-8 minutes.

Each international story finishes with an 'end tag', which is an on-screen text and voice over description of the destination details, the costs, seasonality as well as listing the name of the tour operator, airline and hotel where relevant.

Detailed story information, including contact numbers and website links are also posted and archived on the story “Fact Sheets” on the Getaway website at

The Getaway website is part of the ninemsn network, which attracts the largest online audience in Australia - that's around 8 million Australians per month.

The Getaway website is a popular travel planning tool for holidaymakers as it enables people to browse Getaway stories aired over the past decade as well as find destination-specific information such as visa requirements, shopping and sightseeing in most of the popular holiday destinations. Other features include a currency converter, worldwide weather updates and interactive mapping.

Viewers who do not have internet access can write in to receive Fact Sheets for each story.

Getaway is nationally and internationally recognized for the quality of its TV production and the excellence of its highly experienced camera crews.

Getaway typically sends a four-person crew to international destinations – a producer, a presenter, a cameraman and a sound recordist. The crew films with just one digital camera, a tripod and one boom microphone. Similar to a news crew, they do not require cranes, scaffolds, large transport trucks or lighting. The crew travels in a minivan, usually a 10-12 seater vehicle and always takes a local guide.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Radar Online article

Frank Moore Still Running For President

Last year, we told you about a presidential bid by Frank Moore, a man known to some as "the Stephen Hawking of performance art." And you might be pleased to learn that, while many White House aspirants have fallen to the wayside, Moore's unique campaign continues steaming ahead. The Just Makes Sense candidate tells Radar, "The response of people on the street to our platform is overwhelming," and he's currently in the process of lining up electors in upcoming primary states who would be willing to stand for him in the Electoral College ... read more>

The all-new Frank Moore General Store

Check it out! It only took us 11 years! So BUY BUY BUY! you will know your money will go for subversive change!

Here's grand opening of our new online store:

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

inquiry from Radar magazine

From: Nick Curran
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 6:47 AM
Subject: inquiry from Radar magazine

Mr. Moore:

As you may or may not recall, I've written about your presidential campaign previously for Radar magazine.

I'm wondering if you might be willing to give an update on your recent campaign activities. Specifically, I'd be interested in a few things:

First, your feelings on the response you seem to be getting to your candidacy. I notice from your blog that there are Moore supporters near and far, and see that you just recently put out a call for electors in various states - what kind of response have you gotten thus far? How has your work as an artist played into the campaign - is it something that comes up frequently in discussions with voters?

Secondly, do you have any thoughts you'd like to share on the candidates who are getting most of the media attention? Anything you'd like to say to Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton? Mike Huckabee?

Finally, I see that Dr. Susan Block is your running mate. What kind of role has she played in your campaign, and what has she brought to your efforts? Do you think her addition makes your ticket even sexier than the Bush-Cheney ticket of 2000/2004? Is that even possible?

Thanks much for your attention. Look forward to hearing from you.

Nick Curran

Frank Moore wrote:
well, nick....there are levels of response. the response of people on the street to our platform is overwhelming. it gives them hope. they know it is practical, doable...except in the present political unreality. they like the direct talk about what affects their/our lives.

the media's response... there has been no coverage, with a few exception, in the u.s. traditional mainstream media...which was expected. but there is an amazing amount of interest both on the web and in europe. i get requests for interviews almost daily...including a polish magazine and a german film company. a swedish t.v. crew shot a segment about me. a piece about my campaign is coming out in a british magazine. maybe the u.s. media will discover me in europe! hey, they are debating my platform on the k.c. chiefs' site!

we have just started trying to get electors...really we haven't finished figuring out what each state requires. in fact we have forced a couple of states to change/clear up their write-in rules. quite a few states either outright ban write-ins or make it almost impossible to qualify. so their voters are locked in to the present two mainstream parties and thus are disinfranchised. this is the major block to a third-party candidate winning.

people get so into my platform that my being a performance artist, etc. doesn't come up...which is good art. in my art i stretch reality to expand possibilities. this might be the best performance i have ever done!

i picked suzy as my running mate because of her powerful intellect that allows her to run deep with the concepts we are representing. of course her sexiness and humor oil the gears! mmmmmm....are you suggesting bush and cheney have played together. suzy and i have!

i want to invite all of the other candidates to get together with me on my show to explore the real issues!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Nick Curran wrote:
Mr. Moore:

Thanks so much for the response. Having worked on some elections, I can sympathize with your frustration dealing with state election laws - they're a mess.

And here's the resulting post on Radar. Perhaps it will provoke some media outlets to take a closer look at your candidacy?

Please keep me posted on your activities; we'd be interested in keeping our readers apprised of your campaign work.

Thanks again.

Nick Curran

Frank Moore wrote:
this is a great piece, nick. thanks!

we checked...and your piece last year was the very first bit of coverage the campaign received.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

From: Dr Susan Block Institute
To: 'Frank Moore'
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:57 PM
Subject: radar on frank

xo S

Frank Moore wrote:'s getting intense! just wait to read what came in today!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Nick Curran wrote:
Right on. Hope more attention comes your way - and please keep me posted on what's up. I'd love to write more about your campaign exploits.

Thanks again,
Nick Curran

Frank Moore rote:
i just put you on my e-salon so that you'll get all the campaign news!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Art & Politics Series at CounterPULSE

From: Blue House
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 7:22 PM
Subject: Art & Politics Series at CounterPULSE

What do you think of this? ... I would email it to Loren Robertson, the Program Manager at CounterPULSE ( ... a request to book Frank for one of their "Art & Politics" series nights at CounterPULSE, which is in the Mission ... CounterPULSE is an offshoot of 848 ...


Hi Loren,

I'm not sure if you are the right person to talk to about this, but I am writing to see if it would be possible to book performance artist and 2008 presidential candidate Frank Moore as a presenter for one of your "Art & Politics" nights at CounterPULSE.
(see: )

Looking through the other presenters that you have scheduled since last fall and into the first months of this year, I think Frank would fit very well into this series. You may know of Frank from all of the work he did at 848 some years ago. As an artist engaged now in what he has called a "2-year performance" otherwise known as "Frank Moore for President 2008", which is a reality-performance in which he is actually running for President, Frank can discuss the ways in which his candidacy has created both change and community in the same ways as his other performance work has done ... he can show slides/video of his political/art events that have been transformative on many levels, humanistically and politically. But more than anything, Frank will want to use his night as an opening for a deep discussion of the core issues facing all of us today, and a way to bring people together ... he will be available to be grilled on his presidential platform! The presentation will also reveal the political structures in place that seek to prevent the people from truly gaining political power in our current system by looking at the process for a write-in Presidential candidate in California and the rest of the U.S..

-- Corey

Frank Moore wrote:
great, corey!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore