Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Sunday, December 23, 2007 2008 Presidential Candidate Questionaire

Mr. Moore,

Thank you for your response to my questions. I appreciate your well-thought answers. Candidly you are the most intelligent and well informed respondent so far.

The responses to your question are on the Frank Moore Page below. Please let me know if there are any links or pictures you would like me to add. Also, I encourage you to link to this page from your own pages.

I have opened up a forum to discuss your responses, and encourage you to register and make your own wishes.

Best Wishes,
Richard Linza

Frank Moore wrote:

thank you. hopefully we can raise the bar by raising expectations. this is exactly why the mainstream candidates probably won't take part in your great site [which we have linked]. but their not being there speaks volumes!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


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