Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Santa Thanks You

From: Santa Claus
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 3:10 PM
Subject: Hi, Frank: Thanks for doing the homework and making the states' write-in requirements easily available. Blessings, Santa

This is a message sent from PRWeb on behalf of Santa Claus.

I thought the following story would be of interest to you.

Santa Claus Slams Obama and McCain: Announces Candidacy for President

To read the entire story, visit

Best Regards,

Santa Claus

Frank Moore wrote:
thanks, santa. my guy/elf corey did the research...with the help of the nation's foremost ballot access expert richard winger...and created the site of the states' requirements.

Would you be a guest on my 2+-hour show? You would be my sole guest for the whole program. We do it as a live streaming video show every Sunday at 8pm on our web station We do it from our north Berkeley home. Then we will play it on b-tv, Berkeley’s cable access channel, and archive it on our site. We archive the shows at I’ll interview you. Are you coming to S.F.? You and I have a lot in common!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Ohio Electors

From: Tom Cosma
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 2:16 PM
Subject: Ohio Electors

I'll be your elector, Frank. Good ideas you have there.

-Tom Cosma

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Frank Moore wrote:

great, tom! what is your "voting residence address", city, zip code and county?

do you know others who may want be my electors?

Tom Cosma wrote:
Tom Cosma
2550 Chamberlain Rd. Apt. A3
Fairlawn, OH 44333

that's in Summit County

Blue House rote:
That makes 5! Need 15 more!

Frank Moore wrote:
ah, yes! i am working on it!

carol, just got your elector form!

thanks! yours is the 61st. so we have made it by a comfortable margin...which is amazing because california is one of the hardest states to qualify in [but not the hardest!].

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: great video!

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 6:58 AM, Frank Moore wrote:

Hi, Micheal!

We just watched the Skip video tonight. We have seen most of the raw footage before. But your editing is great!

You live in Ohio, right? I need your help! I'm running for president. See Would you help me? To qualify as a write-in candidate in Ohio [to have the votes for me counted], I need to submit a list containing the names of 20 persons to serve as electors. I have 9. Would you be my elector in Ohio? And do you know others who would be willing to be electors for me

The role/duty of the elector only kicks in if/when I win the popular vote in the state in the general election. So being my elector doesn't limit your ability to vote for anybody you please in the general election...although I hope you will vote for me! If/when I win the state's popular vote, you as my elector would ritualistically cast a vote for me in the Electoral College.

Michael Cosma wrote:

"my elector would ritualistically cast a vote for me in the Electoral College"

(what does this mean?) Would I physically have to travel someplace to do this state capitol , etc. or do I place a phonecall or whatnot, please help me clarify this point and I might just do this for you.

Glad you liked my video editing, thanks.


Frank Moore wrote:
great question! i looked it up and....

Electors meet in their respective state capitals (or in the case of Washington, D.C., within the District) on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, at which time they cast their electoral votes on separate ballots for President and Vice President.

but the important point is i would need to win the popular vote in ohio first before you'd have to make that trip! i would use my lottory winnings to get you there if i win! the odds are similar. the reason to be my elector is to give people the opportunity to vote for our vision.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Campaign Tools from Political Net Press

they try to make money off of anything/anyone! and besides, if you need to read such books are 2 years too late!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

From: Political Net Press
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 1:31 PM
Subject: Campaign Tools from Political Net Press

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RE: Hello Frank :)

From: Rafael-alexandre Ramos
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:47 PM
Subject: RE: Hello Frank :)


I'm writing to tell what a honor it is to have you broadcast me on your radio, I came across reviews of you and took a peep at your presidential campain web site ( I'd sure vote for you ! :D )

But I can't...And if I could, I'd vote, but still would do some political art :)

Frank, I'm looking for a label for business opportunities and help me financially for upcoming collaborations and possibilities.

Could you recommend me someone, sympathetic to political art and my kind of music ?

I'll keep you posted on every new track,

Thank you,


Frank Moore wrote:
feel free to do political art about my campaign! we'll put it on the site. where do you live?

i'm not into business. so i'm not the one to ask about that. most labels i like are labors of love and passion.

Rafael wrote:
Salut Frank,

J'viens d'Montréal, au Québec. Pero mi padre es espanol.

Frank, I'd love to do so, but I'd need audio material to sample: can you provide samples of your speeches ? Has someone talked about you on the radio, or spoke with your words ?

.WAV files would be the best, mp3's could do the trick, as I master every track anyways ( or is there links of yours on the net from which I can recuperate the audio bits ? )

I'll be waiting to hear from you,

À bientôt,


Frank Moore wrote:
great, rafael! if you scroll down, on the right side of the page there are links to audio and videos of interviews, speeches, etc. if you find bits you want to use but can't use that format, we will make you copies.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Rafael wrote:
Hi Frank,

Rafael speaking: Received the audio material from Mikee, it's what I wanted
to work with :)

I'll choose from the different topics and will certainlly pick the best and
more chevalresque audio bit to go along with the music:

I have an idea...

Frank, it will most certainlly take a few weeks, I'll try to have it done
before October.

Au plaisir d'ici là,


Frank Moore wrote:
great, rafael! it's great that our campaign is inspiring other artists like
you! can't wait to hear it!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

From: Rafael-alexandre Ramos
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 6:36 PM
Subject: RE: I didin't forget you and am getting there

Hi Frank,

How are you doing ?

Here, a new job, back to school and of course, as allways, music in my free time ( well, for the time I have left ).

Nevertheless, you'll be glad to know that the instrumentals is done for our track on your campain speeches and ideas.

I've tried on the "on Irak'' speech your friend and translater had recording for you ( she has a hell of a beautifull voice, you should tell her :)

I'll try to have this done by two to three weeks, as I master all individual instrument tracks this weekend and might mix and master the final thing sometime next week and beyond.

In conclusion, the music is passionated, will blend well with the speeches. Also, I've decided to make a pot-pourri with all the themes ( track is about 4 minutes if I'm not mistaking ).

Remember, my goal is to touch people's imaginary, to raise my subjects to the level of legends and myth.

I hope I succeed,

Until sooner than I think I hope,

Rafael ( Ledit RenArt )

Frank Moore wrote:
rafael, i'm really excited and can't wait to hear your creation! this is what the campaign is all about!

btw, linda and i have been together for over 35 years.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Rafael wrote:
Hi Frank,

I'm a couple kilometers from the end of the track ( individual tracks are now mastered and will do the overall volume mixing + overall master in the two to four weeks to come ).

This means it will be done before election day.

I wan't it to be a surprise: I'll send you the mp3 when done and a copy of the final master by the mail on a cd, if ever you guys wan't to enhance the quality later on.

I'm as exited as you are to have it finished and out there :D

In the mean time, I sincerelly hope the campaign is going well

I hope you'll be able to mobilise the artists in the States, as you've mobilised me to fight for the right thing.

A bientôt,


Frank Moore wrote:
can't wait!

Rafael-Alexandre wrote:

Actually, give me up to next week and I'll have that voice volume problem solved ( maybe sooner than I think though ( putting 3 to 4 hours daylly): the problem was that Linda sometimes was near or far from the mic, but I'll just saturate the volume of the voice tracks so it levels equally,

So don't broadcast yet ! I wan't for you to have to best mix posible :)

For the music itself, nothing will change, I consider it done, just the volume of the voices compared to the instrumentals ( trying to blend everything together instead of having the voice loud and the rest quiet,


Frank Moore wrote:
it is amazing, rafael! saturday we did a live 3-hour performance with my band the cherotic all-stars...amazing musicians! one things i did was to have an audience member read my long speech over the live band jamming as i danced nude erotically with linda, erika and jen under strobes and slides. the effect was very similar to your piece.

Rafael-Alexandre wrote:

Ledit RenArt à son poste,

Cette fois-ci, c'est la bonne : here it is again.

Used another technique to melt the speech into the music.

Well Frank, I've dreamed of a day where artists would march on Washington, with their music and their ideas, and poetry, and paintings and drawings, to make them understand that if we don't wan't to live inside their Matrix, that there is an alternative way, a peacefull way.

I wan't this to be free of their ways, their hypocrysie, their thirst for performance and competition.

You know Frank, I've been trying hard to clear the rights of the speeches I use, just to be clear, and avoid posible, yet relative risks.

It led me to very little up to now.

And I'm almost desapointed in politics and legal society. There is false messias, messias...

Mais d'autres gens devraient dire: hey, I just believe in those things, we don't impose them, but we think it's right, let's turn the page, let's build together.

That's what's missing in your country: alternative recognized party's, with equal respect from the establishment than for the two majors .

And perhaps a less imposing international responsibility: if the United States are to be a World leader, they should assume fully their responsibilities in term of promoting the best for Human Kind and the planet, and making war and exploiting so much petrolium isin't the solution to what we are and will be facing in the future.

Then people would vote.

Frank, thanks for 'Tribus: this is war', I saw it was to be aired on your channel ! :D

Anyways, it's my entire pleasure to have composed this tracks over your ideals.

And I find we have a good vibe together on this, with Linda's beatifull voice, and Michael's help and I guess Nick's help too,

Et ben, moi je suis cent pour cent derrière vous et je vous encourage fort de la part d'un Québec qui veut pas se laisser faire non plus ! :D

A bientôt,


Frank Moore wrote:
yes, our campaign is a door opening. that is very real...a big responsibility!

Listen to the final track, L'Idealiste.

hey, kirk!

got your elector form! thanks! it makes us have 60, a comfortable buffer. so we are official in calif.!

i'm thinking of handing out my platforms at the farmers' market.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Saturday, August 23, 2008


states are falling into place!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Corey Nicholl wrote:
Idaho has recieved and accepted Frank's form! (But they will not be listing it, or any other write-in candidates' names on their website)

how can I help

John sent me your emails.
How can I help you out?

Adam L. Brook
Road Manager and Merch Guru for our Big Chief John Sinclair
Cass Corridor, Detroit

Frank Moore wrote:
hi, adam! ? To qualify as a write-in candidate in Michigan (to have the votes for me counted), I need to submit a list containing the names and addresses of 17 persons to serve as electors. could you help me get 17 people?

The role/duty of the elector only kicks in if/when I win the popular vote in the state in the general election. So being my elector doesn't limit your ability to vote for anybody you please in the general election...although I hope you will vote for me! If/when I win the state's popular vote, you as my elector would ritualistically cast a vote for me in the Electoral College.

thanks, adam and john!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Saturday, August 09, 2008

NC update

From: Kenyata Sullivan
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: The Goddess Bunny

hey Frank,

we're doing our final push to reach 500 names, wish us luck! There are about 20 of us passing petitions right now; when I went to an art exhibit this evening I was delighted to see a petition at the door - I don't have an accurate count right now since it's a co-ordinated effort, but I feel hopeful. Do you have anyone else working in NC, or are all 500 names up to us? Just checking.

Tomorrow I'm dropping off petitions to the local record stores and comic book stores, I spoke to the owners (friends) this afternoon, and they'll be pushing patrons to sign all week. There are other things going on like that as well, but I won't bore you with the details - on the 4th I'll be hand delivering all of the petitions to the County Board Of Elections (all of our signees are residents of New Hanover County, no sorting necessary).


Frank Moore wrote:
great, kenyata! this is exciting! yep, you are my only operative in n.c.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Subject: kenyata, i'm sorry to have to tell you this at this late date...but....
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 03:43:44 -0700
From: Frank Moore
To: Kenyata Sullivan

corey just found out there is another hoop in the n.c. elector process...

"Actually, delivering the petitions to the New Hanover County Board of Elections is only step one of two! The deadline is for the final step. New Hanover needs to check the signatures, and then Kenyata needs to deliver the signatures to the State Board of Elections by NOON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6TH. I talked to the State Board of Elections today and they said the Counties generally can turn those around in a day or so. The State Board of Elections is in Raleigh, NC. We will have to include a simple form signed by Frank to accompany the final delivery."

we are mailing my form to you this morning by express mail. sorry about this! they don't make it easy! and the kicker is the mainstream candidates don't have to do any of this!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Kenyatta wrote:
hey Frank,

Unfortunately, I must admit I'm not as convinced as I was just 48 hours ago that this is going to work out for the best. I've only had a couple of petitioners flake out (no big deal really), but getting the petitions to Raleigh by the 6th, there's the rub.

I always knew there was a second step, but I didn't know the second deadline was within 36 hours of the first one, woosh, and this is proving to be one hell of a hurdle to get over.

I'm still working on it, but wanted to keep you in the loop - k

Frank Moore wrote:
it's an example of how they make it almost impossible to get qualified! but we do the impossible! what we are thinking is getting a courier service to pick up the 500 from you and deliver them before the deadline. corey is looking for such a service? do you know of one? of course, we here will pay for it. and of course all of this depends on if we have 500.

btw, i like working on this with you!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Kenyattta wrote:
when i canvassed our team and we learned that no one was gonna be able to take a day off and travel on the 6th, the wind kinda fell out of everyone's sails, most folks quit working.

this, of course, makes me feel like an idiot. this project was totally do-able, and realistically i just blew it by assuming that there would be a reasonable period of time between the county and state boards, and then not realizing that you could perhaps find a currier to fix our time frame. I also didn't launch the effort early enough that none of that would matter, and didn't ask enough questions as far as the timelines go, this is all my fault.

i'm gonna slink off to bed, because i just pretty much took a guaranteed thing and fucked it up. I'm so sorry Frank.

Frank Moore wrote:

which is why the hoops!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Frank Moore wrote:

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Inspiring challenge!!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Inspiring challenge!!
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 06:08:12 -0700
From: Frank Moore
To: kilin reece

well, son...that is what my platform includes. it also should be
de-centralized which mean it would be ultimately cheap energy, tending not
to generate obscenely huge profits...just energy. the huge corporations are
trying to replace oil with another centralized it bio-fuels,
"clean coal," nuclear...which they will control. and they are saying are
environmentally friendly! of course they boldly lie! and then they tell us
we won't have to change our life style or the american dream...if we switch
over to their new product!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

----- Original Message -----
From: "kilin reece"
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:14 AM
Subject: Inspiring challenge!!

> When John F. Kennedy challenged America to put a man on the moon in
> 10 years, many called it impossible.
> Now, Al Gore has given a major speech with another visionary call:
> "Today I challenge our nation to commit to producing 100 percent of
> our electricity from renewable energy and truly clean carbon-free
> sources within 10 years."
> This is huge. For someone with as much stature and credibility as
> Vice President Gore to embrace a goal this big and ambitious could
> be game-changing. But first, you've got to see it for yourself.
> Click here to watch the video:
> Click here
> Can't you just imagine the media ignoring Al Gore's message? If we
> pass this along to our friends and family, we'll make sure people
> hear about this, so our next president will accept the challenge.
> We all know high gas prices and our economic downturn is related to
> climate change and the war in Iraq, but no one is connecting the
> dots. Until now.
> Here's a key bit from Gore's speech:
> Like a lot of people, it seems to me that all these problems are
> bigger than any of the solutions that have thus far been proposed
> for them, and that's been worrying me...
> Yet when we look at all three of these seemingly intractable
> challenges at the same time, we can see the common thread running
> through them, deeply ironic in its simplicity: our dangerous over-
> reliance on carbon-based fuels is at the core of all three of these
> challenges—the economic, environmental and national security crises.
> We're borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf
> to burn it in ways that destroy the planet. Every bit of that's got
> to change...
> But if we grab hold of that common thread and pull it hard, all of
> these complex problems begin to unravel and we will find that we're
> holding the answer to all of them right in our hand.
> The answer is to end our reliance on carbon-based fuels.
> Can we really get all our electricity from sources like solar and
> wind in 10 short years?
> Scientists have confirmed that enough solar energy falls on the
> surface of the earth every 40 minutes to meet 100 percent of the
> entire world's energy needs for a full year. Tapping just a small
> portion of this solar energy could provide all of the electricity
> America uses.
> And enough wind power blows through the Midwest corridor every day
> to also meet 100 percent of US electricity demand.
> And of course, all this means more good jobs to re-power our economy:
> When we send money to foreign countries to buy nearly 70 percent of
> the oil we use every day, they build new skyscrapers and we lose
> jobs. When we spend that money building solar arrays and windmills,
> we build competitive industries and gain jobs here at home.
> With all the political posturing on high gas prices and drilling,
> it's amazing to hear someone being so honest:
> It is only a truly dysfunctional system that would buy into the
> perverse logic that the short-term answer to high gasoline prices
> is drilling for more oil ten years from now.
> Am I the only one who finds it strange that our government so often
> adopts a so-called solution that has absolutely nothing to do with
> the problem it is supposed to address? When people rightly complain
> about higher gasoline prices, we propose to give more money to the
> oil companies and pretend that they're going to bring gasoline
> prices down. It will do nothing of the sort, and everyone knows it...
> However, there actually is one extremely effective way to bring the
> costs of driving a car way down within a few short years. The way
> to bring gas prices down is to end our dependence on oil and use
> the renewable sources that can give us the equivalent of $1 per
> gallon gasoline.
> It's truly a remarkable speech. Be sure to see it for yourself:
> There's lots to do to make sure our elected leaders and candidates
> at all levels accept Gore's challenge, but the first step is making
> sure your friends and family hear about it. Forward this email to 5
> friends today.
> Thanks for all you do.
> –Noah, Karin, Wes, Justin and the rest of the team
> P.S. If you want to join Al Gore's campaign, We Can Solve it, click
> here:
> Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 3.2 million
> members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And
> our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip
> in here.
> Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This
> email was sent to Lesley Kline on July 18, 2008. To change your
> email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove
> yourself from this list, click here.

Ron Paul

ron paul is a man of principles. i think i share about half of his views...such as cutting the military, closing most if not all of our foreign bases, reducing our national debt, preserving our personal freedoms and rights. i disagree with the other half such as abortion, privatization of governmental services, and most of his domestic stands. but he is honest and direct, a real maverick. it was disgusting how the mainstream media [and the parties] treated/portrayed him and the rest of "not-top-two"' candidates!

one of the things we have done during our campaign is set up a page,, where we have compiled the U.S. Presidential Write-in Candidate Requirements for each State. [when i say "we," i mean my guy corey with the kind help of richard winger, the nation's foremost expert on ballot access.]

unfortunately oklahoma is one of the states that absolutely doesn't allow write-ins...thereby really disenfranchising their voters.

Realistically/practically a write-in candidate can not "win" the presidency because the odds are stacked against such an independent candidate in various ways. The lack of money is the least of it. Almost half of the states either outright do not allow their people to write somebody in or make it virtually impossible for somebody to become an officially sanctioned write-in candidate. You can't "win" when half of the states are off limits to you no matter how much money you have. Add to this the freezing out of both independent and third-party candidates by the mainstream (and most of the "alternative") media coverage and so on, it becomes obvious "winning" is not a sane goal for someone in my position to have. This is only one example of freezing out! Here is another example. There is a dj on a college radio station who wants to interview me on his show. But he has to wait until he gets clearance that my appearance won't violate the "fairness" law.meantime, the two mainstream candidates are on everywhere all the time! This freezing out is really the artificially freezing of the evolution of our political system, freezing into power the current two major parties. The two parties have carved up the country between themselves much like Coke and Pepsi!

Historically independent and third-party candidates have induced new possibilities, expanded our freedoms, and introduced fresh concepts into the society, which the mainstream then absorbs. The process is very similar to that of the artist in society. I have operated within the process of an artist in society focused on inducing change in society for 40 years. So I'm use to, and comfortable in, the process, operating with little/no money, getting the message [the dream/vision] out despite the blocks, getting things done in new ways, etc. The European mainstream press has given our campaign serious respectful coverage. It now looks like we will qualify in most states where that is a possibility. That is amazing for a campaign that has no money or an army of operatives! But the real fuel for me is seeing people fill up with hope when they read my platform.

You should be free to write-in Ron Paul, me, or whomever you wish. But not in Oklahoma! They would throw your ballot away! I would still write in because I believe the more votes [even uncounted votes] a dream gets the closer the dream is to becoming reality. I understand that a lot of people don't grasp this concept!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Tanner Jean wrote:
Thanks again for the reply. It really disappoints me that I can't write-in in Oklahoma and have my ballott counted. While I also see that winning is a far shot, due to many factors, I agree with you that running gives a chance to spread a message.

The media is a hard thing to defeat; owned by the big corporations, it seems as if they just tell people who to vote for, which is sickening. I thank you very much for giving many people hope, and the idea that there are still people willing to run on concepts of liberty and change.

I wish you luck on your campaign, and I will heavily consider writing in, so that at least the "system" knows that we want to have a voice. I even emailed my state House represenative, and I hope to talk to him about it.

Thank you,

Frank Moore wrote:
yep, tanner...that's how things really get changed. if my campaign fuels
you, it is worth it! you fuel me!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tanner Jean"
To: "Frank Moore"
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: Prez

> Frank, thank you for the quick reply. I'm glad you see that there has to
> be a motivation for Congress to get moving, and that you helped me
> realize that it is possible to make Congress see its short-comings and
> misperceptions. The dream of power returning to the people, away from
> big corporations, is one you and I both share, along with a smaller and
> more responsibly used military and more conservative spending. While I
> am still looking into all the candidates, I must say that writing you in
> is a very viable option.
> Also, I am from Oklahoma. This will be my first time voting, and I hope
> the Oklahoma ballott allows write-ins. I have heard the write-ins are
> not counted, which really disappoints me, the political system is so far
> away from what the Founding Fathers intented.
> If you are not too buy to answer, would you mind sharing with me your
> viewpoint on former candidate Congressman Ron Paul?
> Frank Moore wrote:
>> Good questions, Tanner. When I say in my platform that I will do this
>> and that, I'm outlining our goals and our dreams. I know it will be a
>> struggle, that we'll need to "convince" the Congress. When I was
>> growing up, I struggled to get educated, struggled against
>> discrimination and prejudices. I really enjoy the righteous struggle.
>> This enjoyment of struggle gives me an advantage when struggle is
>> needed. When Senator Jesse Helms tried to blacklist me, when the
>> Berkeley City Council tried to ban my public access cable show. there
>> have been so many struggles! My enjoying righteous struggle has been a
>> winning element. I also enjoy when struggle is successful. I'm looking
>> forward to the huge struggle of taking away controlling power from the
>> big corporations, of reclaiming the rights and freedoms that have been
>> stolen from the people of this country, of creating a new post-oil
>> social order in which we will eliminate fear of getting sick, of
>> getting old, of the future, of the Other.
>> In reality, as president, I will be able to do a lot to start the
>> process of change. And I will! I get results! I deliver! But
>> realistically, I will be working with a Congress full of people
>> heavily invested in the old power system.people in both of the parties
>> who are still operating in the old limiting boxes. However the fact
>> that I had gotten into The White House would mean the people are tired
>> of wasting money on a bloated, wasteful military designed for an era
>> that has long passed, a military that is used primarily to promote the
>> corporate interest, rather than the real national interest. I will
>> work directly with the people to "convince" Congress to invest the
>> money into rebuilding our society rather than in insanity.
>> I will need you! Writing me in on election day will be just the first
>> step. I will need you to get involved in your local community. I will
>> probably need you to put pressure on Congress-and on the press-to
>> enact our dreams. It may take you coming to Washington DC a few times
>> as you did for civil rights and to stop the Vietnam War. But together
>> we will get this done! If it takes me throwing a giant party on The
>> Mall every three months, then that's what I'll do!
>> It will be an exciting, fun four years! Just imagine a world in which
>> somebody like you or me could really become president. Now keep
>> imagining it and we just may win! Do not throw your vote away on a
>> candidate who does not share your dreams, who is not committed to
>> bring your dreams into reality! Go for it! It is the only practical
>> thing to do because if we don't go for it, we will never get what we
>> need, what we want, what we are dreaming. Hey, it just makes sense.
>> right? So write Frank Moore in on election day!
>> By the way, which state do you live in?
>> In Freedom,
>> Frank Moore
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Tanner Jean"
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 12:21 AM
>> Subject: Prez
>>> Frank,
>>> I appreciate what you're doing by running for president in these
>>> tough times by keeping the Constitution alive, and fighting against
>>> the two party system. But I do want to know, why do you promise to do
>>> such things on your platform when they are the duty of Congress? I am
>>> sure you've realized this problem, so I also want to know, what would
>>> you do in order to get Congress to act? Congress has been in a
>>> stalemate riding on party lines, so this concerns me.
>>> Best of luck to you! I am still very unsure on who to vote for. I was
>>> planning on voting for Ron Paul, but he has dropped out.
>>> Tanner

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

hey, steve!

got your elector form [plus the $] in the mail! we now have 59 electors! so we are an official write-in candidate in california! now we need to get the platform out!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Steve Davis wrote:

how aboutr a platform of completely destroying everything and starting over??!?!!?

take care


Frank Moore wrote:
you shall be my recycling czar, steve!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


The CA Sec. of State Elections Dept. said that it is ok to send in extra elector forms, in case they find that any do not qualify for some reason.


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Friday, August 01, 2008

Subject: Prez

From: Tanner Jean
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 12:21 AM
Subject: Prez


I appreciate what you're doing by running for president in these tough times by keeping the Constitution alive, and fighting against the two party system. But I do want to know, why do you promise to do such things on your platform when they are the duty of Congress? I am sure you've realized this problem, so I also want to know, what would you do in order to get Congress to act? Congress has been in a stalemate riding on party lines, so this concerns me.

Best of luck to you! I am still very unsure on who to vote for. I was planning on voting for Ron Paul, but he has dropped out.


Frank Moore wrote:
Good questions, Tanner. When I say in my platform that I will do this and that, I'm outlining our goals and our dreams. I know it will be a struggle, that we'll need to "convince" the Congress. When I was growing up, I struggled to get educated, struggled against discrimination and prejudices. I really enjoy the righteous struggle. This enjoyment of struggle gives me an advantage when struggle is needed. When Senator Jesse Helms tried to blacklist me, when the Berkeley City Council tried to ban my public access cable show. there have been so many struggles! My enjoying righteous struggle has been a winning element. I also enjoy when struggle is successful. I'm looking forward to the huge struggle of taking away controlling power from the big corporations, of reclaiming the rights and freedoms that have been stolen from the people of this country, of creating a new post-oil social order in which we will eliminate fear of getting sick, of getting old, of the future, of the Other.

In reality, as president, I will be able to do a lot to start the process of change. And I will! I get results! I deliver! But realistically, I will be working with a Congress full of people heavily invested in the old power system.people in both of the parties who are still operating in the old limiting boxes. However the fact that I had gotten into The White House would mean the people are tired of wasting money on a bloated, wasteful military designed for an era that has long passed, a military that is used primarily to promote the corporate interest, rather than the real national interest. I will work directly with the people to "convince" Congress to invest the money into rebuilding our society rather than in insanity.

I will need you! Writing me in on election day will be just the first step. I will need you to get involved in your local community. I will probably need you to put pressure on Congress-and on the press-to enact our dreams. It may take you coming to Washington DC a few times as you did for civil rights and to stop the Vietnam War. But together we will get this done! If it takes me throwing a giant party on The Mall every three months, then that's what I'll do!

It will be an exciting, fun four years! Just imagine a world in which somebody like you or me could really become president. Now keep imagining it and we just may win! Do not throw your vote away on a candidate who does not share your dreams, who is not committed to bring your dreams into reality! Go for it! It is the only practical thing to do because if we don't go for it, we will never get what we need, what we want, what we are dreaming. Hey, it just makes sense. right? So write Frank Moore in on election day!

By the way, which state do you live in?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

The Visitations

From: Frank Moore
To: davey wrathgabar
Subject: checking
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 08:00:24 -0700

do you know yet if you can do my sept. 14 show?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

davey wrathgabar wrote:
cant confirm the show yet . . .
looks mighty likely . . .
is the 15 a possibility?

davey wrathgabar

Frank Moore wrote:
actually that would be better because another out-of-the-state band wants to come on sunday the 14th. our house is an official touring stop!

our ad was on the fourth page of the A.C.J. wednesday! so we are an official write-in candidate in georgia!

now i'm off to give another interview!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

we got your form, larry! thanks!

we are now officially over the california requirement...although we need a few more as extras just in case. it has blown me out at how people rose to be electors, going the extra mile[s] to do it!

but stooge slap dan for me. if we had known he was a notary we'd had this done months ago!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore