Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Interview for Aktivist mag (Poland)

From: "Łukasz Figielski / AKTIVIST"
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 8:39 AM
Subject: Interview for Aktivist mag (Poland)

Hallo there,

im the Editor-In-Chief of Polish biggest city/nigtlife magazine (, which deals a bit with politics as well. Would you (would Frank Moore) be so kind to give us an interview - regarding upcoming elections, of course? Via mail, skype, whatsoever...

Kind regards
Lukasz Figielski I Editor-In-Chief

Frank Moore wrote:
i would love to! by e-mail works the best for me.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

UCS, science, and the next president


One more presidential issue to think about.

Rich (Dr. Richard Kerbavaz)

Support Science Debate 2008!

Dear Laura,

Today, a group of prominent scientists, organized by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), released a new statement calling for the next president to put an end to political interference in science and create changes that would allow federal science to flourish. Recognizing that good federal policy depends on reliable and robust scientific work, UCS and the scientists are urging the next administration to guarantee basic scientific freedoms for government scientists.

As a concerned activist, you have an important role to play in calling on all presidential candidates to defend science from political interference. UCS is working with all three National Academies, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and scores of universities nationwide on an initiative, called Science Debate 2008, to hold a presidential science policy debate in April in Philadelphia before the Pennsylvania primary. The debate will give candidates a forum to show the public how they plan to use science to inform their policies. The candidates have been invited to attend-now, we need to urge them to participate in the debate. Add your name to the list of Science Debate 2008 supporters today.

Michael Halpern
National Field Organizer
Scientific Integrity Program

Dear presidential candidate,

Given the many urgent scientific and technological challenges facing America and the rest of the world, the increasing need for accurate scientific information in political decision making, and the vital role scientific innovation plays in spurring economic growth and competitiveness, we call for a public debate in which the U.S. presidential candidates share their views on the issues of The Environment, Health and Medicine, and Science and Technology Policy.

We would like to hear how, as president, you plan to defend science from political interference, and how you plan to use science to inform your policies.

We call on you to participate in Science Debate 2008 in Philadelphia on April 18.

Sign this Petition!


Sign this petition.


Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.


More Info:

On National Public Radio's Science Friday tomorrow, UCS Scientific Integrity Program Director Francesca Grifo and UCS Board Member James McCarthy will discuss science and the next president. Tune in worldwide at 2:00 p.m. EST.

What's At Stake:

On February 14, 2008, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) released a new statement calling for the next president and Congress to reclaim federal government science for the public good. Signed by prominent scientists with significant federal government experience whose work helped start the UCS Scientific Integrity Program, the statement recognizes the value of strong federal science programs to meet challenges like global warming, energy consumption, and growing competitiveness abroad.

The new statement calls for the government to create the conditions necessary for federal scientists to be able to do their jobs. Federal scientists should have the freedom to publicly communicate their findings; publish their work; disclose misrepresentation, censorship and other abuses of science; and have their technical work evaluated by peers-all without fear of retribution. More...

Frank Moore wrote:
and i have thought a lot about it!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Frank Moore wrore:
as president, i will liberate well as art, media, education, and other aspects of our culture...from the distorting, limiting dictatorship of corporate search for huge profits. science should be the exploring of all possibilities and not the search for the next cash cow!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Request for an interview

Dear Mr. Moore.

We represent a German internationally involved production company, Selkirk Pictures, which produces high-class documentary films for the leading state broadcasting networks. We would like to release a documentary about you and your election campaign and implicate it with the forthcoming presidential election.

Although the election is extremely important to most Europeans, the majority do not realize that third or independent parties, which you represent, even exist in the American political landscape. Our documentary plans to bring you and the matter of your party up front to them before the election in November.

We would appreciate working with you a lot. Please let us know via email when we can arrange an appointment for an interview with you.

Best regards,

William Cochran

P.S.: For further information please visit our Website at

Frank Moore wrote:

I would love to!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

William Cochran wrote:
Dear Mr. Moore,

thank you for your prompt reply. First of all, we are very happy to hear that you are interested in our documentary.

At this very moment we are working on our travel time schedule. We are planning to visit the US at the end of August/beginning of September. Would this be a convenient time for you? Are you preparing any specific campaign actions, since this will be a major part in our film?

I will give you explicit information about our time schedule in the next two weeks, so we can arrange an appointment.

Thank you for your patience in advance.

Best regards,
William Cochran

Frank Moore wrote:
that works for us. we will set up campaign events for then. keep in mind i'm a "third-party" candidate. so everything we do is intimate, not large.

In Freedom,

Frank Moore

Jesse Beagle wrote:
It's wonderful they want to make known that USA DOES HAVE third parties and happy they chose you as that 3rd party example. HURRAY HURRAY OH HAPPY DAY!


Moore Block buttons in NY

Hey Frank, and everybody

Last night’s NYC premiere of Blonde Island Funk Me was fabulous! After the screening, everybody went toa Club China and talked about the primaries, asking who are you voting me, Hillary or Obama? Well, I said, I’m voting for me. At least they just thought it was another one of my silly jokes. But then I gave out a few of Frank’s platforms and it was all “Right on, this is what we need.” Then they realized that they’d just seen Frank in one of the movies that had screened (by Annie Sprinkle). Then everybody wanted Moore/Block buttons. They put them on proudly, and walked off, many with platforms to spread the news through the rest of New York! Going to Yale tomorrow…

Xo Suzy

Frank Moore wrote:
that's a great story, suzy! i continue to pop up everywhere! we only know a tiny fraction of who/how we reach! one thing is sure...if we can get our platform to the people, we'll win!

i'm off to do another interview!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Wikinews (like Wikipedia) wants to interview you

From: Nicholas Moreau
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 12:10 PM
Subject: Wikinews (like Wikipedia) wants to interview you


I'm a reporter for Wikinews, and I'd like to interview you for our 2008 Presidential election coverage.

We had planned coverage of the independent and third party candidates a while back, and I contacted many of you then, but due to some delays, it was pushed back until now.

Posted below are a series of questions. Most are for all candidates, but the second question is worded two ways, one for third party candidates, another way for independents. Same base question, just the slightest of changes. The questions have word limits, please respect them. I only put these in place to remind you that most voters appreciate politicians getting to the point.

Anyway, whenever you can return this interview to me, I will publish it on Wikinews, and link to it from Wikipedia.

Thanks, Nick Moreau Accredited reporter Wikinews

All (max 500 words): Why do you want to be President?

Third party (max 500 words): Have you ever run for political office before? (President, senate, congress, city councillor, school trustee... etc.) Have you ever been a member of a political party, other than the one you're currently in? Have you ever campaigned for another political candidate? Independent (max 500 words): Have you ever run for political office before? (President, senate, congress, city councillor, school trustee... etc.) Have you ever been a member of a political party? Have you ever campaigned for another political candidate?

All (max 500 words): What is your current job? What skills or ideas do you bring from this position, or previous positions, that will benefit the Oval Office?

All (max 1000 words): Obviously, the next American President and his or her administration will face many diverse issues. But if you were to narrow identify the three most important issues, what would they be? How will you address these issues?

All (max 200 words): Campaigning for the American presidency is one of the most expensive exercises in the world. How do you deal with the cost and fundraising?

All (max 300 words): Do you have a running mate yet? Who are they? What are you/were you looking for in a running mate?

All (max 300 words): Can you win the 2008 Presidential election? Can any third party or independent candidate ever win?

All (max 100 words): If you can't make it into the Oval Office, who would you prefer seeing taking the presidency?

All (max 200 words): What should the American people keep in mind, when heading to the polls this November?

Frank Moore wrote:

i will get right to work on it! it may take me a week or two to finish it.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

I also want to interview you!

My fellow "fringe" candidates..

If you let me know in advance of your coming to the San Francisco bay area, I'll try to book you on my show. We do it as a 2-hours+ live streaming video show on our web station We do it from our north Berkeley home.

Then we will play it on b-tv, Berkeley's cable access channel, and archive it on our site. We archive the shows at I'll interview you.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday, February 17, 2008

For my fans/supporters at Chiefs Planet!

For my fans/supporters (and those who think i'm an idiot!) at!
amazing that i'm reaching the NFL!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Thursday, February 14, 2008

people are putting their money where their dreams are!

From: "Mark Warda"
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 1:18 PM
Subject: buttons

I can see how to order one Moore/Block button for $2 but I don't see any way to order more than one at once. The cafe press has only the magnets or the other buttons...

Frank Moore wrote:

Hi Mark,

We're working on an online store where you will be able to easily do that and it should be ready next week.

But in the meantime, if you don't want to wait, just email us how many you would like and where to send them and we'll give you a total price. You can then pay via PayPal here and we'll ship them out as soon as we get the notice from PayPal:

your policies, my reactions, and other questions

From: Isaiah Brazzell
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 3:03 PM
Subject: your policies, my reactions, and other questions

Hello Frank,

I'm Isaiah Brazzell. I'm 23 years old, from Dickson, Tennessee. I have an Associates of Science degree in English. I, too, have Cerebral Palsy. I have been interested in your candidacy, since I found your videos on YouTube. What I'm going to do is: using your policy statements on your campaign website, I'm going to offer my reactions. Reactions will be in parentheses. Later in the email, I have questions. If you will, please copy and paste your answers after each question. First, my reactions:

I’ll do away with welfare and social security. Instead, every American will receive a minimum income of $1,000 a month. This amount will be tied to the cost of living and will not be taxable. (I agree with this. I think this would be especially helpful to citizens, like myself. Some people may not be motivated to work, but I would think that would be a relatively small number, overall).

We will have universal prenatal-to-the-grave health care and universal free education with equal access. (I agree, but fiscally, how will it be funded responsibly, without causing a federal budget deficit?)

I’ll do away with all tax deductions for over $12,000 income. Instead, there will be a flat tax of 10% on annual income of less than one million dollars for an individual and less than five million dollars for a corporation. But the flat tax will jump to 75% on annual income exceeding these limits. (So, this, absolutely, would NOT affect poor people?)

I’ll cut the military budget by at least half. (Good concept, but how will you do that, and still ensure that the country and citizens are adequately protected. Good concept, Frank-just the wrong time!)

Public mass transit will be free, 24/7, and reliable. (I agree, as long as it is for both metro and rural areas, in all 50 states. Also, I'm assuming all of these vehicles will be handicapped accessible with wheelchair lifts and tie-downs???)

All patents and copyrights will expire in 20 years. Inventions, products, etc. which are developed with governmental money and/or public institutions can not be patented. (Not a big issue to me, but whatever floats your boat!)

All businesses selling their products in the U.S. will have to certify that their products were manufactured in accordance with this country’s labor, wage, environmental, and safety laws ... that they meet or exceed these ... no matter where they were produced. (See previous).

Each city and each “media market” will have at least two public access channels on radio, broadcast television, cable, AND satellite! (I agree).

Election day will be a paid holiday. (I agree.)

I will push for complete public funding for all political campaigns and the banning of political contributions and the use of personal wealth in political campaigns. (I agree).

The President should have a line veto. But the Congress can over-turn this line veto by a simple majority. Also bills should be limited to 5 pages in length and/or limited to one subject. (I agree on the line-item veto. On the length of bills, don't you think some issues are related to one another.)

An individual taxpayer will be able to direct her taxes to what functions she wants to support. But corporate taxpayers should not have this option. (I thought you were against the IRS, as well as all taxes???)

Every corporation should come up for a renewal every 25 years, at which time it must prove that it has been operating in the public interest. If it fails to do this, it loses its right to exist. Corporations that have existed before this policy will have 10 years before they will have to prove they are worthy. (Not a big issue!

Government should leave marriage to churches. Instead, any two or more adults who have been living together for at least 2 years should be able to register as a “family.” (I agree...personal choice!)

The end of hunger, poverty, and discrimination in this nation will be my main focus domestically. This will also shape my foreign policy. (Great idea, but a hard job!)

The minimum income and the minimum/livable wage, linked to the cost of living, will rise every time the congress members vote themselves a pay raise…will rise by the same percentage of their raise. (I agree...Washington works for us. We don't, and shouldn't, work for Washington!)

Education should be federally funded, based on the number of students, adjusted to special needs of each student, in each school district. But schools should be locally controlled. The equal access of education for every student will be insured by the federal government.

I will call for a major rebuilding of America. We will repair our school buildings and will build needed new schools. I will encourage a society of small villages connected by mass transit. Within these small villages, people could walk or bike to work, to school, to shopping, to entertainment, etc. Mass transit will combine these small villages within 15 miles radius into dynamic communities. Living in these villages will end gridlock traffic, will cut greenhouse gasses, will cut stress and isolation. Housing for all incomes will be included equally in each village. (Great ideas, especially on education. But, will the seemingly massive construction of these "villages" destroy houses and family farms? Tradition and sentimentalism should come before new age communities. (Will these areas, including the housing, be handicapped accessible?)

We will encourage electric cars, fast trains, clean sustainable decentralized energy generators. I would shut down all nuclear generators. (No personal transportation for the disabled???)

I will destroy 10 percent of our nuclear weapons each year to reverse the nuclear arms race.

We will stop giving/selling arms to other countries. All private arms sales should be illegal. (I agree).

Now my policies are pro-business. (What about pro-constituent???) The universal education system will provide business with a superior, flexible work force. The minimum income and the universal health care will remove the business’s burden of providing health insurance and pensions to workers. In reality, this relief will be much more than any tax cut could give. Moreover the minimum income will make the starting and maintaining a small business much easier. This is also true for small family farms. The minimum income will encourage independent invention and artistic pursuit, on which true progress depends.

The primary function of the government should be the protection of the health, the civil and human rights, the freedoms, and the general welfare of the people…instead of the protection and the promotion of corporate profits and interests. The government should exist to serve the people, and not to make a profit on the services to the people. My administration will be governed by these basic principles. (I agree.)

I will bring the troops home from Iraq immediately. Moreover, I will change this country’s self-image from that of THE SUPER POWER/ WORLD LEADER to that of a member of the global community. (I strongly agree. My uncle is a Specialist in the Army. He's serving in Kuwait).

Prisons should be only for violent or otherwise dangerous criminals. Prisons should be a part of the health and educational system and should include drug rehab programs. This should also be true for the new creative in-community programs for non-violent criminals for paying-back, rehab, and education sentencing. These programs will be more effective and much less expensive and harmful to the community on every level than the current human warehouse system. Flexibility of sentencing should to be returned to judges. I will ban the death penalty. (I agree).

The use of drugs should be legalized and taxed. Pot and spirits should be sold over the counter to adults only. Tobacco and other addictive drugs should be sold by prescription only. Free drug rehab programs should be readily available. (I agree about pot. All drugs should not be legalized, though. Tobacco should be left as it is).

All of the opt-out schemes should be illegal. If a corporation wants to sell your information, it first should directly and clearly get your permission. Before this happens, all such information is a part of your privacy, not the property of a corporation. (No opinion).

The selling/buying of debt should be illegal. Moreover, there should be a maximum interest rate of 10 percent on the original principle over the life time of a loan. (No opinion).

I will forgive the loans to the so-called third-world countries over the original principle.

We will use half of the money we will save by cutting the military budget to pay down the national debt. I will reduce the pollution caused by obscene corporate profits. (Good idea).

I will also reduce the federal government while raising services to the people by getting rid of welfare, social security, the so-called war on drugs, etc., and by the cuts in the military, the I.R.S., prisons, etc. (Cuts in the military sound anti-militaristic. Please be more specific. Otherwise, I agree).

Who will be your Vice-President?


Isaiah Brazzell
Isaiah Thomas Brazzell
Dickson, Tennessee 37055

Frank Moore wrote:
sorry for taking so long to respond. i've been swamped! i'll cut the military bloated offensive budget by half, halt pork and other waste, etc. these savings will fund my domestic programs. in reality our bloated offensive military has been out-of-date for decades, not suitable for threats we are and will face. of course free public mass transit for everybody!

i have found making things accessable makes life easier for everybody...this includes housing, education, mass transit, etc. we need everyone in our community actively involved, not warehoused.

my running mate is susan block!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

amazing responses!

Super Tuesday was on all day in the break room, and it was a common topic of conversation ... later, when Corey came back to shop, he asked Dana if she had voted, but between the baby and work, she just couldn't make it ... Corey told her that it why one of Frank's platforms is to make election day a paid holiday, and she said that this just so made sense! She wanted a platform to bring home to her mom. At the end of the day, the woman from Grindstone bakery came in, and Corey checked her in, and they were chatting about the election. She voted for Hillary, although wanted to see both Obama and Hillary in it ... who was Corey voting for? Frank Moore in the general election ... he gave her a platform. She read it very critically, right there as Corey continued stocking. She hit the common bumps in the platform ... she didn't like getting rid of social security ... flat tax will never work ... Corey said to read on, that it was not the usual flat tax scenario, and that getting rid of social security made sense in the context of all the other changes in the platform, and that there would be a transition period ... she read a bunch more of the platform, and said that it was much more thought out than what either Hillary or Obama were saying ... hey, maybe she would vote for Frank in November!

New York elector!

From: "Fred Hatt"
To: "Frank Moore"
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: n.y. elector - with the form attached

Hey Frank, I'll be happy to do it!

Most Americans, even fairly left-leaning ones, see your proposals as way out there. But I point out that they're not far from policies that are in place in countries in Western Europe and Scandinavia where the economy is stronger and the general standard of living significantly higher than in the U.S.

Right now I'm dealing with probably having to move very quickly. The building I live in was sold and the new landlord is a very aggressive gangster type who is using heavy intimidation tactics against the tenants, especially the women. I think he is determined to terrorize us into moving out. There are very few laws to protect us against such abusive behavior. Landlord/tenant law is almost all local, but I would like to see some kind of national law to protect tenants from abuse by greedy and predatory landlords.


Frank More wrote:

thanks, fred!

yep, we really have become a third-world country in terms of the quality of life for the average person.

i found myself on the rent board in santa fe in the early 70s after a sucessful rent strike. renters need a uniform bill of rights!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

dental care will be covered!

Steve Davis wrote:
hi frank
whats up?
we voted for many did you get??
we though we saw "Moore" on the list of candidates but it went by too fast
DOG is going to japan on feb 19 until mar 1
so after that I'll get on the election paperwork and getting autographs and getting it notarized.
no problemo
I need a root canal!!!! $700!!!!
next friday...oh fucking yeah!
take care

Frank Moore wrote:
dental care will be covered!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

speak at our school please.

From: Jimmy Page
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 6:45 PM
Subject: speak at our school please.

Mr. Moore

i am senior in highschool here in california and i am a big fan.

we where wondering if you would come to our school and speak for our A.P. Politics and Government class.


Frank Moore wrote:
i would love to, jimmy. it will depend on where in calif. you are and when you want me. i'm in berkeley.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Jimmy wrote:
Well where located in Riverside.
Anytime would be great.

Frank Moore wrote:
hey, jimmy! i went to high school in redlands and to college in san bernardino...your neck of the woods!

realistically i can't be there physically. BUT we could do it via the internet. we here would webcast from here live streaming video on our web station so that you guys can see/hear us, and you guys can talk to us via our chat room. would that work?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

ELECTORS NEEDED for Frank Moore's 2008 write-in Presidential Campaign!

ok! it's time to get down to the hard work! i need people to be my electors.

corey has put together the below growing list of who i need. if you are willing to be my elector, let me know. if you know of other people either in your state or in other states who are willing, let me know. LET'S GET THIS DONE!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

ELECTORS NEEDED for Frank Moore's 2008 write-in Presidential Campaign! (information as of 2.7.08)

10 electors, and each must sign a notarized "nomination paper", which wewill file with Frank's papers.

55 electors, and each must sign a notarized form, which we will file withFrank's papers.

7 electors, and each must sign a form, and date it.

3 electors can actually get Frank on the ballot if we can meet the following guidelines:
Independent and Minor Party Candidates Independent and minor party candidates for President and Vice President mayhave their names printed on the General Election ballot through the nomination of electors. Electors of President and Vice President must meet the following qualifications: He or she must be a registered voter in the District of Columbia; and He or she must have been a bona fide resident of the District for a periodof three (3) years immediately preceding the date of the presidential election.Each person elected as Elector of President and Vice President of the United States shall, in the presence of the Board of Elections and Ethics, take an oath or solemnly affirm that he or she will vote for the candidates of the party that he or she has been nominated to represent, and it shall be his orher duty to vote in such manner in the electoral college.

Petition forms must nominate not fewer than three (3) candidates forelector. The petition must be accompanied by an affidavit signed personally by the presidential and vice presidential candidates and must contain thefollowing: Names of the three (3) presidential electors supported by the petition.Written consent, by the presidential and vice presidential candidates, toeach presidential elector listed on the petition as being pledged to them; and If the candidate for president is a nominee of a minor party, a statement that the presidential and vice presidential candidates are the duly selectednominees of the party.

27 electors. Not later than August 29, 2008, the candidate submits a listcontaining the names and addresses of 27 persons to serve as electors to theDepartment of State.

1 elector is required, name and address. You can list up to 11 electors, the number of electoral votes that Indiana gets, but only 1 is required.This list will be submitted with Frank's notarized CAN-3 form.

8 electors are required, names and addresses.

4 electors are required, names and addresses. 2 of them must be from 2 different congressional districts, the other 2 can be "at large", meaningfrom anywhere in Maine.

12 electors are required. As yet unknown if they will need to fill outforms, notarization, etc.

17 electors are required, names and addresses.

1 elector is required, name and address. You can list up to 10 electors, the number of electoral votes that Minnesota gets, but only 1 is required.This list will be submitted as part of Frank's form.

11 electors are required, and must be from 11 different congressionaldistricts in Missouri, and must sign notarized declaration of intent forms.

1 elector is required, and must fill out a notarized certificate of acceptance form. You can submit the forms for up to 31 electors, but only 1is required.

500 qualified NC voters' signatures on a petition by August 4th!

3 electors are required, and must sign notarized forms.

20 electors are required, names and addresses.

34 electors are required, and must each must fill out "Consent ofPresidential Elector" form, which do not need to be notarized.

CALPIRG Citizen Agenda: Health Care Reform Bill Fails

From: "Steve Blackledge, CALPIRG Legislative Director"
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 7:47 AM
Subject: CALPIRG Citizen Agenda: Health Care Reform Bill Fails

Hi Frank,

The winter 2008 edition of CALPIRG Citizen Agenda is now available online at

Frank Moore wrote:

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

at the natural food store...

Mindi had seen Dr. Suzy on HBO real sex, and liked her a lot ... she thought, wait, now isn't that Frank's running mate!?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Our first California electors!

thanks, carl & linda

found the forms! you are my first electors! your support warms me!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

From: Cal-Westbrae Management
To: 'Frank Moore'
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 6:26 AM
Subject: RE: Howdy neighbor!!!!

Dear Frank: and all

Now we only need 53 more!

I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed your speech the other night at the Cafe. Quite the opposite of boring is your life. I found it very motivating and emotional and should remind all of us to not let any barriers stand in our way. Hard work, perseverance, looking out for our tribe and village will make good things happen for all.

Love and Respect
your neighbor Carlo

Frank Moore wrote:
ah, carl! this is exactly my philosophy too!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

We are popping up everywhere!

From: Linda Mac
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:04 AM
To: suzy block
Subject: Moore/Block buttons on their way to you!!

Hi Suzy,

We mailed 1lb+ of Moore/Block buttons to you today priority mail!! xxoo

Hot shit!

Dr. Susan Block wrote:
Wow, thanks Linda. I will pass them out in New York and New Haven. This election is really heating up.

Check out our new Sex Week at Yale ’08 postcard:

Notice the “Moore/Block ’08” button (actually a pin) on the Sex Week at Yale hat. Inside, it says “Vote Moore/Block ’08: The Just Makes Sense Party”

My talk at Sex Week at Yale is on Sex and God. Then I’m part of a panel on Sexuality and Spirituality. Amen and Awomen!

Xo Suzy

i support you

Mazy Kornfield wrote:
i like what you say..i am an aussie but you forgot law and order...crime can be obsolete if you have to provide savings proof for large purchasers....take way the cash and crime becomes well pointless...if you can spend 30k on a car show how you saved the money....

Frank Moore wrote:
i value your vote, mazy!

your idea is unique, creative, and interesting. however it is too invasive into personal privacy and doesn't assume people are innocent until proven guilty. so the cure would be worse than the illness.

my policies would greatly reduce the crime rate by addressing the root causes of crime. i'm talking about the guaranteed minimum income, free universal health and educational system, prison reform, legalizing drugs, drug rehab, affordable housing....i could go on!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

from the chat today

Hi - I am digging the Frank Moore platform points

Every candidate should be as concise and complete in revealing their platform

glad you like my platform, tom!

We are now on the radar!


hi, rich (Dr. Richard Kerbavaz). i don't think i know the right questions to ask. so...

it seems it will be important that everybody have the same coverage, the same access. this way the rich/powerful will make sure that the coverage will be top-notch...because they will be in the same system as the rest of us.

seems like the reasons why most doctors don't take medi-cal are low pay and insane pre-authorization red tape....which are also the complaints against the insurance/hmo. how about no pre-authorization, but a possibility of a [random?] review afterward? again if everyone is in the system, doctors could get paid for how many patients under their care, rather than for visits or operations...providing the patients are well-served.

all hospitals should be not-for-profit. are we facing shortage of doctors, nurses, and hospitals now? would our equal access health care require more or less of these? the whole health care system....including drugs, medical equipment, etc...should be not-for-profit.

our health care should stress preventative medicine, public health, nutrition, and will include "alternative" medicine, herbs, and....well...human caring/care-givers. there will a place for high tech medicine. but it probably won't be the main thing...once we have removed huge profits from the system.

seems like at the heart of the system should be the relationship between the patient and her doctor whom she chooses.

all of this e-mail is raw jamming....the first stage of changing the system!

btw, why is it illegal for doctors to form unions?

looking forward to exploring these things with you on the show!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Richard Kerbavaz wrote:

I'm clearly not smart enough to come up with all the answers to this one.

I'll make a copy of an article by Robyn Young, a Neurologist in Alameda, that was in a recent ACCMA Bulletin. She talks about the problems of a profit-driven Health Insurance system. The basic issue is that so much of our costs for health insurance are really paying the insurance companies, that to use the present insurance structure like the Schwartzenneger proposal for California ammounts to a huge tax subsidy for the companies that have helped create the mess we now are in.

Yes, we will need more doctors, nurses and probably hospitals if universal access were in place. There are not enough providers in many inner city and rural areas to take care of currently disenfrachised people living there. Does this mean a new government program to administer a single payer system? Do you just give everyone a medicare card and let the "market forces" take over? Do you set up competition with vouchers for people to buy the kind of insurance they think meets their needs and keep the insurance companies as part of the system? I think the biggest challenge in a single payer system is keeping it from turning into the DMV, with long lines and impersonal service just because it's government and there is no other option out there.

How to handle a transition from a for-profit to not-for-profit system is another issue. Do you essentially nationalize the existing hospitals, or tax profits in such a way that changing to not-for-profit is the best option? And what to do with big systems like Kaiser that combine hospitals, physician groups and insurance companies?

The problem with doctors unionizing is that as it stands, we are all independent small businesses in competition with each other. If we get together to negotiate prices, it's like all the oil companies agreeing on what price to sell gas. The same anti-trust laws keep us from acting together to change things.

When is the show where we talk about this stuff? I can try to talk to some of the local docs who have worked on Single Payer for a long time so we have more facts to discuss.


Frank Moore wrote:
i think we need to take insurance companies out of the picture to have a real and workable universal health care. the swedes get a medical card every year and after they pay $150, everything else is covered! i think it is important that the patient choose her doctor and the treatment comes from that relationship.

we have long lines and impersonal service now. we can do better!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Hey, Jim!

From: Frank Moore []
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 8:13 AM
Subject: hey, jim!

i'm running for president!

i will want you to be in my cabinet if i win...probably as the secretary of defense.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

From: James Fallows
To: 'Frank Moore'
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 6:19 PM
Subject: RE: hey, jim!


If Hillary ends up as the Democratic nominee, I may be back in your camp.

Jim F

James Fallows
The Atlantic Monthly

Frank Moore wrote: it a case of he is that good or of she is that bad?

you'll always be welcome in my tent! german public radio asked me who would be in my cabinet...hence your name.

did you know that our ray haight ran for governor against reagan? i found that out when i ran into him in s.f.. in the early 80s.

how is china?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

My Running Mate

Susan Marilyn Block, Ph.D.

Part philosopher, part therapist, part humorist and part-time horny housewife, Dr. Susan M Block is a world-renowned sex educator, best-selling author, award-winning documentary filmmaker, art dealer, cable TV host and political activist running for Vice President on the Frank Moore Presidential ticket. A familiar face on HBO's late-night programming through her #1 Nielsen-rated show, Radio Sex TV and her episodes on Real Sex, she also hosts The Dr. Susan Block Show, rated by The LA Weekly as “The Best of LA Phone-In Shows,” airing weekly on cable TV stations around the world, from Hollywood to the Holy Land.

“One of the nation’s leading sexologists, and a very bright and funny woman to boot,” according to Robert Scheer in The LA Times, “our favorite boudoir revolutionary…a cross between Camille Paglia and Oprah Winfrey,” opines LA New Times, and a “genius” according to Penthouse, Block is a dedicated sex therapist with one of the world's largest private practices, in addition to her roles in front of and behind the camera. She is executive director of the Dr. Susan Block Institute, located in a 17,000 square foot LA facility, including offices, seminar areas, movie theater, broadcast and editing suites, film and art studios, Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy and the Speakeasy Gallery of Erotic Art. "Dr. Block's cult status as an educator is enormous" writes Cosmo. "Frank, funny, thoughtful, sensual...Dr. Suzy always bases her explicit patter on a foundation of academic reasoning and considerable experience,” writes Tom Quinn in Entertainment Today . “And…she makes you feel good."

A magna cum laude graduate of Yale University (BA, Theater Studies, With Distinction), Block went on to study at UC Berkeley and San Francisco State, receiving her masters and doctorate in philosophy with an emphasis in psychology from Pacific Western. Her first book, Advertising for Love, forecast the current online dating explosion. Her second book, Being A Woman, a popularization of her doctoral thesis on Dr. Toni Wolfe’s theory of feminine psychology, became a NY Times bestseller. Her third book, The 10 Commandments of Pleasure has been published in 15 countries (coming soon to Israel, where her cable TV show is a big hit). Creator of the award-winning documentary series, Encyclopedia of Sex, Block is an active member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. She has been featured in numerous documentaries and appeared on multiple radio and TV shows, from Oprah to Today. Her TV series “Dr. Suzy’s Squirt Salons” was featured in the Barcelona Erotic Film Festival and the Cinekink Film Festival, and her music video “Blonde Island: Funk Me” recently held its World Premiere at the LA Erotica Film Festival, and will have its East Coast Premiere at Cinekink this February. She is now making a documentary called “Speakeasy” with award-winning filmmaker (“Ears Open, Eyeballs Click”) Canaan Brumley, First Prize winner at the Marseille Film Festival.

Chosen as one of "America's Greatest Thinkers" (twice) by the Great American Think-Off, and dubbed "the Erin Brockovitch of the Bonobo" by Salon, Block is an active advocate of the extremely endangered bonobos, using their highly sexual, non-violent and gender-egalitarian "lifestyle" as a prototype for her philosophy of Peace through Pleasure. She is a visiting lecturer in the Human Sexuality Department at University of Southern California (USC), and at her alma mater Yale University, as well as a founder, coordinator and regular lecturer at “Sex Week at Yale” (now in its fourth season). Also a consultant to the LA Public Defenders' Office (Sex Crimes Division), her columns on sex, health, politics and culture are published in various print and online magazines, from Counterpunch to Perfect 10, besides appearing in her own online Journal, and are touted as "among the most readable to come out of LA" by Steve Mikulan in The LA Weekly. Championed as a freedom fighter by Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Jimmy Breslin in NY Newsday, Dr. Block (acting in pro per) won an extremely important legal battle over First and Fourth Amendment Rights with the LA Police Department (screenplay in development). Recently profiled in The LA Weekly’s famous 2007 “People Issue,” she also won a major battle for Freedom of Speech on cable TV with former Adelphia CEO, John J. Rigas, recently sentenced to 15-20 years in prison for fraud.

Though a woman of deeply held “Blue Values,” Block is remarkably popular in the so-called “Red States.” N. Carolina’s QZ Magazine, in a recent cover story on her, calls Block “a modern-day Queen Esther” and “sex pioneer whose work has put the topic of pleasure on the table, one of the most important social developments on this continent ever, saving us from sexual repression.”

Block can be reached at her office at 213.749.1330, or via e-mail at


From: Sue Supriano
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: hi, sue!

Hi Frank-

Your platform sounds fabulous to me! I happily endorse you. Good luck and thanks for all you do!


Sue Supriano - Steppin' Out of Babylon: Audio Interviews

Frank Moore wrote:
great, sue! we will put you on the endorsers list.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Another endorsement!

From: "Paul Griffin"
To: "Frank Moore"
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: ampb report #82

On Fri, 25 Jan 2008 00:37:24 -0800

"Frank Moore" wrote:

hey, captain, how about me?!

Hey Frank!

yeah! how about you? how are you doing? I'm fine except some hit-and-run asshole totalled my car. I wasn't in it at the time, but did stand there and watch it happen. have relayed your platform on BLR and I also played segments from your holiday spectacular on the Crack "o Dawn show. Loved the singing! So you still got my vote, Frank.
No need to worry about that! -c'fred

Frank Moore wrote:
thanks, captian! i value your vote! [we'll add you to my endorsing list.] please keep telling people they can vote for me!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Tom Sanders Introduction at Cafe Leila

Here is the text of Tom's introduction at thye recent campaign stop at Cafe Leila in Berkeley, CA on January 22, 2008.

Why I Support Frank Moore for President
Tom Sanders

I'm here to speak for the largest political group in the U.S.--those who don't register to vote--who prefer a vote on the board of directors of the big corporations instead of candidates for government offices.

All the candidates for U.S. President seem to be trying to become the leader of the campaign against the 10 commandnents--except for Frank Moore--who thinks that they should be cut down to only 9-and above all--to leave out the one against adultery.

I also agree with Frank that all the candidates should be medically treated for assification of the heart and fatty degeneration of the mind.

Frank says that it's been claimed that "mankind" (note the word) took "its first giant step" on the moon & he asks why they couldn't have taken that "giant step" here on earth?

Frank Moore is fully aware that elections in this country serve as fever thermometers that tell our owners and rulers how near death we are--or how close to revolution we are.

Mr. Moore is under no illusions about the U.S. Presidency. In fact, he pities the poor presidents who have to attack Grenada, Panama, Libya, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq--etc. So he won't be forced to ride slowly in an open car, with the motorcycle cops pulled back away from it, in some Dallas Dealy plaza somewhere.

Frank & I agree that voting for a liberal democrat for any office is like voting for the liberal wing of the german Nazi party. We are both amazed that some so-called leftist democrats claim to support the Cuban revolution since the Democratic Party is the largest U.S., devoted since 1960, to destroying the Cuban revolution.

And, then there's the war on drugs to make the world safe for alcoholism--led by the current religious nut alcoholic President.

Every day has been white collar crime day since this country was stolen from the Native Americans, but it seems to have gotten worse with a never ending march--resulting in a new # 1 growth industry: prisons.

Thus, we now know we suffer from the modern plague of spiritual emptiness. A capitalist faith that has deformed the human spirit.

All of this seems to be from some other hour, stolen from the clock of some other place. An echo calls out to Frank from across time-demanding justice now! He's fully aware that when it's 12 noon in Washington, D.C. It's still the year 1860 in the African American communities, that they are owed reparations for both slavery and segregation, that the biggest temples are the office work skyscrapers, that there are no cathedrals there because the true religion of today is money, that terrorism is the weapon of the poor & a surface symptom of disorder in civilization, that we still worship the golden calf--the system of capitalism is our golden calf.

Our poor have been trampled into the dust of the earth that is polluted by poisons. Our rulers have broken the everlasting covenants & made a new one with death.

Above all, beware of false prophets, the ones who have great power & speak for the wealthy who cheat the righteous for gold & starve the poor for pennies. No one needs to defend these words themselves. They are unassailable & they will never wear out. Thousands of years will not change them; time will not touch them. Life & death have been set before us--choose life! Vote for Frank Moore!

20 jan. 2008

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


last night we discovered that on the blog/forum of the k.c. chiefs, somebody has put up my whole platform and my campaign videos...and there is a heated discussion! it is surreal! of course most of the football jocks think i'm an idiot...they like big corporations, etc. but they actually read the platform and think! this is very effective...a virus reaching all sorts of people!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

On the campaign trail

corey, one of the 6 of us, works at the natural foods store around the corner. one of his co-workers, Tsering, goes to Vista community college, and has a speech class there, where the subject of who are you voting for for president came up the other day. He said that he told the class he was voting for Frank! Nobody knew who he was talking about ... everyone seemed to be voting for Obama. He scoffed at them to Corey ... they were ignorant ... he told them that Frank is local ... later, Corey gave him a small stack of platforms to give people ...

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

RE: a run-in with someone from the peace & freedom party

From: Kevin Akin
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:34 AM
Subject: RE: a run-in with someone from the peace & freedom party


I received an e-mail from Maureen Smith forwarding your message with the report from Corey and Alexi about running into someone in Berkeley. I am afraid that Norma Harrison may not have been remembering the SEC discussion clearly, so I thought I would pass along to you what the State Executive Committee actually discussed when your name came up late in the summer.

We are required to submit to the Secretary of State a list of people who are generally recognized as candidates for the Peace and Freedom Party nomination for president. We reviewed about 20 names, but found that about half were people who did not appear to have any significant support as candidates for our nomination. I think we spent about 3 minutes (more than average) on your candidacy. We thought your campaign sounded interesting, but we thought that you had no significant actual support within the party for our nomination, and that is the basis on which we decided not to list your name. We may have been wrong, but that is what we decided, and why.

I suspect that Norma is confusing you with another possible candidate we discussed, also from the Bay Area, who appears to be a right-wing gentleman of rather intense eccentricity and military background. He is the only one of whom several people said they really didn't want him on a Peace and Freedom Party ballot.

There are 7 names on our ballot for president, as things ended up, and all but one have clearly significant support from members and at least some activists. (The other one, Stanley Hetz, is a former Senate candidate from Pennsylvania, who appeared at the time to have support, but no longer appears to have much.) It will be interesting to see the results, though the vote is only advisory. The actual nominees will be determined at the State Convention on the first weekend in August, by vote of all those who are elected in the June primary as members of the Central Committee.

I just wanted to assure you that the members of the Peace and Freedom Party State Executive Committee have absolutely nothing against you, in fact wish you well, but left your name off the list purely due to our assessment of actual support from P&F activists. That is what we are supposed to do, to pick those who have some support within the party, not to pick those we favor. (And those selected have sharply varying opinions on all sorts of issues.)

I wish I could say that I remember you from 1968, when I was active in Riverside in forming the party, and busy going to meetings when I wasn't bird-dogging for registrars, but I am afraid that most of the faces from that period have grown dim in memory. I was a young guy with a rather wispy beard, but that will not distinguish me in your memory from all the other young guys with wispy beards. I do remember lots of meetings with folks from San Bernardino next door, but I don't remember as much about them as I would like.

With best wishes for you and your campaign, Kevin Akin, South State Chair, Peace and Freedom Party

Frank Moore wrote:
thanks for writing, kevin. it was probably for the best. i have more freedom this way. i have been busy the last couple of a campaign speech in a cafe, writing an article for a british magazine about my campaign, having a swedish tv crew shooting a story about me...and now german radio wants do a story! it is quite overwhelming the response we are getting. but it would have been fun to run for my party.

i want to invite whomever your candidate turns out to be to be on my internet/cable tv show to discuss the issues.

i was the guy in the wheelchair with a head pointer. i went to san bernardino valley j.c., then state. funny, today my philosophy professor from valley emailed me, discovering me on the web!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Dorothy Jesse Beagle wrote:
How forgettable are you? And could you really be mixed up with an old RIGHT WING" gentleman of rather intense eccentricity and military background"

and was it really just a mish-mash of 'platforms' with none standing out???? Well, it's his/their loss - with them you would be nithing but a PEACE AND FREEDOM candidate and without them you are sought so far by four countries of the world and NUMEROUS outstanding sites and publications of this country, as an OUTSTANDING candidate.

bUT OH WELL, how graciously you answered!!!!!!


did you guys see this?

check this out! they are discussing my platform on the k.c. chiefs' blog! we do the impossible!

my response:

sometimes you need a wack job...even a get things done. i get things done! everything in my platform is doable, practical...except in the political unreality of congress controlled by the big corporations where it is now impossible. i'm used to doing the impossible!

your wack job,
frank moore

German Radio says hello

Hi Frank Moore,

my name is Steffen, I work for German Public Radio in DC. I'd like to do a radio report about you and your presidental campaign. It's very interesting! Of course our german listeners would be very interested in your plans on foreign policy. Who would you ask to become your secretary of state?

Kind regards and best wishes,


Steffen Wurzel
German Public Radio
Südwestrundfunk (SWR)

Frank Moore wrote:
hi, steffen. it's exciting to hear you are thinking of doing a story on my running for president. when i was 13 we lived in bitburg, germany for 2 years. my dad was in the air force.

for my secretary of state i am thinking of either Kevin Danaher of global exchange or my old friend Godfrey Reggio, best known for his QATSI film trilogy. for my secretary of defense, i'll tap my high school friend James Fallows. Ralph Nader will make a great attorney general.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Dorothy Jesse Beagle wrote:
fantastic Frank, to hear more about your appointments considered.

And we have, now, four countries? I would understand that any country watching with 'eyes bugged' and 'minds boggled' and 'hope barely hovering' at America's decline and the 'parade of fools trying to buy presidency' embarrassing us all in their debates, in this America still in swaddling clothes, fallen so many times, but trying at time to overcome the genocide, the enslaving of stolen Africans, the constant disappearing of millions to overthrow S. and Central American leaders, ensuring horrible dictators for the American corporations, but yet, my America, your America, we've tried in our own lives many ways to save by building different commuities, watching them grow. To be in another country seeing - what - is it Superman --- is it....... it is, it's sanity!!!!!! (not that all other governments are perfect, but America was begining to get Reptilian scales showing along it's back) - And then these governments took a look, and another look, and found there WAS a plausible candidate.............they can sleep at nights now, in France, England, Germany and Sweden!!!


What A Life!

i swear, i'll die from having a rich life! last night (Jan. 21, 2008) quite a few people showed up for my campaign speech...especially considering it was a rainy holiday night. a guy came with a campaign song he had written for me...i had him sing it. then Tom Sanders read his introduction of me.

here's what DA BOYZ wrote:
"It was lots of fun setting up for the gig, putting up all the banners, etc., seeing Tom Sanders arrive, Carl Lasagna! ... and then before you knew it, it was beginning!

It was very cozy in that little alcove, and Tom's intro to Frank was fiery, poetic and right on! And then Frank's "speech", which, translated into our reality, was more of a journey into an alternative model of reality, through Frank/this life into new governing models, new social models, new approaches to public service, and then back again into Frank and us ... What other candidate does, or even could, use his own family/community as an example in this way? It was really deep, and we were saying later that it took a certain special kind of person to be able to grill a candidate presenting such a vision. We felt that most people, including ourselves, were too much overtaken by the feeling/vision of these possibilities to even begin to think critically about them, or maybe also, wouldn't want to! Carl Bryant or Gerald were people who could do it! It was amazing that the young guy and gal had been following Frank's campaign, that he had even bought the t-shirt, and came to the event from a flier! And we loved what Stefan said about Frank's piece, after spending two hours watching the "leading" democratic candidates say nothing, and take a lot longer to say it. It was neat to find out later that there were several other folks sitting in the main eating area who had come specifically for Frank's campaign stop ..."

and tomorrow the swedish tv crew is coming back for more shooting. and now a british disability magazine has asked me to write a piece (for pay!) about my running for president. amazing!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Monday, February 04, 2008


Speech given at Cafe Leila in Berkeley, January 21, 2008.

Let’s first get personal. For about 40 years, I have lived tribally/communally. Now the 6 of us live together in two houses [one of which we built] on a street in Berkeley with 4 cats. Linda and I have been together for over 35 years. Michael has been with us for 20 years…as have Corey and Alexi. Erika joined us 6 years ago. We live as a tribal body. This tells you that I will expand concepts such as a family and family values. My relationships have always been what I am about. So we put our personal relationships and one another first. This opens up possibilities and expands our ability to use opportunities.

I have always been dumb to what is impossible. So I just figure how to do the “impossible.” I have been doing this all my life! I am 61. I was born with cerebral palsy. I communicate using a laser-pointer and a board of letters, numbers and commonly-used words. But I am a host of a popular public access TALK show. Go figure it! So now I am setting my sights, as president, on eliminating poverty, hunger, war, etc. Impossible, eh?

When I was born, doctors told my parents that I had no intelligence, that I had no future, that I would be best put into an institution and be forgotten. This was a powerful expectation with all the force of western science and medicine as well as social influences, behind it. It would have been easy for my parents to be swept up into this expectation. Then that expectation would have created my reality. I would have long ago died without any other possibilities.

Instead, my parents rejected this expectation for the possibility they saw in my eyes, for what for them should have been true. This rejection of the cultural expectation of reality could not be a one time choice. They had to passionately live their choice everyday, every minute, or the cultural expectation would have sucked them and me into it. It fought them at every new possibility they opened to me. Their passionate commitment to how they thought things should be attracted people to me who kept opening new possibilities for me. Of course, these were in the minority. But I focused on them, making them how people should be, how I wanted to be. So I expected people and myself to be like that. So people were for the most part that least I saw them that way. This opened up to me what is called luck. It also gave me the ability to trust and the ability to use opportunities.

So the struggle for freedom, and against the powers-that-be has been my life. And it has been a continuous struggle, struggling with schools to let me in, etc. I have always been a radical. But that became obvious when I was 18 and invented my head pointer with which I type and communicate…I started writing political columns for the high school paper…as well as putting out an underground paper. I was in the first special class placed on a regular high school campus so that the disabled students could be in regular classes and be a part of campus life. I was involved in the civil rights and anti-war movements. This was 1965…before it was popular to be against the Vietnam War. In the school paper I got into a debate with a GI in Vietnam. I was sat down and told that, because of my political philosophy and activities, I was hurting the chances of the disabled students who would come after me. I replied that the goal was to get the rights for the disabled [and for all people] to be complete and equal…and that included the right to be political. I would not surrender that, or any other, right.

So I started doing political columns for underground newspapers, joined Students for Democratic Society and The Peace and Freedom Party. I did political pranks…such as rolling in my wheelchair into the Marines Recruiting Office to join, offering to push the BUTTON with my head pointer. But after the Kent State killings, I switched from straight politics to art, performance, and community building as my tools for effecting social change. In the early 90s I and five other performance artists were targeted by Sen. Jesse Helms in what is commonly seen as the first battle of the cultural wars. This placed me in a great position to fight for our freedoms!

I follow where opportunities lead, without limiting goals or pictures of what things should look like or where they should lead to. We here have many different projects going on at once…in addition to the “day job.” I’m always writing, painting, making movies, playing in my band The Cherotic All-Stars, performing, doing a weekly cable/internet talk/variety show. That has always been the case. In the mid-70s in Santa Fe I started a workshop which combined intimacy and theater. This turned into a communal performance group which moved to N.Y.C. A few years later, we moved to Berkeley, where I combined the workshop with relationship counseling, creating an extremely successful practice. But this too morphed into a communal performance group of 30 people. Among our productions was The Outrageous Beauty Revue which ran for over three years at the San Francisco punk club The Mabuhay.

The 90s found me touring the U.S. and Canada doing performances and lecturing. My writings started being published. I was also busy making films. By 1991 we were publishing the popular zine The Cherotic [r]evolutionary. When the internet became available, we were among the first to have streaming audio and video on our A live weekly show, The Shaman’s Den, which I was doing on one of the first internet radio stations quickly dragged us into starting our own internet station,, which quickly evolved into a powerful 24/7 uncensored channel for change. We have expanded onto public access cable television, cell phones, etc. And now I am running for president!

OK, let us get to the meat!

We invaded Iraq on lies or blunders…take your pick. Almost everyone…with a few notable and impeachable exceptions…now agree that we should not have invaded Iraq. I would bring our troops home now. If someone tells you that s/he will stay in a failed marriage to avoid admitting mistakes, hoping things will somehow improve…you would rightfully question that person’s judgment.

I will change this country’s self-image from that of THE SUPER POWER/ WORLD LEADER to that of a member of the global community. I will cut our military budget by at least half.

While going into Afghanistan had more of a logic to it than our invasion of Iraq, I would withdraw our troops from there and work through the U.N. Our interests aren’t served by having our troops there.

We need to stop supporting dictators. On the nuclear issue, we need to get rid of double standards. We need to treat all nations with the same expectations, be it Pakistan, Israel, France, the U.S., Iran, etc. In other words, my policies would be even-handed. I will join the rest of the world in pressuring Israel to live up to treaties, and to dismantle its nuclear arms. I will use the “special relationship” between Israel and the U.S. to motivate Israel to do this.

I will work for the global shutting down of all nuclear reactors and dismantling of all nuclear [and biological and chemical] weapons. I will start this in the U.S. All countries should be expected to live under the same rules….not one set for the “super powers” and another for the “developing” nations like Iran. I will push for a global development of clean, safe energy sources as alternatives to nuclear power.

Anything/everything could be a “potential threat”…except the things that are in fact threats now. Seeing things as “potential threats” is a sign of insanity. It blocks the effective dealing with real and present threats. It creates the fog of fear. Iran is not a threat to the U.S. now or in the short-term future. So there is time and opportunity to revert Iran from the nuclear path by giving Iran other options. Frankly nuclear used for energy and nuclear used for weapons are both dangerous.

We have been robbed during the recent years of many of our rights and freedoms. I will have repealing parties in the White House, scrapping all the rules and policies in every department and agency which infringe on our rights, freedoms, privacy, health and welfare. We will have similar parties in both houses of Congress to repeal bad laws such as the so-called Patriot Act. We will return to the common English language in which “torture” means torture. I will declassify documents which were classified to hide questionable actions rather than to protect the real national interests. I will push the Justice Department to investigate the war on The Left by the F.B.I. since the 60’s.

The Department of Homeland Fear… I mean Security…has been a disaster, a con job on a massive scale. I will junk it. Terrorism is a criminal matter. It should be dealt with as such, not as a war. We shouldn’t abandon our principles, freedoms, rights, The Constitution and The Bills of Rights to live in fear. The F.B.I. is supposed to investigate crime…not to keep the people in line. The C.I.A. is supposed to gather information outside this country, and not to manipulate events. Whenever there is an attempt to fudge the limits of power for convenience of “safety,” we the people get screwed.

I would end the so-called war on drugs. The use of drugs should be legalized and taxed. Pot and spirits should be sold over the counter to adults only. Tobacco and other addictive drugs should be sold by prescription only. Free drug rehab programs should be readily available. So the D.E.A. can be greatly reduced.

Prisons should be only for violent or otherwise dangerous criminals. Prisons should be a part of the health and education system and should include drug rehab programs. This should also be true for the new creative in-community programs for non-violent criminals for paying back, rehab, and education sentencing. These programs will be more effective and much less expensive and harmful to the community on every level than the current human warehouse system. Flexibility of sentencing should be returned to judges. I will ban the death penalty.

Basically the law enforcement agencies should be the servants of the people, protecting our rights, freedoms, and welfare instead of the servants of the rich, the corporations, the status quo, and the powers-that-be. I would de-militarize the police departments.

I’ll do away with welfare, medicare and social security. Instead, every American will receive a minimum income of $1,000 a month. This amount will be tied to the cost of living and will not be taxable.

We will have universal prenatal-to-the-grave health care and universal free education with equal access.

The universal health care would include all medicine, medical equipment and supplies, long-term care, personal attendants, etc. There will be no pre-authorization ritual. So your doctor will be free to prescribe whatever you need. There may be a review of treatment afterward if there are any questions. Everybody will have the same care as the President now has. Preventative medicine will be stressed and the so-called alternative medicine will be included. You will notice that health insurance companies are not in this picture!

I’ll do away with all tax deductions for over $12,000 income. Instead, there will be a flat tax of 10% on annual income of less than one million dollars for an individual and less than five million dollars for a corporation. But the flat tax will jump to 75% on annual income exceeding these limits.

Now my policies are pro-business. The universal education system will provide business with a superior, flexible work force. The minimum income and the universal health care will remove the business’s burden of providing health insurance and pensions to workers. In reality, this relief will be much more than any tax cut could give. Moreover the minimum income will make the starting and maintaining of a small business much easier. This is also true for small family farms. The minimum income will encourage independent invention and artistic pursuit, on which true progress depends.

The guaranteed minimum income of $1,000 a month adjusted to the cost of living is meant to be a safety net rather than a replacement for work. I think most want to work…in an expanded concept of work. But to get a true feeling of what it would be like if you had to live on your minimum income, you have to crank in that you wouldn’t pay for health care, education, mass transit, etc. It all adds up. The combined minimum income couple…or a single parent with a child…would be $2,000 a month. This should provide a realistic basic living. This allows the single parent the option of being home doing the important work of raising a child. But free childcare provided by the universal free education system would open a whole host of new possibilities to the single parent.

The minimum income would encourage people to form the cooperative communal family [of all kinds] groupings who pool their incomes together…using their minimum incomes as a base to create more nourishing homes, to start and maintain small businesses. These communal groupings will be much more financially stable, emotionally nourishing, and environmentally friendly than today’s common isolating model of living.

It is all about caring and choice. If a senior wants to stay in her own home, the $1,000 a month will make that possible as will the home attendants provided by the healthcare system. This is also true if she wants to live with her family or in communal housing. This will actually be much cheaper than the scary mess we have now. The warehouse nursing home will be a thing of the past. Seniors will be an important, active element of every part of our society. We need everyone actively involved. We simply cannot afford on any level to warehouse portions of our population. It is a waste of potential!

Some people have expressed concerns that the guaranteed minimum income would drain people’s productivity. They ask why people would work. What they are really asking is why people would work without the whip of fear of hunger and poverty. They never ask this about the rich or the corporations, only about the working class and the poor. In reality most people want to work, want to contribute, want to improve their lives. Hunger, poverty, and fear drain productivity. If we are to survive, we need to end hunger, poverty, and fear.

The guaranteed minimum income will tend to keep wages in general higher and working conditions safer and more worker-friendly. This was also true for welfare and was the true root of the capitalist opposition to welfare.

The guaranteed minimum income will be very different from welfare. Everyone will get it. So there will be no stigma attached to getting it. There will be no red tape, no entrapping rules, no case workers drained of their humanity, and the rest of the demeaning rituals of enforced head-bowing associated with getting public assistance. The guaranteed minimum income will be something you get as a citizen, something you can depend on.

I get S.S.I., Med-cal, and money for a home attendant. People say they don’t mind the truly unfortunates who obviously can’t work getting welfare…but all of those lazy bums getting rich on welfare who could get a job…you know the line of thinking. Well, I am what they are picturing as the truly unfortunate. But in reality I can and do do many things. I can’t get a job, not because of my body, but because I would lose my S.S.I., Medi-Cal, and my money for a home attendant. This is an example of how the system is set up to not work and how the people get blamed for it not working. It is hard and scary living on so-called welfare. This is not true for me….at least not as much. I’m a punk, have built a support network of friends, doctors, etc. When I get a threatening letter [they are always threatening] informing me I must go to this certain doctor within two weeks to get a brain cat-scan [for which I would need to get knocked out] to prove I still have cerebral palsy or lose all my benefits, I with Linda can get on the phone and politely but firmly guide the over-worked case manager to turn the pages of my file to find the last yearly visit to check that a miracle hadn’t occurred. But most people in that position are much more vulnerable than I am. They are on their own, without a support network, etc. I don’t know how they survive. I know Nancy, a college student with cerebral palsy in a wheelchair, needing assistance with feeding, drinking, going to the bathroom, etc. She is determined to live independently. But her S.S.I. check is barely livable small. Her attendant hours [at minimum wage] are less than half of what she really needs. So she has to wait for a drink of water. She wears a catheter although it causes infection [hence will probably shorten her life]. To add insult to injury, there is a threat that her needed supplies will be unclassified as medical equipment and will no longer be funded. Because most doctors and hospitals do not accept Medi-Cal patients [because of red tape, low payment, and insane rules], she has to travel hours to the county hospital to wait more hours to be seen. But she keeps on doing what she has to do in order to stay in the game of life rather than being stuck in an institution…which would cost us much more than keeping her out with us. Out here, we can hear her poetry, see her perform. Most people on public assistance do contribute to society. They raise families, do art and music, push for change, etc.

The truth is the system is designed for failure, for easy scapegoats and decoys. As I am writing this, I see the governor of California is again threatening to cut S.S.I., Medi-Cal, home attendants, etc. Well, the web work of the guaranteed minimum income, a livable wage, the universal health care and the life-long education systems will be designed to work. And because everybody will be covered by this web work, this web work will be much harder to screw up!

I will cut the military budget by at least half and use half of the savings to pay down the national debt. I will shrink the federal bureaucracy and again use half of the savings for this pay down.

Basically the problem is not a lack of money, but what we have spent our money on…war, pork, waste, etc. It has been a standard trick to distract us with supposed waste, fraud, etc. in the social programs while milking us out of billions in military waste, corporate welfare, etc.

Again, the minimum income of $1,000 a month for every citizen will give people money to spend, save, invest, or pool with others to create more effective financial communities which will open up a wide range of opportunities for the average person…to start small businesses, to stay on the family farm, to do art, to raise kids, etc. Free health care [which will include long-term care, home attendants, medicine, etc.], free life time education [including child care], free mass transit, etc. will in effect put more real money in the pocket of the average person. But more importantly the fear of the future will fade, releasing what is now horded away for old age, for when your health fails you, for your kid’s education…releasing the knot in your belly of knowing that no matter how much you manage to save [if any] it will not be enough.

So write in Frank Moore for President and Susan Block for Vice President on election day! For more information, go to and

I know it's a frame of mind ...

Lanaia Lee wrote:
i know it's a frame of mind but saying you are 50 or 60 is very hard to believe. i would really like to talk with you some time, get to know you, if you get president will you legalize cannibus? lol, then you have my vote!

Frank Moore wrote:
i'm 62 and sing at punk clubs! yes, legalizing drugs is an important part of my platform.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

"8 crazy presidential hopefuls you have never heard of and why you should probably vote for them