Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


As Children of Sex, our future is integrated, right down to our DNA. We are gradually achieving what I call "integration through sex" at all levels of the human population. Only integration through sex will bring an end to the evils of racism once and for all. Besides, mixing genes tends to be sexier and stronger than keeping them "pure," a shining human example of this being Democratic U.S. Presidential nominee Barack Obama, riding high upon the strong, sexy shoulders of hope and change. Here, perhaps, is an American - attractive, brilliant, tremendously charismatic, very progressive for a national politician, and maybe even enlightened - who can heal our battered nation after the Bush II Reign of Terror.

Barack Obama

I like Obama, and I'd endorse him, except he’s just not the best candidate for the job. Of course, John “War Machine” McCain is far worse. But the best candidate for the job right now is Frank Moore (running as a write-in candidate on a ballot near you), and I just happen to be his running mate :-).

Moore/Block in 2008

So check out Frank's platform and if you like what you read, vote for us.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ALL I WANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY ARE ELECTORS!...[although i'll gladly accept other things as well!]

today i'm 62. last week [a.k.a. THE WEB OF ALL POSSIBILITIES] turned 12! how time flies! several thousand people explore us each and every day! amazing!

anyhow....COME SATURDAY!






1200 Curtis St. , Berkeley
(510) 526-7858 •

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

did i mention carl is cute and amazing?

Photos here.




Another amazing day on the campaign trail! Saturday I spoke in the square of a large co-op community in San Francisco...signing up electors and exploring the issues in very deep discussions.

Carl was waiting at the entrance to the parking lot when we arrived ... we got there at about 9:15. We drove down and he showed us the office, and we helped us unload, and start to put stuff up before he needed to go set up the hotdogs, etc. It was a set-up challenge without the tent routine we were used to, with its ready-made places to attach everything, but such a beautiful location. We scoped out spots for the swag, for Frank and the speech location, and set David up right next to Frank, in the only place we could see that there might be shade througout the day. It was so great that it worked out!

We were hustling! At about 10:30, a couple of older women arrived in the office just as Corey was about to start blowing up all the balloons. It turned out they had a meeting scheduled in there, which the moderator said was very important, and it wouldn't work very well to have too many distractions. It turns out that they are a grounds & buildings planning committee for the Square, and were discussing a major painting project on all the buildings. Corey told her that all he needed to do was to blow up the balloons inside so that he could blow them all up and they wouldn't fly away. She said ok, if I get a balloon!! Corey said ok! He ended up blowing them up outside because the helium tank was loud, and then would carry them inside and tie the ribbons on them. Once he had put up all the balloons, he carried one red balloon over near their meeting table, and indicated to her that it was for her, and she probably thought that it had been a joke between them, but was happily surprised to get the balloon!

Before we knew it, the candidate had arrived, and you guys were rolling down into the square. David the notary had arrived at about 11:30, and came back at noon to set up his stuff. What a great guy. It was so neat how he was happy to stay, and seemed to really be listening to Frank, especially the speech, really taking it all in ... The conversation between Frank, Carl and Mike was really great! And the whole process of David notarizing all the electors and then notarizing Frank's forms for Indiana, Kansas, Maryland and Washington was really fun. A really fun day! And then to hear all the history of the Square from Carl, and their ideas about how to take care of the people needing assisted living, and the way that some have had to sell off all of their possessions to qualify for the public assisted living available in SF ... really fascinating. It was amazing to hear how the Square had started as a project of the Longshoreman's Union. Alexi said later that there was a plaque inside the office that basically said that the Square was established in 1963 to create a model of how people from different backgrounds, ethnicities and incomes could all live together in community where those things were not dividing people. It was really interesting to see how the choice to make the Square co-op a "fair market value" co-op as opposed to a "low-to-middle income co-op" set up the kinds of changes that have been occurring all over ... the value of all the units gets really high, excluding the very kinds of people who lived there originally, and who still need housing, and making it so only the wealthier can move in ... going against the original idea of the Longshoreman's ...

Then you guys were off, and we were breaking down the set ... always a trip to see the site of a FM4Prez event morph back into its original state. Carl helped us pack everything up, and he distributed balloons and hotdogs to folks around the square. We gave the flowers to Carl, which he really liked, and he took them up to his apartment, to Tammy, saying, "Now she can't say I never give her flowers!"

Mike was back again to lock up the office, and he said, "Good show, guys." We hugged Carl goodbye, and soon were on the road. We were wiped! Pleasantly wiped!

speak for us in southern ohio we need you

From: c s
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 5:40 AM
Subject: speak for us in southern ohio we need you

Dear mr. moore i have campaigned for you intensly here in southern ohio and you have a growing popularity in southern ohio. we need you to come to our town hall meeting on july 7 or aug 4th let us know what needs done to get you here but you can make a change and we believe your philosophies it is your time please respond back.

Frank Moore wrote:
this warms me! thanks for working for the vision for a more humane society. what are the reactions you are getting from people when you campaign for me?

btw, to qualify to be a write-in candidate in ohio, i need 20 people there willing to be my electors. i was wondering if you would be my elector and/or know others who would. if you will be my elector, i just need your name, "voting residence address", city, zip code and county.

now i am running this campaign with extremely little money...which means we do not have any money for travel. but i would love to take part in your town hall meeting virtually. this week i guest lectured in a college class in australia this way! we would be here webcasting in live streaming video via our web station to your event so that you there can see/hear us. we can hear you via phone. if that sounds good to you, we can work out the details. one advantage to this is anyone in the world could listen to the town meeting via

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


For photos visit this page.

Campaigning can be just plain/pure fun…and risky as hell! Yesterday was a case in point when we took the campaign onto the San Francisco Bay itself. We have been planning this cruise for months with Rich Kerbavaz, my ear doctor for over 25 years...and one of my favorite people to be with. We were concerned it would be freezing…especially when the weather reports earlier in the week were predicting cold weather. Well, I have this thing we call WEATHER KARMA that shifts the weather whenever I go out. But this time I over did it and we had record heat of 99 degrees! Da Boyz saved my life by body blocking the sun all afternoon.

When I got there, there appeared to be no way for me to get on the Mood Indigo….except by being hoisted in a little canvas sling…which I thought I couldn’t sit in. but I said FUCK IT! And up I went high…and across…and forward…and down! And so started the amazing cruise of the 6 of us and Rich…and I hope there will be CRUISE 2!


The morning of the boat trip! We were up at around 8 or so, got things started up, and wrote the day and had eggs and toast ... Soon Corey headed down with jackets and the shirt for Frank, and then went on to BNG for those last important snacks!

Alexi was already starting on the sandwiches, starting with frying up Linda's bbq tempeh in onions and garlic and bbq sauce! Slicing bread ... When Corey got back, he wrote up tags for all the sandwiches, made the carrot sticks, washed lettuce, cut tomatoes ... it was a sandwich factory! Yummm ... As much time as we had, we were still getting ready up to the last minute, gathering supplies, getting the press materials together for our Frank Moore for President paper airplane deliveries from the side of the boat!

Erika was back here and ready to go ... the last task was filling the water jugs with ice, which we had to crush first before they would even fit through the spout! It was hot!! The ice did not last very long ... And soon we were on our way, and were there in no time ...

What a beautiful day for a sailing adventure ... but hot!! So much fun to cart our stuff out through the boats all the way down to Rich's great catamaran, Mood Indigo. Erika had put on her sunblock on the car ride over, and once we had reached the boat, we did the same ... about 5 minutes later the sunblock was already dripping down into our eyes! It was so hot! Lots of fun decorating the boat ... just so much fun being out on a boat on the water on such a beautiful day ... if the water were cleaner, we would have been diving in!

And then we saw you guys rolling in with Rich, Corey grabbed the camera to record the approach of the Frank Moore for President entourage, approaching the official campaign boat tour of the bay! fun fun fun! What an experience getting Frank onto the boat in the canvas sling, Rich winching him up over the side, and basically swinging him down into the boat, Corey holding him from falling backwards, and Linda, Mikee and Erika getting the chair into the boat meanwhile, and Alexi holding the end of the rope as backup for Rich! The adventure had begun!

Soon Rich and Mikee were untying the boat from the dock, and we were motoring away, out through all the docked boats there in the Alameda Marina ... a guy working on his boat called out, "He's got my vote!"

What a totally fun and wonderful day ... every part of it ... motoring out through the estuary watching the huge freight ships being loaded by the Empire Strikes Back monster machines ... Rich put Alexi at the wheel, and was giving us interesting bits of trivia and info about what we were passing ... We went past Jack London Square, a lot of folks in other boats saw the Frank Moore for President banner as we passed by, lots of waving! We all checked out what it was like out on the front of the boat ... so much fun! Cool, relaxing, beautiful ... a whole different space ... time evaporating ...

We went under the bay bridge, saw the unfinished section of the new bridge ... amazing to see these things from underneath! And then there was enough wind to really sail, and Rich set everything up, turned the engine off, and soon we were flying!! It was really something to lie down on the front deck of the boat while we sailed, looking up at the sail and the sky, feeling the movement of the boat, feeling the water splash up ...

We did a big circle around Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island ... Rich showing us all the sights ... bay bridge, alcatraz, the golden gate, Sausalito, Tiburon in the distance ... then our main view was the city of San Francisco for a while ... such a trip to see everything from a sailboat ... so free, relaxed, outside of the normal course of modern life!! Yes, the Frank Moore campaign is coming to your town, by sailboat! Soft pirates!

Soon we broke out the amazing sandwiches Alexi had made, chips, carrot sticks ... it was just the perfect thing. We ate and sailed gently back under the bay bridge, eating ... the late afternoon sun was intense, and we all took turns being human sunblocks for Frank while he finished eating ... and took turns up on the front of the boat where it was cooler ... picture-postcard views of the sun sinking in the west behind the golden gate bridge ... cookies!

Then we were slowly making our way back through the estuary ... Alexi saw some rabbits in the naval airbase fields! We saw pelicans, and all sorts of seabirds ... Rich pointed out the Friday evening boat races that were starting up ... and soon we were docking again, and the adventure of getting Frank up and out of the boat and plunk down into his chair! Not bad! It was still hot! We unloaded the boat, and Rich packed things away, and soon we were making our way out of the docks, passing a guy on his boat, the SS Jerryatric, playing solitaire on a laptop ... what a life! And then we were packing up the cars, saying goodbye to Rich. Boy it would be fun to do that again!


A few final things and then Corey and Alexi and I were off to the boat. We made it there in good time and unloaded all the stuff to the gate and then once in the gate found these great little carts we could use to take our stuff out to the boat, good thing cause we had a lot of stuff. We ventured out onto the docks, what an adventure, so many boats, making our way to the end of a row and there was the boat!!! Wow!! We climbed aboard and opened it up and checked it all out, an area to sit in, three little bedroom areas and a little bathroom! Wow!!! How would we ever get Frank up onto the boat the sides were pretty high, well we weren't going to think about it and hoped that Kerbavaz had a plan. We got started on the decorating!! We put up the Frank Moore for Pres banner on one side of the boat and the peace flag on the other and then red, white and blue triangle garlands all down the two sides of the boat. We put up a little bit of bunting and then wrapped the poles with red, white and blue striped crape paper garlands. It looked like a presidential boat!!!! We were just finishing up the decorating and could see you arriving with Kerbavaz on land headed to the boat!! How were we going to get Frank on the boat. Kerbavaz had ideas, had talked to people about how to do it and we decided on a hoist and pulley method and we held onto Frank and swept him up into the air and then down the side of the boat into the back cabin, and then lifted Frank's wheelchair over the side of the boat, wow, we did it!!! It didn't look like we could but we did it!! It was a good thing we did not know how we were going to do it beforehand!!! We got settled on the boat in the shade and soon we were off. As we left the docks a guy on his boat said that Frank had his vote!! first with the motor on coasting slowly down the channel with Alameda on one side and Jack London Square on the other side checking out all the sights. There was a woman who went by on a boat and gave us the thumbs up. We checked out the front of the boat where you could sit right by the water as it splashed up at you. Alexi took the steering wheel for quite a while and Mikee took pictures. It was so fun to be out on the water in a boat hearing the water lapping up against the side of the boat and experiencing the wakes from other boats, splashing up and down. We made our way out further into the bay and then under the bay bridge, wow, experiencing the bay in a whole new way. Seeing San Francisco from the water in a boat. Once we passed under the bay bridge and were out a ways it was time to put up the sails and cut the motor, so it got quietier but in the wind and with the sails the ride got exciting as we splashed around in the water and holding onto Frank's wheel chair as it would jump up in the front when we hit a wave!!! Super fun! We circled around and then got in a calmer area still with the sails up, now just floating along. Throughout the day Kerbavaz told us about some of his sailing trips and how he goes out with his family for the weekend and sometimes they sleep at the docks in the boat. He sailed to Mexico once and also up through the Panama canal and he told us about sailing at night under the stars. In the calmer waters we decided to have our sandwiches which Alexi had made which were delicious with carrot sticks and potato chips followed by cookies!!! It was really fun to eat on the boat. Then we headed back slowly Mikee, Corey and Alexi taking turns standing up to block Frank from the sun, and we all checked out the front of the boat again where it was so fun to sit right up by the water! When we got back it was time to hoist Frank back out of the boat and it went a little smoother the 2nd time knowing that we had already done it and thinking of ways we could make it easier next time. We unloaded all of our stuff and headed to our cars. What a fun day it had been out on the boat and we were already talking about our next trip and seeing if Carl and Tammy would like to come!!! When we got home it was super hot in the house and the cats were so hot, the house was like an oven. Turned out it was the hottest day in 35 years!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The "US Presidential Write-In Candidate Requirements" blog is

Corey Nichol wrote:
Check out how to become a write-in candidate for President in the United States from Alabama to Wyoming:

Frank Moore wrote:
extremely impressive work, corey! this campaign is generating a lot of things that expose and open things up! you/we have been working on this for months, calling each state, pinning them down, etc.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Colorado electors

From: Blue House
Do we know anyone in Colorado? ... I think we nixed CO at the beginning because we needed 9 electors who would have to sign forms ... but was just going through everything again, wondering if we wanted to try and contact anyone ...?

Frank Moore wrote:

does anybody live in colorado or know anyone who does?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


does anybody know anyone living in florida who might be willing to be my elector? we need just the names and addresses of only 27 people. but we need them by the end of august!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

electors in AZ and OH

Jen & Nic wrote:
Julie in LA is from AZ and has family in OH so she is going to see if anyone she knows in those states will be electors.

Frank Moore wrote:
that will help! we only need a few more in ohio to qualify! we really need people to give us their friends/families/whatever in our target states who might be willing to be electors.

would julie be an elector?



Colorado electors needed!

Corey Nicholl wrote:
Do we know anyone in Colorado? ... I think we nixed CO at the beginning because we needed 9 electors who would have to sign forms ... but was just going through everything again, wondering if we wanted to try and contact anyone ...?

Frank Moore wrote:
Calling people in colorado! i need you!

NY elector

Frank Marcopolos wrote:
Hi Frank, Wred Fright in OH referred me to you. I am willing to be an elector for you in New York.


Frank Marcopolos
Brooklyn, NY

Frank Moore wrote:
great, frank! i'll put you on the n.y. elector list. actually n.y. is one of the easiest states to qualify in as a write-in candidate. to qualify, i just needed one elector. the rest of the n.y. electors come into action when/if i win n.y.

i need electors still in az., calif., conn., d.c., florida, ky., maine, mass., mich., missouri, n.c., texas, no.dakota, and some more in ohio. please tell people in those states!

and please pass out my platform to people!

now on a different subject...i run a web station it is almost 10 years old [before that i published the zine the cherotic [r]evolutionary]. if you send us cds, tapes, dvds, videos, mp3s of your music, poetry, whatever, we'll play it on luver.

Frank Moore
P.O. Box 11445
Berkeley, CA 94712

and fright, i want you on my live luver show on your next west coast tour!


Richard C Mongler wrote:
I got fired from my old job and a bunch of bills started catching up, so I had to sacrifice internet, phone and power to buy food and afford electricity... But I'm back now, so, did I miss anything? Any updates with your campaign?

Frank Moore wrote:
bet my $1,000 a month guaranteed minimum income sounds pretty good right now, eh?

a lot has happened! see my blog for updates.

Richard C Mongler wrote:
Yeah it does sound pretty good... Wow, looks like your campaign is doing pretty well right now.

Frank Moore wrote:
yep, and we have a shit load of campaign events all month! hope we survive!

Richard C Mongler wrote:
Haha, good luck... I've actually noticed that indie candidates are getting more and more coverage and more and more people are voting for them... Look at Ralph Nader, that man was covered more then some first party candidates at first. It's a sign of change...

Frank Moore wrote:

Hey, Catty

Frank Moore wrote:
do you still live in chicago? would you be my elector?

Cathleen Loud wrote:
I do, and I'd be honored to be your elector!

I googled it, and it seems easy enough. What shall I provide you to get it going?


Frank Moore wrote:
well, it turns out that you need to do nothing until i win il. the hoop in il. is we have to apply to each county, rather than to the state. that would be time-consuming and expensive. so we will apply to the counties with the most people.

what you can do is give people copies of my platform...

Thanks for your support, catty!

thanks, annie!

Subject: thanks, annie!
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 10:55:24 -0700
From: Frank Moore
To: Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D.

your elector form just arrived! the forms are starting to trickle in. it's an up-hill thing. but i think we will get there!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Annie Sprinkle wrote:

Frank Moore:
yep, annie! it may be the "best" performance i have ever done. when i started this 2 years ago this month, i didn't know/realize how effective, real, and multi-dimensional it would become...and how much work it would be! but that is always the case. i just follow the bread crumbs!

Another State!

we are now an official write-in candidate in minnesota! we keep adding states!

Running for President in Arkansas - Ballot Access Denied for Write-in Candidates


Healthcare plan comparison grid

ah, yes! compare! kick my tires! take me for a test drive!

Compare my healthcare plan to those of John McCain, Hillary
Clinton, and Barack Obama here

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Jen & Nic wrote:
Your healthcare plan DEMOLISHES the others!!!

Frank Moore wrote:
yep, we are setting the bar high! and it's all very doable.

howdy y'all......

Jerome (Mutant Press) wrote:
hi frank

nice to hear from you....wouldn't that do kind of a ralph nader thing to obama??

we will sign your paper...but only because...we love you..

best wishes always

jerome & co.

Frank Moore wrote:
great, jerome! love is a good reason to do it! it will give Texans the opportunity [i think it's our right] to have their vote for me counted. i am flattered that you think i will get enough votes to effect the election under the nader theory [if we accept that theory]. i would have to get thousands of votes to have that effect. i was thinking i'd get a few hundred. but you might be right! but each vote for me brings the world we want closer to reality. again my electors can vote for anybody in the general election. if another candidate has a better platform than mine, vote for him/her...i would!

now down to business! can you get other electors? We need 34 electors in Texas to fill out elector forms, which are available online at The forms do not need to be notarized, and are straightforward, but they do ask for the applicant's "VOTER REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE NUMBER". Every registered voter in Texas is supposed to receive a "voter registration certificate" when they register to vote, which they are supposed to bring with them to the polls (this is what the texas secretary of state website says!). The number is on that certificate.

The forms can either be printed out and filled out by hand, or you can actually fill them out online, and then print the completed form. Then all you need to do is sign it! and then mail them to me.
Frank Moore
P.O. Box 11445
Berkeley, CA 94712

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

thank you!

Lena Potapova wrote:
Hi Frank,

Thank you for listening to my music that Ariel sent to you! I just packed CDs and a cool t-shirt for you, will mail out tomorrow. Would you like a custom mp3 with "Luver Radio" in it?
Also, please let me know if you would like to be added to my mailing list (feel free to add me, too).


Frank Moore wrote:
make that t-shirt as large as possible! and yes on the mp3.

Lena Potapova wrote:
Hi Frank,

Yes, I adored your radio (even more so, I just put a blob in my Twitter/Facebook about you. Still waiting for large t-shirts form the factory. Please put me on your mailing list, and if you'd like to be on mine, please let me know.


Frank Moore wrote:
want to be in my e-mail community, the e-salon?

Lena Potapova wrote:

Do you want to join my ummm e-club? Hahahaha

Btw I was reading our platform. The only thing that I absolutely don't agree with is 75% tax for rich people. It takes a lot of work and diligence and smarts to make good money, why do you want to punish people who are up for the challenge? The rest is peachy.


Frank Moore wrote:
well, it isn't to "punish" rich people. it is to get back to common wealth rather than wealth, to induce the break up of the big corporations, to bring back the control of our society to us the people, to turn away from greed and distorting huge profits, and shift the burden of paying for our common good to the ability to pay. all of this will open up a great wealth of new opportunities for everybody.

frankly, most of "the rich" make out very well under my plan. in your personal life, do you know anybody making a million dollars a year? i don't. but i would call that person RICH. and that person would pay at the 10% tax rate. not bad! the everybody else...will get $12,000 tax-free each year, free health-care and education, etc. businesses won't have to provide health-care or pensions to their workers. yep, the rich will do quite well. and the wealth junkies can still make as much money as they want. they will keep 25%!

Lena Potapova wrote:
Oh yes, I know plenty of people who make more than a million a year. They are all sharp, hard-working people. There are certainly evil rich people, but there are also many evil poor people lol
As a matter of fact, one of my most favorite people on earth used to be one of the 25 richest people in America, and the man is an amazing human being. Can you imaging working with the idea that somebody else will take 75% of what you worked hard for? I would get angry, depressed, then violent, in that order :) And if a revolution were not an option, I would immigrate somewhere where I can enjoy the fruit of my hard work.

Greed...I grew up in a "communist" country, I don't have any illusions about the fact that it can not work globally. What happens is everybody gets lazy and stops doing anything, and then it goes to hell. Actually something similar is happening to corporations in the US, ironically.
There certainly may be disparate groups of almost enlightened individuals who can leave in peace and work for a higher cause, but when it gets to masses - does not work. That's my opinion, of course. :)

Anyway, I love you.


Frank Moore wrote:
well, under my platform, you as an individual could direct what your tax dollars will pay for. in russia wasn't the "laziness" rooted in oppression, hopelessness, corruption, and lack of the basics? that is totally different than what i'm offering. also, that's depression on a national scale, not an innate human laziness. true, rich people aren't evil or whatever...just like the poor aren't lazy or whatever. but the concentration of wealth/control/power in the hands of a very few is distorting every aspect of our society in limiting/fatal ways.

what do you like in my platform?

come along with me on the campaign trail!

Frank Moore Write-In Candidate for President 2008
Campaign Stop in San Francisco!

Campaign Stop in San FranciscoFrank will speak about his plan to create a humane, sustainable, and just plain enjoyable society!
Meet the candidate!
Have some snacks!
Get involved in this inspiring campaign!


Saturday, June 7th, 2008
12 noon
In the courtyard located near the corner of Laguna St. and Geary Blvd. in San Francisco
Look for the BALLOONS to guide you to the courtyard!

Directions from the East Bay:
-- After taking the 80 over the bridge, take the 101 Central Fwy off to the right toward the Octavia St. Exit
-- Follow the Central Fwy all the way to the Octavia St. Exit, and go straight
-- Octavia St. ends at Fell St. -- take a left up Fell.
-- Take the first right at Laguna St.
-- Go up Laguna St.
-- You will pass Golden Gate, Turk, Eddy & Ellis Streets
-- The first stop sign before you reach Geary Blvd. is where Laguna intersects Cleary Ct. on the right, and Galilee Ln. on the left. Now you should look for parking. The way to get to thecourtyard from here is to walk down Galilee Ln., which is really a big parking lot. (Parking here is for residents of the apartments only.) At the end of the lot, there is a small tunnel off to the right which leads right into the courtyard. Look for the BALLOONS to guide you to the courtyard!

If you are coming from another direction, you just need to know that the courtyard is tucked into a number of apartment complexes on the south-west corner of Laguna & Geary. There are small lanes that can take you to the courtyard. Off of Laguna St., it is located between Galilee Ln. (which is really a big parking lot), and Western Shore Ln.. Off of Geary, if you are walking east toward Laguna, there are several small lanes that can take you into the courtyard ... Bertie Minor Lane, Lottie Bennett Lane, and Annie Larsen Lane. Look for the BALLOONS to guide you to the courtyard!

Click here for the poster!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

got indiana back!

so we qualified in two states [alaska is the other!] in 2 days!

It's Official!

we are an official write-in candidate in alaska!

candidate announcement

Corey Nicholl wrote:
Hi Gillian (Account Executive - AJC National Advertising),

I was referred to you by Yolanda Turner. I would like to place a candidate announcement in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution with statewide circulation. This is to fulfill the requirements for a write-in candidate for President in the state of Georgia. I am looking for the least expensive way to place this ad ... it can be the smallest type-face, the least expensive day, etc. Can you give me a quote on how much the following ad would cost, run for one day in the very least expensive way? Thank you so much!


"Frank Moore hereby gives notice of his intention to be a write-in candidate for the office of President of the United States in the General Election to be held on November 4, 2008."

Gillian K. Leggett wrote:

Hello Corey

We can certainly help you achieve the requirements listed below.

Our net rates for presidential candidates are:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday - $87.51 per column inch*
Friday or Saturday - $93.69 per column inch*
Sunday - $318.51 per column inch*

*One column inch = 1.73" wide x 1" high

I recommend at least a 2 column inch ad (3.56" wide x 1" high or 1.73" wide by 2" high).

The total net cost to run on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday will be $175.02.

Let me know which size you prefer and on which day you would like to run.
Prepayment would be required.
If we order the ad by 5 p.m. today and release the approved ad by Monday at noon we can make the Tuesday AJC.

I look forward to working with you!


Frank Moore wrote:
that's right, folks...georgia has a requirement [like a speedtrap!] for being a write-in must put an ad in their local paper....costing $175! we need donations!

anti-war music video

Hello Frank,

I've just finished a political song and video that definitely won't be favored by the bush administration. The video features thousands of protesters in various demonstrations of the last 5 years. The message is powerful, presented in good taste and the response, what little I have received, has been all positive.

Bob Kincaid of just added my video to that site. This impressed me because Mr. Kincaid is a very busy man, hosting a national broadcast every monday thru friday and yet still finding the energy to view some guy's video.

I realize that in the flood of new audio and video productions being released every minute of every day, finding the good stuff is difficult. This is the good stuff. Give it a try, share it with your friends and if time permits, send me an email.

Video url:

Also I have a political links page that I just started.
If your interested in exchanging links, let me know.

Vote responsibly, not traditionally...
Benny Skyn

Frank Moore wrote:
mmmm....there is a lot! great song/video! we'll put the youtube link of it on my site...yes, i'm running for president. but if you send it on a dvd to

Frank Moore
P.O. Box 11445
Berkeley, CA 94712

i'll play it both on my web station and on my cable public access show. also send your cds. we'll play them on luver.

do you know kenyata? he puts on the wefest in wilmington. i see you are in n.c. he is also getting me 500 signatures there so i will be a qualified write-in candidate in n.c.

Take It Back by Benny Skye

Health Care

Barb Golden wrote:
have you seen the latest pbs special, it may have been frontline on private prisons.
nothing i did not know before, but all in one place,
horrible. and their conventions!! oy.....tasers and stuff, christ.

Frank Moore wrote:
i'lll close those down!
btw, got your elector form. thanks! electors are starting to come in...especially in ohio! we need people in the other states.

Indiana elector

Saturday, May 10, 2008 2:44 PM
we just got the needed elector in indiana!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Wednesday, May 14 2008 05:08:52
opps! we just lost that elector because of my pro-choice stand!

Arkansas "write-in" candidate procedures

Corey Nicholl wrote:
Hi everyone at Arkansas Indymedia,

I wanted to bring to your attention a ballot access issue in Arkansas that I have uncovered in recent research.

I have been looking at ballot access for write-in Presidential candidates state by state over the past 6 months or so. I have been working with an independent candidate for President who is looking to be qualified for write-in votes in as many states as possible. When I came to Arkansas, I found this on the Secretary of State's Elections Division website:

"Write-in Candidates Write-in candidates are not allowed in presidential, municipal, or primary elections. [ACA §§7-5-525, 7-8-302, 14-43-202]"

It turns out that none of those election codes referenced actually contain any language referring to write-in candidates for President. The election law has remain unchanged since at least the early 70s. Yet there is legal precedent for Arkansas allowing write-in presidential candidates in at least 1972 and 1976.

But when I spoke with the legal counsel of the Arkansas Secretary of State's office, he was not impressed. It did not seem to matter to him that 1) Arkansas is among only a small handful of states that is currently not allowing write-in Presidential candidates, or 2) that there is a precedent in Arkansas for allowing write-in presidential candidates. My question to him was: if the law has remained unchanged since 1972, why is it that the Arkansas Secretary of State allowed Schmitz-Anderson to qualify as a write-in Presidential ticket in 1972 in Arkansas, and Eugene McCarthy to qualify as a write-in Presidential candidate in 1976 ... and yet now is saying that presidential write-ins are not allowed? In South Carolina, for instance, the prohibition of write-in presidential candidates is actually spelled out in their election laws, but there is nothing of the sort in Arkansas.

What do you think of this? Is this an issue that Arkansas indymedia can address, publicize, look into further ...? We are in contact wiith a ballot access expert, Richard Winger, who puts out the publication, "Ballot Access News", who has been helping us look into this, and who is a great resource for looking into this further. Thanks so much for your time, and please let me know what you think of this issue.

-- Corey Nicholl

From: Al (Arkansas Indymedia)
To: Corey Nicholl
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2008 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Imc-ar-ed] Arkansas "write-in" candidate procedures

It would be wonderful if you or someone else did the investigative work on this topic and then did a story on it. Indymedia is about independent journalism; unfortunately, independent journalists cannot always afford the time that it takes in order to come up with good stories. This is certainly my situation right now. So, we are always looking for input from people, such as yourself, who may have the time to develop such a story. If something, as you propose, is published on the website, is informative and well written, it will often get featured for the rest of the indymedia network to see.

As for the situation you describe, it reflects the sad state of affairs that exists in Arkansas and elsewhere.


Frank Moore wrote:
this is just one of the ways our campaign is causing change!

on the campaign trail

We had left a message for Barb about being an elector, and brought the form and instructions with us just in case ... she was way into it, and it was going to be much easier for her to just fill it out and get it notarized herself, and send it back to us. She was glad to do it, and was talking about how great Frank's platform was, how it is like an oasis in a sea of absurdity that the world has become ... she said she looks around and sees people doing crazy things, like carrying their kids around in baby seats instead of in pouches on their backs or stomachs, for "more protection" ... people all bandaged up for carpal tunnel ... everyone afraid ... all to sell products ... but here we are, Frank running for President, outside of that reality completely!