Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Candidate Statement and Biography for Washington State

We submitted this for Washington State to post to their election site, but they won't post info for write-in candidates:

Frank Moore Candidate Statement

My platform provides for a minimum income of $1,000 a month for every citizen, which will give people money to spend, save, invest, or pool with others to create more effective financial communities. This will open up a wide range of opportunities for the average person…to start small businesses, to stay on the family farm, to do art, to raise kids, etc.

My platform also provides for free universal health care [which will include long-term care, home attendants, medicine, etc.], free life time education [including child care], and free mass transit.

These policies will in effect put more real money in the pocket of the average person. But more importantly, the fear of the future will fade, releasing what is now horded away for old age, for when your health fails you, for your kid’s education…releasing the knot in your belly of knowing that no matter how much you manage to save [if any] it will not be enough.

So write in Frank Moore for President and Susan Block for Vice President on election day! For more information, go to

Frank Moore Biography

Frank Moore, 62, is a performance artist, poet, teacher, writer, painter, and musician known world-wide for his experimental art. Moore and four other performance artists were targeted by Senator Jesse Helms in the early 1990s in what is commonly seen as the first battle of the cultural wars. In 1999, Moore started the award-winning web-station Love Underground Visionary Revolution,

Moore was born with cerebral palsy and cannot walk or talk. He communicates using a laser-pointer and board of letters, numbers, and words. Moore sings, plays piano, and hosts a weekly internet show, The Shaman’s Den.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Frank Moore for President in the state of Maryland

Corey Nicholl wrote:
Check out page 2!

Frank Moore wrote:

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Help EFF Continue the Fight Against Warrantless Wiretapping!

From: "Electronic Frontier Foundation"

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 6:00 AM
Subject: Help EFF Continue the Fight Against Warrantless Wiretapping!

> Dear Friend of Freedom,
> In a move that I can only describe as cowardice, Congress
> just passed legislation meant to immunize telephone
> companies for their illegal, disloyal, and irresponsible
> behavior. EFF has been fighting against telecom immunity,
> and we need your help to bring the fight to the next level:
> Two and a half years ago, EFF sued AT&T on behalf of its
> customers, seeking to hold the telecom giant responsible
> for its craven complicity in the White House's illegal
> warrantless wiretapping program.
> Since then, the phone companies and their allies in
> Washington have spent tens of millions of dollars lobbying
> Congress to grant them retroactive immunity. They ran
> ridiculous fear-mongering attack ads against any politician
> who dared to oppose them. President Bush threatened to veto
> any bill that allowed EFF's lawsuit to continue.
> Yesterday, Congress completely capitulated to the
> President's threats and voted to let the telecoms off the
> hook. If the telecoms are not held accountable, the
> administration will remain unchecked in its warrantless
> wiretapping of innocent Americans. This must stop!
> We need your help to take the fight to the next level.
> We're going to challenge Congress's unconstitutional grant
> of immunity in our case against AT&T. We're going to fight
> for a congressional repeal of immunity in the next
> Congress. And we're going to file a new lawsuit against the
> government, challenging its warrantless surveillance
> practices, past, present and future.
> Now, more than ever, we need your support!
> The fight for civil liberties would never have come this
> far without your help. We can't give up now. Help EFF
> today!
> Sincerely,
> Shari
> --
> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
> Shari Steele
> Executive Director
> Electronic Frontier Foundation
> 454 Shotwell Street
> San Francisco CA 94110
> Membership & donation queries:
> All other queries:

mark, got your elector form in the mail! thanks! it means a lot!

Subject: mark, got your elector form in the mail! thanks! it means a lot!
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 07:38:44 -0700
From: Frank Moore
To: Mark Soden Jr.
CC: Frank Moore/E-SALON

so our magic number to qualify in california is 1! folks, be the one to take us over the top by getting your form to me! [we need a few more as buffer.]

i'm now an official write-in candidate in maryland!

and d.c. found their elector form...but they couldn't figure out how to fax it to me. so they are mailing it to me.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


our tree doctor david just dropped his form off! so our magical number is 2! be the one who put us over the top!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

hey, jesse!

hey, jesse!From: Frank Moore
To: Jesse Townley
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:48 AM
Subject: hey, jesse!

can i come on your show to talk about my campaign?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

From: Frank Moore
Sent: Jul 9, 2008 3:02 AM
To: Jesse Townley
Cc: Frank Moore/E-SALON
Subject: Fw: hey, jesse!

did you get my below email?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Jesse Townley wrote:
Yes, sorry! I've been out of town. Yes, I want to have you on, but I'm still waiting on some specific paperwork from the station. It's been quite frustrating, because we don't want to go awry of Federal election law but the wheels of KALX can be so frickin' slow. I'll push a little more today.

Word, Jesse

Frank Moore wrote:
great, jesse. just hope the wheels get it straightened out BEFORE the election! just another example of how it is stacked against third and independent candidiates...under the cover of "fairness"! the major candidates are always in the media...but....don't get me started! too late! i have started!

looking forward for being on your show!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Jesse Townley wrote:
No worries, I'm with ya.

It's more a factor of "equal access" rules that still apply to non-commercial stations rather than to the big $$ media outlets, crossed with a sloooooow station bureaucracy.

Sigh. Jesse

p.s.- I think it may be almost set. Here's hoping.

Frank Moore wrote:
can you say FUCKED UP! i can. i'm that kind of a candidate! but this is a perfect example of how THEY warp everything to gag the people.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

a request

From: Frank Moore
Subject: a request
To: "Jeremy Gloff"
Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 4:33 AM

Hi, Jeremy. I'm running for president. See To qualify as a write-in candidate in Florida [to have the votes for me counted], I need a list containing the names and addresses of 27 persons to serve as electors. Would you be my elector in Florida? Would your family, friends, and fans? I need to submit the list by the end of August.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Jeremy Gloff wrote:
hey frank!

so if i find people who will be electors, that aren't necessarity committed to voting for you in the election? not sure of the process. let me know. most likely count me in :)


Frank Moore wrote:
great, jeremy! that is right. the role/duty of the elector only kicks in if/when i win the popular vote in the state in the general election. so being my elector doesn't limit your ability to vote for anybody you please in the general election...although i hope you will vote for me! if/when i win the state's popular vote, you as my elector would ritualistically cast a vote for me in the electoral college.

i need your address.

thanks for trying to get others in florida for me!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

RE: [goings-on] Goings On

Harley Spiller (Franklin Furnace) wrote:
Eeek! Ooops. Here I go cramming sticks in spokes again – sorry bout that – I’m only trying here – wonder what you’ll say about the Colorado twosome I just emailed ya?? Go Man Gogh!

Frank Moore wrote:
no problem. a few years ago he actually emailed me wanting to include my essay the combine plot in a book about the cleveland festival. i was shocked because in it i ripped him apart. but it turned out he never actually read it, even though it was published everywhere. so i sent him it. it didn't make it into the book!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Far West Festival

Hi Adrienne,

I left you a message this morning about the possibility of having a Frank Moore for President booth at the upcoming Far West Fest. Please see to find out more about Frank, and to read his platform. You can also see photos of us at the Green Apple Festival in Golden Gate Park here:

We are interested in setting up a booth at the Far West Festival, if this is possible! We think we would fit right in! Frank's candidacy is all about community, sustainability, and creating a more sane and humane society. Frank is a performance artist and shaman based in Berkeley, CA. Please let me know more about the festival ... Thanks!

-- Corey ------------------------ -- Corey & Alexi Frank Moore for President 2008!

Adrienne Pfeiffer wrote:
HI Corey.

I got your message. Many thanks for being in touch.

We wish to be open and all-inclusive at the Far West Fest, but as a 501c3 organization, our tax exempt status is at risk if we favor a political candidate. If we host one candidate (or rep from a ballot initiative) we have to invite all candidates to participate. This is a strain on our admin mostly volunteer, and already stretched thin.

In effort to strengthen Democracy and open the process, we’ve determined that the best thing for us to do is host non-affiliated groups- “get out the vote” and “Poll watchers” etc.

Frank does seem to have a lot of good things to say; again, I appreciate you being in touch.

My Best,

Adrienne Pfeiffer KWMR Homegrown Radio 90.5 and 89.7 fm 415-663-8068/3#
PO Box 1262 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Thanks for Supporting Your Local Radio Station.

Frank Moore wrote:
Oh well!

Screw It. I'm Voting for Frank Moore

Screw It. I'm Voting for Frank Moore

That would make a great bumper sticker!

In Freedom,
Franmk Moore

Susan Block wrote:
Outstanding bumper sticker many layer meanings, including some sexy ones :)



Frank Moore wrote:
ah, yes!

a request

Hi, . I'm running for president? See To qualify as a write-in candidate in Florida [to have the votes for me counted], I need a list containing the names and addresses of 27 persons to serve as electors. Harley of Franklin Furnace suggested I contact you. He is one of my electors in New York. Would you be my elector in Florida? Would your family, friends, and fans? I need to submit the list by the end of August.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Harley Spiller wrote:
Very good letters Frank – I sure hope it works out! President Moore in the Rainbow House! White banned forevermore!

you're outside d.c., eh?!

Frank Moore wrote:
davey, my good friend! could you get me 3 people in d.c. to be my electors? all they need to do is fill out a form...which i can get to you. d.c. is one of the easiest places to get qualified...except i don't know anybody there!

davey wrathgabar wrote:
send the forms . . .
what's the deadline?
will work on it, but it shouldn't be a problem . . .

Frank Moore wrote:
great, daveyl we'll send you the form when it is available. the actual deadline is oct. but i want to get it done soon so we can focus on getting votes. we just qualified in maryland. that ad is coming out in georgia next week. do you know anybody in ohio, texas, florida? florida's deadline is the end of oct.!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Frank Moore wrote:
get this! d.c. can't find their form for elector for a write-in candidate! they are now looking for it!

Richard Winger wrote:
I'm very glad you're filing in D.C. In 1974 the D.C. Court of Appeals (not the US Court of Appeals in DC) ruled that D.C. must permit write-ins for president. Kamins v Bd of Elections of DC, 324 A 2d 187. Before then, DC wouldn't even print write-in space on the November ballot for president.

But even after this victory, DC won't count write-ins for declared presidential write-in candidates. In the aftermath of the 1974 Kamins decision, the lower court (Superior Court) issued an order on June 26, 1975. It says, "Ordered, that the deft, the Board o

Elections of the DC, provide a line on the ballot for President & V-P marked write-in candidates. 2.That the deft, the Bd of Elections in DC, count the names of write-in candidates for President & V-P of the US; provided, however, the said write-in candidate has a qualified slate of electors whose names and affidavits have been filed with the deft. Board at the appropriate time, prior to the election. 3. That the deft Board of Elections promulgate a regulation to provide for one and two above. 4. That pltf. be awarded his court costs. J. Hyde."

But they won't obey it! They claim they are "counting" the write-ins if they merely say the total number of write-ins cast for president, without saying how many were cast for any particular filed write-in candidate. I have always wished someone would file as a Declared write-in for president in DC, and it looks like you are the guy! Hooray for your campaign!

Frank Moore wrote:
yep, i'm your man! just one of the changes this campaign is inducing. find me a free lawyer!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


Lob wrote:
Frank, i just read that your old nemisis Jesse Helms has died of natural causes at the age of 86.

It just goes to show that good honest fun and creativity will outlast even the worst opposition.

Too bad he didnt live long enough to see you be president!!!!!

Keep on keepin' on!


Frank Moore wrote: you think my running for president put him out of his misery? a
nice thought!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Jesse Helm's Died.

Stavros wrote:
You should send flowers to Helm’s Family. After all he made you famous.

Steven James Martin Stavros Krysiak IV

Frank Moore wrote:
well, i don't know about famous. but he did give me a powerful position to fight for freedom...and i used it!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Colorado Confidential

Meet Frank Moore: He Just Makes Sense

Still more press!

on the campaign trail!

Photos here.

Yesterday we did a campaign stop in El Cerrito at their Fourth of July Fair. El Cerrito is the next town over from Berkeley. It was where a lot of people moved to when Berkeley got yuppified. So it is like how Berkeley was people-wise 25 years ago…working-class, mixed-raced, family/community oriented, multi-generational. Across from our booth was the Green Party’s booth…next to them a church had a booth. A few tables down from us was the N.R.A.! But this was the deepest embracing of the campaign of the festivals we have been at…warm and direct!

After having a super yummy meal and then making at trip to Roma to get coffee we got ready and headed out to the event. We were there in no time and the event was in a park and rec area of El Cerrito. It was already hopping an hour into the event. There was an art show area, a music area and then a food and vendors and everything else area. We looked around and did some shopping Linda and Mikee getting some super cool brightly colored sunglasses. We found our booth and it looked great!!!!! Another super decorating job by Corey and Alexi who arrived earlier to set it all up. We looked around a little more and did some more shopping and that's when we found the pants for me where the woman gave us each a present wishing us luck on the campaign. She gave Frank a good luck bracelet. Then it was back to the booth. There was a steady stream of people all day long who came up to the booth and many others who would stop and stare at the banner and us taking it all in. We handed out lots of platforms and people were very excited about it some at first not sure what to make of it and then their faces melting as they read the platform and took in that Frank was for real. We video taped everyone as they came up. There were a few people that recognized us from our TV shows and a guy who remembered Frank from the Art Institute. He had been a nude model in one of Frank's performances there. Everyone at the event seemed happy and really having a good time, enjoying being with their families and loved ones at this fun event. They were all very open to learning about the campaign even if they did not think they would vote for Frank they wanted to hear about it. Some people took several platforms, made donations, took bumper stickers and buttons, young and old happy to take in the hope of Frank's platform, something different than what is out there now, something that is about taking care of people and families which seems like what people are about in El Cerrito and Richmond where a lot of the people were from. We saw our acupuncturist and Captain Fred who has a show on Luver and lives in El Cerrito. What a fun day!!! We could hardly pull ourselves away from the table to go to the bathroom when we needed to and we found some organic food to eat for a snack!!! The event ended at 4:00 and we did a little more shopping and then headed home. It was our last planned campaign festival for a while. It had been really fun to go to all these festivals and Corey was hot on the job of finding more for us to go to so we would see. At home we had beverages and Frank laid down for a while while we got dinner going and then I started on the dusting. Frank was crashing and at the end of the event his lungs were bothering him. There was still smokey particles in the air from all the fires.

We hustled to get everything ready and get dressed and out the door so that we could get to the event as close to 7am as possible.

When we got there, people were already setting up, lots of cars pulling into the lot ... the weather was terrible! Overcast, windy ... We were setting up next to a co-operative preschool called Skytown, that is just up the hill from the park. They were a friendly group of women, and later offered us donuts, which we actually had to go with our coffee as soon as we had the booth finished! It was fun setting up, and as always, it took us hustling right up to the last minute to get it all done, and then the crowds were appearing ...

One of the first to come by the table was Paul from the East Bay Media Center, but there was a stream of people that started right at the beginning, and continued all day, drawn to the booth and curious to read about what Frank was all about, wondering if this was for real? And really liking that it was! It would be impossible to write-up all the many interactions that happened both before, and after you guys arrived ... but it was a totally mindblowing day ... the sheer quantity of people that stopped at the booth and the extremely positive reactions ... and the disillusionment with Obama was palpable, something that was not there at events just a month prior ... Where it had been, "This is great, but I do have to say I'm voting for Obama", now the same people were saying, "The choices are horrible ... Obama is showing his true colors ..." While we were packing up at the end of the day, we were talking with the Skytown women again, about how the day had gone, and we told them about this phenomenon ... they were in total agreement with that common feeling. They said Obama was never what he said he was ... he just had a slick presentation for a while. It was really great to hear ... people are not dumb!

It was fun to be there in the booth all day, offering folks Frank's platform as they walked by, magnetized by the signs and banners ... most could not help but to come up to the table and meet Frank and take a look at the platform. The people were so right there, sharp, not afraid to come and talk, to interact with Frank. It was so much fun. The food was yummy ... organic himalayan plates, followed by sausage with various mustards ... The Aidell's sausage guy really wanted to buy a t-shirt (if only it were a muscle tank)!!

The busiest booth of the year, close to home in El Cerrito ... the over an hour of video showed just how many people came up and interacted with Frank ... the camera popped on and off for each person that came up, if we could even get to it in time!

It was sad to pack it all up at the end of the day ... always a trip to see the space returned to what it was when we had arrived, although the energy had been transformed!

jim, got your form! thanks!

now we only need 3 more electors to qualify in california! so send your forms to me, folks!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore



got the florida form!

and we fed-ex'ed it right out to meet the tuesday deadline. now we need to get 27 names & addresses from there by aug. 29!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Interview request

From: Potts Charlotte
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 7:28 AM
Subject: Interview request

Dear Mr. Moore -

I am with the German Vanity Fair. We are thinking about running a story on the independent candidates. Due to organizational reasons we need to know if you were willing to meet with us and which place would be the most convenient to interview you in the next month.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Charlotte Potts

Frank Moore wrote:
great, charlotte. this is very exciting. we can do the interview at our house in berkeley, california.

Susan Block wrote:
Achtung, Frank! Let me know if they want to talk with your running mate ;-) My book was a best-seller in Germany. Ich bin ein Berliner! Peace through pleasure… xo Suzy

Frank Moore wrote:
Will do!

another california elector!

Linda Mac wrote:
capt. fred dropped off his notarized elector form today!
that makes it 51 california electors we have. just need 4 more!

Frank Moore wrote:
ahh, so close! thanks, capt. fred! AND YOU WHO HAVE FORMS...GET THEM TO ME AND PUT US OVER THE TOP!

...our vision for education!

On my sunday's show, my guest was Ericka Huggins who was the Ten year Director of Oakland's Community School founded by The Black Panthers.

Listen to the show or see photos.

i found my secretary of education! on this show we fleshed out what my education policies will look like...while talking about her life. this is one of the most important show that we have ever done...also warm and down-home!

And soon the show was starting, and like we were saying later, right away we could feel how Ericka saw Frank, saw this ... what a warm, soft, amazing woman. Frank said later, she is one of the heroes. And you could feel this throughout the show. Loved how she said near the end of the show, in response to Frank asking how she keeps hope, in saying that the struggle never ends, that it is "paying rent on the world". We could have listened to her talk for hours ... there were so many threads that lead out of her working with the Black Panther Oakland Community School that could have taken you down hours-long conversations ... we were really looking forward to her coming back again. It was really neat how, after saying that she had to go after about an hour and a half, it got even cozier, and then she really had to tear herself away. We were blown out at her stories of the school, and of her work with the county of Alameda on the board of education ... and her perspective on everything ... it all felt like us ... and so neat how she really loved Frank and how deep everything went, even talking about an element of Frank's presidential plan, to bring prisons into the education department ... It was too short!

We were ready early and Ericka Huggins arrived. She really liked our house and said it had a warm feeling and we settled right into an amazing Shaman's Den with her. There were so many things that could be talked about that she started with the Oakland Community School and would talk about her life in relation to that and then we could have her back to talk again about other parts of her life. Hearing about the Oakland Community School was amazing, first starting out in houses, the children's house, you could feel that it was community, family, one body where they took care of the children and respected them, giving them what they needed to thrive. The children teaching the children, if a younger child was good at something they might teach and older kid what they were good at. They taught them real history, and math that was about how to be in the real world, like taking them to the corner store. They taught the kids how to work out conflicts with each other, to talk to each other and work it out. They taught them to ask questions. It was amazing to hear about this school and how they really loved the kids and took care of them and would not separate out kids by color or age or needs. They fed them three meals a day which influenced California to have a breakfast program in all schools. Ericka said that after spending time in prison she does not want anyone to be in prison. She talked about her time on the Alameda school board when it was all white men who never went to visit the schools where the orphaned kids were locked up with the kids who had committed "crimes." She brought out the poor conditions of these places to the media and then changes started to happen about the quality of their care. It was inspiring to hear about her life and the school and the deep hope that she carries for good things to happen in the world. Can't wait for part 2, and 3 and 4 to learn more about her amazing life. After the show we talked about how lucky and amazing it is that we get such incredible people on the show sharing their amazing lives with us!

MORE ABOUT ERICKA written by Shani Peters:
Ericka Huggins is a human rights activist, poet and teacher, as well as a former Black Panther leader and political prisoner. For the past 25 years, she has lectured throughout the United States, where her extraordinary life experiences enable her to speak personally and eloquently on issues relating to the physical and emotional well-being of women and children, youth, incarceration, education, and the role of the spiritual practice in sustaining activism and promoting change.

As the result of her 14-year tenure as a leader of the Black Panther Party (the longest of any women in leadership), she brings a unique, complete and honest perspective to the much debated challenges and successes of the Black Panther Party.

Huggin’s political activism began in 1963, when she attended the March on Washington and committed to moving from the sidelines to the frontlines in the global human rights movement. In 1969, at age 18, she became a leader in the Los Angeles chapter of the Black Panther Party with her husband John Huggins. Three weeks after the birth of their daughter, John Huggins was killed and Huggins was widowed. After returning her husband’s body to New Haven, Connecticut, Ericka opened a Panther chapter there.

In May 1969, Huggins and fellow Party leader Bobby Seale were targeted and arrested on conspiracy charges sparking “Free Bobby, Free Ericka” rallies across the country. The resulting trial, one of the longest and most celebrated of the era, spawned several books. While awaiting trial for 2 years before charges were dropped, including time in solitary confinement, Huggins taught herself to meditate as a means of survival. >From this time on, she would incorporate spiritual practice into her community work and teaching as a tool for change - not only for herself, but for all people.

A lifelong writer and poet, upon release from prison in 1972, Huggins became writer and editor for the Black Panther Intercommunal News Service. Her book of poetry chronicling her experience of imprisonment and liberation, Insights and Poems, co-authored with Huey P. Newton, was published in 1974. Her poetry and writings have appeared in numerous magazines and books.

From 1973-1981 Huggins was Director of the Oakland Community School, a groundbreaking community-run child development center and elementary school founded by the Black Panther Party. She created the vision for the innovative curriculum for the school, which became a model for and predecessor to the charter school movement. In 1976, Huggins became both the first woman and the first Black person to be appointed to the Alameda County Board of Education.

In 1979, ten years after her release from prison, Huggins returned to California state and county prisons and jails to teach Hatha Yoga and meditation through the Siddha Yoga Prison Project. A focus of her volunteer effort was her work with incarcerated youth. She has continued this work with adults and, in addition, has continued to teach in homes for foster and adopted children and pregnant teens. For the past 15 years, she has also taught relaxation and mindfulness in California youth correctional facilities in addition to many Northern California public school districts and community colleges.

In 1990, at the height of public awareness of HIV/AIDS, Huggins was the first woman practical support volunteer coordinator at the world-renowned Shanti Project. She also developed a unique volunteer support program for women and children with HIV in the Tenderloin and Mission districts of San Francisco. During her time at Shanti Project, Huggins helped develop city-wide programs for the support of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and questioning youth with HIV/AIDS.

Currently Huggins is a professor in Women’s Studies and brings her legacy of spiritual activism and social justice to her teaching.

See also,

Elector Party at the Blue House

Photos here.

After Saturday’s electors’ party, we all were blown away. So many people came to sign up to be my electors…a wide range of people. They had an intensity of feeling which surprised us. Some said they wanted to be a part of history. Their seriousness was extremely striking…as was their hope. It was obvious that the campaign is even more important than we realized! Right now …after a neighbor couple who missed the party came to the door tonight with completed notarized forms…we are only a few electors away from being qualified in California. In other words, WE NEED YOUR FORMS!

What followed was amazing, non-stop ... It was good that we used the first few moments of the event to start notarizing Frank's state forms, because then began the steady stream of people who had come to be write-in candidates for Presidential Elector for Frank Moore! The mixture of David's pleasant official presence and Frank and all of us there, and the depth with which everyone came to the event to participate in this process which was hard to define ... altogether created an intensity that we all felt. It was so much fun, the house looked beautiful, the food was delicious! It was really fun to see people we hadn't seen for a long time, like Mark & Claire, Francine, Yusef, Bruce Fessenden... and to see our neighborhood come together, in a way, around supporting Frank's campaign. Like the guy David, who we know from just walking down the block, and Corey knew from BNG, got to talking with Lois, who he has just seen in the same context, but never talked with ... and then he was talking with Stefan, Yusef and Alexi about the Grateful Dead, since Alexi's new client was going to be David Gans ... they all had beefs with David for one thing or another about his Grateful Dead shows!!! (Yusef had an issue with his support of Deadheads for Obama, Stefan wanted him to play more than just the Grateful Dead!) ... It was so fun that Earlene made it over, all over Frank! David the notary was just amazing ... it felt like her really enjoyed the whole thing, really enjoyed the vibe, really really enjoyed Frank. Such a sweet guy! When Corey and he left Betty & Joe's at the end of the day, he said, "A really sweet couple." Corey told him how Betty is this devout church-going Catholic, but always wants to hear and see the videos of Frank's performances, which often involve nudity, Frank performing nude, etc. He smiled ... "Nude performances .. Good for him!"

It was so great that Yusef is going to do a LUVeR show, and that Lois would loan her LPs to LUVeR too! There were so many little moments that made the day so fun, so wonderful ... It was a lot of fun to get to show Mark & Claire the house, and JP and Ken, all of whom had never seen the inside ... And Claudia too at the end of the day ... she just loved everything.

It was really neat talking with Isobel ... we missed a lot of the conversation, but it was so neat when Frank told her that she was a good friend, and to hear about her Santa Cruz organic gardening experience, living in a tent for 6 months and gardening every day ... It was very intense how disappointing it was when some people realized that their picture i.d. had expired and they couldn't sign up to be Frank's electors that day. What a very deep day ...

I headed down to the BH I helped with the final bit of decorating and then setting up the food table. We had chili and corn bread that Alexi made, Linda made Asian slaw and we had macaroons and chips, an entire feast for the electors!!!! We decorated inside and out in red white and blue and Corey did quite a decorating job on the front of the fence where the Frank Moore for President banner is. We had signs for the event on both houses in case there were some passers by who wanted to come in to be an elector and have some food, and this worked, it picked up one of our neighbors Kathy who is very much into voting democratic but she said she was bribed by the food and would be an elector!!! David the notarization guy arrived first and enjoyed checking out Frank's paintings and the back deck and saying hello to cookie the cat. You were down in no time and we got started with Frank singing the out of state forms first. Then it was non stop people streaming in to sign elector forms, amazing just constant for over two hours and they spaced themselves out so there were hardly any gaps and when there was Frank would sign a few forms. It was the most notarizations that David the notary had done at one time before and he was happy to get the signed book of Chapped Lap poems that Frank gave him to thank him for all he has done for us, coming to three events so far and said he could come back again if we needed him after July!!!! The steady flow of electors included many of our neighbors and Gerald and Earlene, Stefan and Claudia, our firewood guy who had been in one the plays that Frank directed years ago, Francine, a guy Alexi used to work with, a few people that Corey works with, Jessie and Isobel, just a range of people from our life coming out to support the campaign and excited to do so saying that they wanted to be a part of history! A couple of people had expired ID's and were crushed that they then could not do it this time but would figure out how to get it done. Someone arrived late someone arrived too early for the notarization but several who did not make it were willing to go and get it notarized on their own!!! After everyone did their form they got a bumper sicker and a button and all the food they wanted to eat!!! Then David the notary stayed longer to do a few more, went down the street to do Betty and Joe's forms and then did a final one when he came back, wow!!!! At the end of the party we talked to Isobel for a while and heard about all the different jobs that she has had now working at the library and doing various gardening things as well including working for Full Belly for a while. When everyone had gone we counted up the number of elector forms for the day, 23, wow and then add that to our already 25 and we had 48, just a few short and we had people who did not make it who still could do it so we were almost all set!!!!!! Wow what a fun day, a fun event and lots of elector forms!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Thanks! and your pen

Coery Nicholl wrote:
Hi David,

We wanted to thank you again for being here Saturday! You enabled us to nearly reach our requirement, and we really enjoyed spending the time with you, a lot of fun! And I wanted to let you know that Joe down the street found one of your beautiful pens later that evening that we had inadvertently left there when we went down to sign Betty & Joe up ... Wondering how we can get it back to you?


David Lance wrote:
You are very welcome. Regarding the pen, thank you for bring it to my attention, please take the pen, that I forgot, as a gift. I am confident that we stay in touch.

I consider it a privilege to have had the opportunity to participate in the Frank Moore for President 2008 campaign.


David Lance
Mobile Notary

Frank Moore wrote:
i can't say it enough! your coming to my events to notarize elector forms made everything possible. and i'll use your pen to sign bills!

we are having a party on election night. hope you and your wife can come!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday, July 06, 2008

the press keeps coming!

Comment posted on "on Iraq and Foreign Policy"

From: YouTube Service
To: frankmooreforprez08
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 8:15 AM
Subject: Comment posted on "on Iraq and Foreign Policy"

All4RonPaul has made a comment on on Iraq and Foreign Policy.

This guy is way more intelligent than Bush.

Frank Moore wrote:
well, that ain't hard to be! but thanks! i just saw on ron paul's forum, somebody wrote "screw it, i'm voting for frank moore!" that would make a great bumper sticker! i value each and every vote!

Thanks, Richard!

your elector form arrived in the mail means a lot! it will be a push to get the 55 california electors. saturday's electors-signing party will show how much of push!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

US Presidential Write-in Candidate Requirements for each State

Croey Nicholl wrote:
I emailed this site because a while ago in my research I had come upon a partial list of write-in requirements that they had compiled ...

From: Frank Moore for President 2008
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:37 AM
Subject: US Presidential Write-in Candidate Requirements for each State

Hi Richard,

I thought you might be interested to see this website, "US Presidential Write-in Candidate Requirements for each State"

... the result of a lot of research by the Frank Moore for President campaign!

Let us know what you think,

From: Tony Roza
To: Frank Moore for President 2008
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: US Presidential Write-in Candidate Requirements for each State ** posted **

Mr. Moore,

We have added a link to your site at

Thanks for the link to the data you have compiled and for your interest in,

The best of luck to you,

Tony Roza

hey, john!

To: john sinclair
Subject: hey, john!
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 19:56:06 -0700

do you know anyone in mi. who would be my electors? i need 17 people there...just there names and qualify.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

John Sinclair wrote:
Great to hear from you! You know you have my vote! I'm going to refer you to my partner in Detroit, Adam Brook, who will probably want to help you. I'm in Europe until the end of June but I'll be in Detroit in July if I can do anything more from there.

Love, John

John Sinclair

Frank Moore wrote:
great, john! the deadline in michigan is the beginning of september. so your getting there in july gives us enough time.

do you also know people in florida, texas, and ohio who might be willing?

hey, we just found your great edit of the last show of you and me! when are you coming to the bay area again?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


From: d. r.
To: f moore
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 6:36 PM
Subject: finally

a candidate i can really get behind
i'll be writing you in, in ga

davey wrathgabar

Frank Moore wrote:
hey, davey! we were just talking/thinking about you a couple of days ago...and here you are! we were thinking of writing georgia off because of the hoop georgia would have me jump through to qualitfy as a write-in candidate which is to buy an ad in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for $175...which we don't have...declaring my intentions! a shake down if i ever heard one. but to get your vote for me counted, i shall gladly buy that ad! when i say i value your vote, you now know exactly how much!

how did you hear that i was runniing?

any new cds?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


We were scheduled to have an info table at the Juneteenth Cultural Festival Saturday and Sunday at Cesar Chavez Park in Downtown San Jose. Erika reports!

We had a yummy breakfast and then got all ready to head out to San Jose. We stopped for coffee at Roma. Frank was in the car with the door open wide and music blasting!! I went to get the raisin rolls for Mikee and I and gave the guy some info about the campaign and he said yes, some of you were already here today!!! We got our coffee which was delicious and hit the road. We made it to San Jose in no time and found our hotel and it was really nice and the room was so spacious, we had two rooms, and the bathroom was huge, wow!! We could see the event from our window!!! We toileted and got ready to head down and found Corey and Alexi at our booth under a tent with a bunch of other booths. The had it all decorated up and it looked great! It was warm but not too warm and we set ourselves up under the tent. A few people came by but not as many as at other events that we have been at. Several people who did come by really really read Frank's platform and really liked it. It was fun to watch their faces transform as they read it. We headed into the hotel for a piss beak and then we went looking for snacks and ended up at the seafood restaurant and sat outside while we waited for our order. We headed back to our booth via the event and checked out some of the other booths. We ate our snack and watched all the people go by in their sexy colorful outfits, really fun to see so many people in sexy colorful outfits, you don't see that in the bay area. Soon the event was winding down for the day and we took a little walk. Corey and Alexi packed things up and soon headed home. We headed back up to our room and got ready to go to dinner. We headed down to the restaurant and it was cold. We ordered our food and it turned out to be really terrible, couldn't finish it at some point the body could take it no more and the music in the background, oh, my!!!!!! We headed out to the lobby on our way back to our room and there was a band playing and people dancing, but that music was numbing too!!!! We checked out the pool and then headed up to our room and checked out the tv but their was nothing much on and talked about the dinner and decided that we could not eat any more of the food and not that much was going on at the event so we called Corey and Alexi to let them know that we would be heading home in the morning and would not do a second day of the event. We had beverages and got ready for bed all comfy in our cozy beds, with a perfect temperature and very dark for a good long sleep!!


please pass the below to everyone, post it everywhere! we are entering the crunch time in our campaign! in california, we need 55 electors. to date we have 23. in ohio, we need 20, we have 4. and so on! florida has the earliest deadline of the end of august! there we have 0 of 27! WE NEED YOU!


Frank Moore has been running for President of the United States since the early summer of 2006. Please see his website at: With his running mate, Vice-Presidential candidate Susan Block, he is attempting to certify as an official write-in Presidential candidate in the general election in November 2008 in as many states as possible. Frank has received a startling amount of press for a "third-party" candidate for president. Even mainstream European media has covered his campaign!

Please see for more about media coverage of the campaign both in Europe and the United States.

Frank Moore is the contact for his campaign:

Moore, a world-renowned performance artist based in Berkeley, California, has put forth a comprehensive platform rivaling the major party candidates under the title, “The Just Makes Sense Party”. You can read his platform at .

Moore’s grassroots campaign proposes radical changes to the current system of politics and government in the U.S., bringing in what he calls a "web work of caring.” He writes that “it is all about caring and choice,” and says that he will work for, among many other ideas, a guaranteed minimum income (GMI) for every U.S. citizen of $1,000 per month, tied to the cost of living and not taxable. He also proposes universal free pre-natal-to-the-grave health care. You can see a comparison of Frank Moore's health care plan with that of John McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at .

Moore needs presidential electors pledged to him in many states to qualify to receive write-in votes in the November Presidential Election. For instance, in California, he will need 55 people to serve as electors -- otherwise, any write-in votes for Frank in the November election in California will not be counted. Frank needs electors in ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, CONNECTICUT, D.C., FLORIDA, KENTUCKY, MAINE, MASSACHUSETTS, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, and TEXAS. If you live in one of these states and are willing to be an elector, email Frank at

The Moore/Block campaign is calling for supporters nationwide to participate in this inspiring grassroots Presidential campaign by becoming his electors, or simply spreading the news of the campaign. As electors pledged to Frank Moore, they would place their "electoral vote" in the Electoral College for Moore if he wins the popular vote in their state. Being an elector for Frank Moore does not mean that they must vote for Frank in the November Presidential election ... however, Moore said that he welcomes everyone’s write-in vote in November!

Links to check out: -- Main Presidential website -- Frank Moore for President 2008 Blog -- Events -- News -- Platform Videos -- Frank Moore's Resume -- Frank Moore's Wikipedia entry

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


From: Frank Moore
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 11:51 PM
To: Harley Spiller

hey, harley, linda just sent you this announcement (not shown)!

Harley Spiller wrote:
Got it – thanks Frank! Are you happy to be in a race with all men? Harley

Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
80 Arts - The James E. Davis Arts Building
80 Hanson Place, #301
Brooklyn, NY 11217-1506
T 718 398 7255
F 718 398 7256
Harley Spiller, Administrator

Frank Moore wrote:
hey, i don't believe in competition or racing! i just call 'em as i see 'em clearly, directly...chips fall where they will! and me a man?

We Can We Must

From: Frank Moore
To: We Can and We Must
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 3:58 AM
Subject: your cd


We love your cd! We have played the whole thing on And it is now in luver’s mix….so you are often on luver!

When you have more stuff [old or new], send it to luver! ...and could you record drops for luver? [luver is pronounced “lover.”] We need two drops. The first drop needs “you are listening to the mix on” in it. The other needs “you are listening to “Frank spins hot wax on!” Have fun and adlib!

And if you let me know a couple months in advance of your coming to the San Francisco bay area, I'll try to book you on my show. We do it as a 2-hours+ live streaming video show every Sunday at 8pm on our web station [But for touring bands/artists, it may be possible to do the show on a different night.] We do it from our north Berkeley home. Then we will play it on b-tv, Berkeley's cable access channel, and archive it on our site. We archive the shows at You can perform, and I'll interview you.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

We Can We Must wrote:
Thanks much for your love!

Anyways, we really appreciate the play. Your station seems very cool and just the right place for our music. Unfortunately we won't be coming out any time soon as Jason (the "We Must" of "We Can and We Must") is currently in China and won't be back for a little bit. But as soon as we are back in gear and touring you will be the first to know.

Best regards,
We Can and We Must

Frank Moore wrote:
we'll be here! hey, what state do you live in?

We Can We Must wrote:
Illinois. Chicago in fact (I consider Chicago a separate state, though few here recognize it as such.)


Frank Moore wrote:
the reason why i asked is i'm running for president as a write-in candidate and in a lot of states to qualify to get votes for me counted, i need people to be my electors. but not in il.! there i have to apply to the individual counties seperately. so i will apply to just chicago and a couple of other counties. so you can vote for me in the STATE of chicago!

We Can We Must wrote:
well, good luck with that! Though, I think Obama is going to sweep Chicago. But in that case, I can return to my protest vote! Frank for pres!!!


Frank Moore wrote:
that's music to my ears! i value your vote!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

interview about candidate frank moore on kpfa news

another day, more press! the campaign is kicking into the higher gear! check this out!

corey did a short interview that was be played on kpfa news on saturday, june 21 at 6pm pacific time.

Here's the interview:

(kpfa is 94.1 fm or


From: Frank Moore for President 2008
Cc: Frank Moore
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 4:51 PM
Subject: Frank Moore's Presidential Write-In Campaign 2008

Dear KPFA News,

Frank Moore has been running for President of the United States since the early summer of 2006. Please see his website at: With his running mate, Vice-Presidential candidate Susan Block, he is attempting to certify as an official write-in Presidential candidate in the general election in November 2008 in as many states as possible, including California. Frank has received a startling amount of press for a "third-party" candidate for president. Even mainstream European media has covered his campaign!

Please see for more about media coverage of the campaign both in Europe and the United States.

Frank Moore is the contact for his campaign:

Moore, a world-renowned performance artist based in Berkeley, California, has put forth a comprehensive platform rivaling the major party candidates under the title, “The Just Makes Sense Party”. You can read his platform at .

Moore’s grassroots campaign proposes radical changes to the current system of politics and government in the U.S., bringing in what he calls a "webwork of caring.” He writes that “it is all about caring and choice,” and says that he will work for, among many other ideas, a guaranteed minimum income (GMI) for every U.S. citizen of $1,000 per month, tied to the cost of living and not taxable. He also proposes universal free pre-natal-to-the-grave health care. You can see a comparison of Frank Moore's health care plan with that of John McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at .

Moore needs presidential electors pledged to him in many states to qualify to receive write-in votes in the November Presidential Election. For instance, in California, he will need 55 people to serve as electors -- otherwise, any write-in votes for Frank in the November election in California will not be counted.

The Moore/Block campaign is calling for supporters nationwide to participate in this inspiring grassroots Presidential campaign by becoming his electors, or simply spreading the news of the campaign. As electors pledged to Frank Moore, they would place their "electoral vote" in the Electoral College for Moore if he wins the popular vote in their state. Being an elector for Frank Moore does not mean that they must vote for Frank in the November Presidential election ... however, Moore said that he welcomes everyone’s write-in vote in November!

Links to check out: -- Main Presidential website -- Frank Moore for President 2008 Blog -- Events -- News -- Platform Videos -- Frank Moore's Resume -- Frank Moore's Wikipedia entry