Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

the Swedes are coming...

From: "Dr Susan Block Institute"
To: "'Frank Moore'"
Subject: RE: the Swedes are coming...

The Swedes are coming to Eros Day tonight!
I'm looking forward to playing with the "big puppy dogs" :)
Wish you were here, but we will be talking about you!
In Times of Darkness, We Must Make Light
In Times of Cold, We Must Make Heat
In Times of War, We Must Make Love
In Times of Thanatos, We Must Make Eros
And All Eros Day Night, We Must Eat, Drink, Dance, Sing, Swing, Squirt,
Spank, Suck, Fuck & Be Merry!
Amen * Awomen * Happy Eros Day!

Xo Suzy

Frank Moore wrote:

how did it go? can't wait to hear!

i'm getting ready to send you forms, letters of intent, etc. we will need to fill out. where can i get your bio?

hey, that poem is a great campaign speech!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


From: Dorothy Jesse Beagle
To: Corey & Alexi
Subject: FM for PREZ

They know me (for one of their 'little assistants') at Progressive/DEM's who have done a lot of good work and just selected 'President' by getting all our votes. So I sent them small info and the site for them to look up Frank Moore for Prez and explained he was making a lot of waves.

Corey & Alexi wrote:
The group Jesse is talking about is:

"liberal" do-gooder meddling beast

From: "Bethany Baylies"
To: Frank Moore
Subject: "liberal" do-gooder meddling beast

I agree 1000 percent with everything you say! Though I cannot say "I know what its like" I can say that I worked with children with disabilities (mostly mental health and some MR) and often their parents were also disabled. Now, as landlords, we purposely make our apartments family/pet/subsidy friendly to make sure that people who need a safe, nice place to live have it one of our buildings. Guaranteed income would make the "job" of being disabled or poor less demanding and make it more possible for people to work - be that in a job, volunteering, or being a really capable parent would make for a better society. Look at the countries with the highest standard of living - Norway, Sweden, Denmark - and you will see a literate, well-educated, healthy population that still has a class structure. People aren't homeless, there are guaranteed transportation and healthcare systems, children aren't living in poverty AT ALL, and almost everyone works - some have BMW's and really nice houses and send their kids to private schools, but the point is EVERYONE lives better when there is a way for EVERYONE to live with integrity. If we, as a country and a world, are going to commit wholeheartedly to living by the dollar (as we have) then we must make sure that the dollar is fair. You are absolutely right that a guaranteed income and healthcare won't cause inflation because they are the majors drains on our "economy" to begin with. (Ex: exorbitant, unnessacery medical costs for things that can be done at home, having to take jobs with a lot of rick (like construction) to get medical insurance and then getting hurt on the job, getting a mortgage when you have a job then losing the job, etc.) I dunno.. I just LOVED what you had to say!
- Bethany

Frank Moore wrote:
yep, bethany...there are a lot of models of what how you rent. it's obvious the system is set up to not work.

last week a tv crew from sweden came to our house to shoot a segment on me. in sweden at the begining of the year, you get a medical card. you pay the first $150. After that, everything...and i do mean free. we are being had bigtime!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Bethany Baylies wrote:
and wasn't the artificial heart invented in Sweden? There are people that say that our "market" system of health care is what allows for such "great" innovation and invention - people are motivated to find new and better things to keep us well because of the money. But there is no evidence that Americans are healthier (certainly! look at the childhood obesity rate!) or that they get better care - all the evidence is to the contrary. Doctors (those not working for big pharma, anyway) are universally fed up with it too. The AMA is supportive of a single-payer system, though they do not spend their lobbying dollars much on the federal level (at least that is what I learned in college several years ago - things could have changed). - B

Frank Moore wrote:
i googled the ranking of the national health care systems...

In a 2007 comparison by the Commonwealth Fund of health care in the U.S. with that of Germany, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, the U.S. ranked last on measures of quality, access, efficiency, equity, and outcomes.[18]

For example, U.S. ranks 22nd in infant mortality, between Taiwan and Croatia,[19] 46th in life expectancy, between Saint Helena and Cyprus,[20] and 37th in health system performance, between Costa Rica and Slovenia.[21]


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Rev. Bookburn wrote:
do you have a link for the rankings and the stats you provided? that would be interesting to the Bookburners. big thanks.

rev. bookburn

Frank Moore wrote:

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Disability Now magazine

From: John Pring
Subject: Disability Now magazine

Dear Mr Moore

Disability Now is the UK’s leading disability publication, with a circlation of more than 20,000 and a monthly readership of more than 70,000. We also have more than 30,000 people visiting our website every month. We have heard about your presidential campaign and wondered whether you would be able to write a piece for the World View section of our magazine. We would particularly like you to write a little bit about yourself and your running-mate, why you are standing, some of your policies and how your campaign is going. We would also like to hear about your policies on disability and maybe some of the barriers you have faced in your campaign as a disabled person.

We would need a piece of about 570 words and a good quality picture of yourself (ideally on the campaign trail) emailed to us by the end of January. The piece would be published on our website and in our magazine. I don’t know what the rules are on campaign contributions over there, but we can pay you about £125 for the article and picture.

I hope this is something you would be interested in doing. Please do let me know if you have any questions about the proposed article or our magazine.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,
John Pring

John Pring
Deputy Editor
6 Market Road, London N7 9PW

Frank Moore wrote:

this is exciting! i will do it. it may take me a week.

i am not affected by this nation's campaign money law because i'm spending a few hundred dollars and getting much less in donations. the law's threshold is $5,000. besides, you aren't donating to the campaign, but paying for a piece. would you make the check out to inter-relations, our non-profit? and could you pay in dollars? banks here have started charging to convert.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


How about a graduated income tax
Dec 31, 2007 10:00AM EST
May Vote for You Then
Ranging from 5%-100%, with 100% rate topping off at $1,000,000. As to corporations: the cooperatizing and democratizing of them (with the government and their individual workers taking over management/ownership of them) so there would be no need to tax them. Dividends and sales of individual ownership would merely be added to individual income.

I value your vote!

My polices toward the corporations would have the effects you desire, but by a slightly different path which I think will be a little easier to pull off.

I want to get back to the guaranteed minimum income of $1,000 a month adjusted to the cost of living. It is meant to be a safety net rather than a replacement of work. I think most want to work…in an expanded concept of work. But to get a true feeling of what it would be like if you had to live on your minimum income, you have to crank in that you wouldn’t pay for health care, education, mass transit, etc. It all adds up. The combined minimum income couple…or a single parent with a child…would be $2,000 a month. This should provide a realistic basic living. This allows the single parent the option of being home doing the important work of raising a child. But free childcare provided by the universal free education system would open a whole host of new possibilities to the single parent.

The minimum income would encourage people to form the cooperative communal family [of all kinds] groupings who pool their incomes together…using their minimum incomes as a base to create more nourishing homes, to start and maintain small businesses. These communal groupings will be much more financially stable, emotionally nourishing, and environmentally friendly than today’s common isolating model of living.

It is all about caring and choice. If a senior wants to stay in her own home, the $1,000 a month will make that possible as will the home attendants provided by the health care system. This is also true if she wants to live with her family or in communal housing. This will actually be much cheaper than the scary mess we have now. The warehouse nursing home will be a thing of the past. Seniors will be an important, active element of every part of our society. We need everyone actively involved. We simply cannot afford on any level to warehouse portions of our population. It is a waste of potential!

Some people have expressed concerns that the guaranteed minimum income would drain people’s productivity. They ask why people would work. What they are really asking is why people would work without the whip of fear of hunger and poverty. They never ask this about the rich or the corporations, only about the working class and the poor. In reality most people want to work, want to contribute, want to improve their lives. Hunger, poverty, and fear drain productivity. If we are to survive, we need to end hunger, poverty, and fear.

The guaranteed minimum income will tend to keep wages in general higher and working conditions safer and more worker-friendly. This was also true for welfare and was the true root of the capitalist opposition to welfare.

The guaranteed minimum income will be very different from welfare. Everyone will get it. So there will be no stigma attached to getting it. There will be no red tape, no entrapping rules, no case workers drained of their humanity, and the rest of the demeaning rituals of enforced head-bowing associated with getting public assistance. The guaranteed minimum income will be something you get as a citizen, something you can depend on.

I get S.S.I., Med-cal, and money for a home attendant. People say they don’t mind the truly unfortunates who obviously can’t work getting welfare…but all of those lazy bums getting rich on welfare who could get a job…you know the line of thinking. Well, I am what they are picturing as the truly unfortunate. But in reality I can and do do many things. I can’t get a job, not because of my body, but because I would lose my S.S.I., Medi-Cal, and my money for a home attendant. This is an example of how the system is set up to not work and how the people get blamed for it not working. It is hard and scary living on so-called welfare. This is not true for me….at least not as much. I’m a punk, have built a support network of friends, doctors, etc. When I get a threatening letter [they are always threatening] informing me I must go to this certain doctor within two weeks to get a brain cat-scan [for which I would need to get knocked out] to prove I still have cerebral palsy or lose all my benefits, I with Linda can get on the phone and politely but firmly guide the over-worked case manager to turn the pages of my file to find the last yearly visit to check that a miracle hadn’t occurred. But most people in that position are much more vulnerable than I am. They are on their own, without a support network, etc. I don’t know how they survive. I know Nancy, a college student with cerebral palsy in a wheelchair, needing assistance with feeding, drinking, going to the bathroom, etc. She is determined to live independently. But her S.S.I. check is barely livable small. Her attendant hours [at minimum wage] are less than half of what she really needs. So she has to wait for a drink of water. She wears a catheter although it causes infection [hence will probably shorten her life]. To add insult to injury, there is a threat that her needed supplies will be unclassified as medical equipment and will no longer be funded. Because most doctors and hospitals do not accept Medi-Cal patients [because of red tape, low payment, and insane rules], she has to travel hours to the county hospital to wait more hours to be seen. But she keeps on doing what she has to do in order to stay in the game of life rather than being stuck in an institution…which would cost us much more than keeping her out with us. Out here, we can hear her poetry, see her perform. Most people on public assistance do contribute to society. They raise families, do art and music, push for change, etc.

The truth is the system is designed for failure, for easy scapegoats and decoys. As I am writing this, I see the governor of California is again threatening to cut S.S.I., Medi-Cal, home attendants, etc. Well, the web work of the guaranteed minimum income, a livable wage, the universal health care and the life-long education systems will be designed to work. And because everybody will be covered by this web work, this web work will be much harder to screw up!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Erika Shaver-Nelson wrote:
wow! beautiful!!!! personal, taking care of each other, spells out clearly and deeply what $1,000 a month would do for people, human, real, practical, loving each other into full expanded possibility!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Zazzle comment

Your product, Frank Moore For President 2008 T-shirt, has a new comment!

elfyboy said:
on January 12, 2008 at 2:03 AM

*Frank Moore for President* Nice design, pops out at ya! I read Moore's platform on and liked almost every position advocated. Frank Moore makes sense to me (a lot more than the Dems or GOP, that's for certain)!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


this is really exciting because deep things like this win elections. and they keep coming in almost daily!

recently i tracked down [with the help of the great p.i., mr. lucky] my brother who has been missing for a few years since mom died. he called us x-mas day. we send him a package which included my platform. today his friends called asking if we would send them copies of the platform so they could give them out. these are not normally political people. they live from paycheck to paycheck working at a gas station. but the platform turns them on. their phone didn't hang up. so we could hear them talking to one another about how they will campaign for me.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

The Independent Ticket: Frank Moore

By Jennn - Posted on January 8th, 2008

Everyone talks about “big change” this election: the first woman president, the first Mormon president, the first Black president, the first Hispanic president. Frank Moore aims to be the first president with cerebral palsy. Like FDR, Moore is confined to a wheelchair. He is unable to walk or talk, but he hosts his own public access talk show… and he can sure generate a lot of clamor about his offbeat candidacy! Read more>

letter I sent to the DisabledGreens group

From: Blue House
To: Frank Moore
Subject: the letter I sent to the DisabledGreens group

I sent this letter today to the DisabledGreens yahoo group ... its moderated, so it doesn't post automatically, and I haven't seen it go up yet ... but will let you know when it does ...


Hi everyone,

I'm new to this group, and wanted to introduce myself by way of telling you about someone who I find very inspiring, and encourage everyone to check out his sites and see what he has to say. Not only is he a personal hero of mine, but he is a world-renowned performance artist and cultural hero. Frank Moore was born with cerebral palsy, is 61, and has been doing art and cultural/political muckraking since high school. He is also running for President! And his ideas are very good on environmental issues. Check him out! -- presidential platform -- art

I'll end with a quote from one his campaign speeches that gives you a flavor of where he is coming from ...

"Well, I have been running for president for about a year now. I started running basically because none of the prominent candidates are talking honestly and directly about the state of things, are committed to fundamental change, and have a clear plan to create a humane, sustainable, and just plain enjoyable society. So I took on that role. When everyday people in the 'real world' hear about my candidacy, they become extremely excited. They don't see a performance artist in a wheelchair. They don't check the odds of my winning. Instead they see someone who they could excitedly vote for' somebody who shares their dreams, talks deeply about what really affects their lives. And then they read my platform. Then they got more excited at how possible it is to bring our dreams for our society into reality' to remove fear and isolation; to get the boot of big corporations off our neck; to provide everyone health care, life-long education, a minimum income, and a livable wage; to restore our rights and freedoms; and to bring our troops home now! We everyday people know the real state of the union! But more importantly, we have the sense of what is possible! We need leaders who share our dreams and who do not sell us short. Or sell us out!

So for most of the year, I have been running way below their radar. A performance artist in a wheelchair 'pretending' to run for president is no threat' just a weird piece of conceptual art. But now I'm beginning to be a blip on the radar. Just a blip, mind you. But it is amazing that we have gotten to the blip stage this early' or at all! A blip who talks about the issues seriously and who gives real alternatives is dangerous. So the gatekeepers are beginning to say that I am not a 'real' or serious' candidate. What they are really saying is that I'm not a part of the political system that has been corrupted by big bucks; that I'm not playing by the unwritten rules, etc. And of course this is true. It is one of the reasons why everyday people are excited about my running. That big bucks political system has been divorced from the everyday reality, hijacked by the addicts of obscenely huge profits. I am a real, serious candidate. I'm just working outside of their boxes. Outside of boxes is where the new possibilities are. Inside the limiting boxes is where political power is created. This is why the normal politicians stay in the boxes. This is why fundamental, humane change rarely'if ever'has come from power politics. I hope they keep saying that I'm not a real and serious candidate because each time they say that our blip gets brighter and more intense. I also hope they keep saying I am the candidate of the fringe, of the margins. Consider who they have marginalized' the poor, the working poor. In fact, most of the labor force: the disabled, gays, seniors, the uninsured, women, the middle class, artists, family farmers, racial minorities, immigrants, etc. Hey, I may win by a wide margin!

True, I do have my problems. As one 'art expert' once wrote, I, 'Seem to have a compulsion not to take no for an answer under any circumstances.' I do have this disability of not knowing what is 'impossible.' So, I just figure out how to do it. When I was born, the doctors told my parents I had no IQ. Obviously the doctors were wrong. So I don't pay any intention to the supposed limitations. I just do what is needed. When I was growing up, I struggled to get educated, struggled against discrimination and prejudices. I really enjoy the righteous struggle. This enjoyment of struggle gives me an advantage when struggle is needed. When Senator Jesse Helms tried to blacklist me, when the Berkeley City Council tried to ban my public access cable show' there have been so many struggles! My enjoying righteous struggle has been a winning element. I also enjoy when struggle is successful. I'm looking forward to the huge struggle of taking away controlling power from the big corporations, of reclaiming the right and freedoms that have been stolen from the people of this country, of creating a new post-oil social order in which we will eliminate fear of getting sick, of getting old, of the future, of the Other.

In reality, as president, I will be able to do a lot to start the process of change. And I will! I get results! I deliver! But realistically, I will be working with a Congress full of people heavily invested in the old power system. I will need you! Writing me in on election day will be just the first step. I will need you to get involved in your local community. I will probably need you to put pressure on Congress'and on the press'to enact our dreams. It may take you coming to Washington DC a few times as you did for civil rights and to stop the Vietnam War. But together we will get this done! If it takes me throwing a giant party on The Mall every three months, then that's what I'll do!

It will be an exciting, fun four years! Just imagine a world in which somebody like you or me could really become president. Now keep imagining it and we just may win! Do not throw your vote away on a candidate who does not share your dreams, who is not committed to bring your dreams into reality! Go for it! It is the only practical thing to do because if we don't go for it, we will never get what we need, what we want, what we are dreaming. Hey, it just makes sense' right? So write in Frank Moore for President and Susan Block for Vice-President on election day! For more information, go to and"


-- Corey & Alexi
Frank Moore for President 2008!

Dorothy Jesse Beagle wrote:

jesse DeBeagle

Small World (1/9/08)

today a swedish tv crew is coming to shoot us for 3 hours for a piece on me/us. yesterday linda and mikee went to the vet with cyb [who is 100% back!]. the tech person just happened to be swedish. she knows/loves the show. she said it's an extremely popular, respected, and deep/up-lifting series of 2 guys, fred and filip, traveling around meeting people who are making a difference, living outside of boxes. wonder why they are coming here!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New video Bicycles and Manual Wheelchairs: A short history

From: Keith Armstrong
To: Frank Moore
Subject: Re: New video Bicycles and Manual Wheelchairs: A short history

I do not have a vote in the US as I live in the UK, otherwise I would vote for you. Sometimes I mention you as a candidate on my You Tube comments.

In 1986 I stood in the local council election on a disability ticket and got 5.5% of the vote, 33 votes behind the Conservative candidate.

Emperor Claudius (the Roman emperor who conquered Britain) had cerbal palsy. He was one of the better Roman leaders who gave some property rights to women and rights to disabled slaves not to be killed by their masters.

Many thanks for the rating,

all good wishes


Check out

Frank Moore wrote:
hey, an emperor after my own heart! would you mention my candidacy to the disabled greens?

In Freedom,

Frank Moore

Swedish TV-show

From: Lina Eklund
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 7:56 PM
Subject: Swedish TV-show

Hi mr Moore,

My name is Lina and I work with a Swedish TV-show. We have two show-hosts traveling around America to meet the most extraordinary people. I got a tip from a mr Travis who I spoke to and he highly recommended me to try to find You.

I've also tried to call You, but I would be really grateful if you could respond to this E-mail or give me a call.

Kind regards
Lina Eklund | Production Coordinator

6057 Maryland dr , Los Angeles CA 90036
Office: 323.424.4134 | eFax: 323.424.4134 | Cell: 323.604.9926

Frank Moore wrote:
great talking to you last night on the phone. i'm looking forward to the shoot!

here are some links that may be helpful:

my resume:
my presidential platform:
my "autobiography":
articles about me:
videos of my performances [good source for clips]:

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Frank's ideas would radically and wonderfully change the face of our day-to-day lives

I think Frank's ideas would radically and wonderfully change the face of our day-to-day lives, and would also begin to better the lives of peoples living in other nations. He is practical, creative, and not afraid to boldly state the "no-brainers" which always seem to elude most people in politics, which is why he states that he is the candidate of the "Just Makes Sense" party. Just think of how a guaranteed minimum income would affect you ... it opens up all kinds of possibilities for how people can live their lives in a more enjoyable, healthy and happy way.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hey Frank

From: <>
To: Frank Moore
Subject: Hey Frank

Sounds all quite reasonable and workable.

I saw no mention of other species, just anthropocentric, human centric ideas.

Does your campaign promote vgetarianism? If not, why not?.....

In this life you walk on skulls, just try to walk on as few as possible.

I'll try to make it to Berkeley on the 21st.

Frank Moore wrote:
thanks! looking forward to meeting you.

actually, one of the passions of my running mate, susan block, is saving thebonobo chimps who are facing extinction because the people in the area arestarving because of a brutal civil war. suzy's web site is

in the interest of full disclosure, i have to tell you that i'm a meat eater...but one of my life mates, linda, is a vegetarian. but i have cut way down on my meat eating for health interests. as a nation, we would be healther if we would cut down on our meat and on fast [chain] food. the huge factory "farms" are a major source of greenhouse gas and other polution. it would be far better if we ate local organic food. corporations are in the middle of a major grab for control of our food, water, land, seeds, etc. putting our long-term ability to grow food at risk...all for short-term profits.

i know that this planet, including all life on it, is actually a living body of inter-dependent dynamic relationships. this body depends on diversity of life. we are now in the sixth most intense period of extinction of this planet's history. we are losing forms of life daily. this period of extinction has been caused by us humans, our actions, our life style. this has been known for years, but has been denied for short-term profits. life itself is not endangered. up to 95% of life has been wiped out in past periods of extinction caused by meteor hits, volcanic activity, etc. but us humans are an endangered species. and it was caused by our being out of balance with the global body. we will survive only if we get in balance with the global body. there is time still. but time is fast running out.

In Freedom,Frank Moore

the Homelessness Marathon

From: "Jeremy Alderson"
To: Frank Moore
Subject: the Homelessness Marathon

Does my not officially endorsing your candidacy mean you won't carry our broadcast on luv radio? I'm sure not, but please lket me know your plans.


Frank Moore wrote:

hey, jeremy...i ain't that kind of politician! of course we will still webcast the marathon live on! i started luver to carry such things as the marathon! last year i listened to most of the marathon and was greatly moved. [what other candidate can say that?] for a brief time i was "homeless." then i was involved in the early 70s in santa fe with a diggers-style commune which provided 2 free meals daily. then in the mid-80s in berkeley, we would go to restaurants at closing time to get the unused food and walked the streets giving out the food.

i think my policies...guaranteed minimum income of $1,000 a month, free universial health care and education, building more affordable housing, etc....would get at the root causes of homelessness. it is all about taking care of one another!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Jeremy Alderson wrote:

That's why you'll never win, Frank. You're not a big enough bastard. But I respect what you stand for and agree with most of it. I'm glad you'll be carrying the Marathon again.


Frank Moore wrote: you endorse bastards? i've been called a bastard quite a lot. does that count? how big would i have to grow my bastard organ to get your endorsement? is there any other candidate you agree with more? maybe your endorsement of a non-bastard would be a step in getting the society we want. see...i'm a bastard after all!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Friday, January 11, 2008

AREN'T YOU FORGETTING ANOTHER MOORE? RE: Who Do We Vote For This Time Around? A Letter from Michael Moore

hey, you are a "trouble-maker" after my own heart! this is what this campaign needs! thanks...and keep it up...please!

m. moore makes great movies. but he falls for the VOTE FOR THE LESSER EVIL con...hence he dropped nader for kerry.

i added you to my E-SALON email community.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

----- Original Message -----

From: "lisbeth west"
Cc: "Frank Moore for President"
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 7:56 AM
Subject: AREN'T YOU FORGETTING ANOTHER MOORE? RE: Who Do We Vote For This Time Around? A Letter from Michael Moore

*RE: Who Do We Vote For This Time Around? A Letter from Michael Moore

Mr. Moore,

My cousin, Jaime Kibben, would have been on the Oscar™stage with you when you brought up all the people nominated in the category of best Documentary Films. He worked on Daughter from Danaang. You won that year, Mr. Moore, and you showed chutzpah in your speech and in inviting all who were nominated that year in your category. My cousin's ashes were in the pocket of the director of Daughter of Danaang. Jaime Kibben was killed a few months earlier in Israel, working on another documentary. Run a google. (By the way, I had a daughter who attended Columbine the year you documented the aftermath.)

You might say we have that "Kevin Bacon" connection. Then again, you might not ever read this letter. Will your letter-reader PLEASE forward this to the MM committee to send mail out to list members?

I attended that first antiwar rally in San Francisco. I was in town for Jaime's memorial services. He was with me in spirit and in conscience. He died filming documentaries.

He would have jumped at supporting an alternative candidate and would have used all his extensive knowledge and talent to embrace a man named Frank Moore. You seem to have overlooked this campaign. Perhaps you think a long shot is not worth the film, the ink, the bytes it might take for you to send out a note about him. You were a long shot when at Mother Jones. You have been a long shot for a great deal of your career.

*Time to mention a long shot, Mr. Moore?*

Remember your roots, Mr. Moore. Before you were embracing Jesse Jackson, you were embracing those who helped to take you where you are today.

You have missed an important candidate in your "roundup" of potential presidential elects. Have you heard of Frank Moore as candidate for president in 2008?

I suggest you visit his site and add a few of those liberal dollars and words to his campaign. I have supported you in the past - even when you were a long shot. At this point, do you think it might be time to use some of your wealth and fame to notice and send yet another letter DIRECTLY your constituency about this outstanding man?

Here is an excellent source of information about Mr. Moore's candidacy. You might look closely at his ideas about health care, since that has been your most recent film focus.

*(for the lengthy url impaired:)*

You have a huge mailing list and you have a great deal of celebrity that has been supported by men like Candidate Moore. Would you PLEASE use your white male temporarily-able-bodied privilege to at least NOTE candidate Moore in your notes to your supporters?

A few bucks wouldn't hurt the campaign either.

in balance and peace,
lisbeth west, duckdaotsu media arts
member, IRE
A Media affiliate
member IPPN

Dr. Susan Block wrote:
This is a beautiful letter. Hopefully, Michael Moore will see that he should throw some support to the "other" Moore!

Moore/Block in the New Year

Frank Moore wrote:
money?! what a novel concept! it's amazing how far this campaign has come without any [spent around $1,000 for the first year] money. but as i wrote this, the luver computer died!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

lisbeth west wrote:
you are either up very late or I am up very early... we have three banty roosters and they seem to get me allive thhis early so I can watch the sunrise.

Tell me how the hell to access the salon, pls.



Frank Moore wrote:
we are on the e-salon now. it's just my e-mail community, existing only in e-mails. before the internet, i was on a b.b.s....genie ran by g.e....causing trouble! i got into relationship with other trouble makers. when the internet came along, i started emailing the trouble makers, forwarding whatever they sent me to the others. over the years, more people kept joining...i finally realized we were a community of artists, writers, other misfits. so i dubbed it the e-salon!

we are night people around here. but this is late/early even for us. for the holidays we've been experimenting with long naps.




Sunday, April 28, 2002

Talking to future healers
& teachers
& maybe future
muckrakers & troublemakers
Not really future
Because hopefully
You are doing IT

I’m not talking to the future guards
Of the corporate normalcy
Armed with can nots,
Limiting futures from birth,
Enforcing coloring only within the lines,
Enforcing doing everything

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Monday, January 07, 2008

from Louise

I just ordered Tee shirts to give to Davene and Denise on their birthdays this year. Great shirts!

btw, I signed somewhere to endorse your election, but I don't see it on the list. Need I do anything?


Frank Moore wrote:

great, louise! love to have photos of them in those shirts.
we'll add your name to the list.



I finally got hooked up on the net to where I don't go nuts. Living up in the hills has its moments. Been catching up on your campaign. Fabulous, go for it... I love it. We could sure use some major aura changes in this country. It's pretty scary. I haven't spoken to Steve in awhile, I am glad you have been seeing him and he has been playing music. I am so wrapped up with driving long distances, I just zone out. I look at some of my kids I work with and think of you. I hope that their interaction with me helps to spark that drive for independence. You inspire me everyday.

You have my endorsement wholeheartedly!

Love, Betsy

Frank Moore wrote:

it means a lot to me, betsy...coming from you!

It's building!

now my "" interview is starting to pop up on all kinds of "special interests" news sites. snowballing!


happy happy to you and yours my friend...
how much more fuked can it get..??
see you sometine

peace love and respect
mr yummmy & co.

Frank Moore wrote:

do we really want to find out how much more fucked up it can get?


Frank -

You've got me!

Stephen Jones

Go Frank Go!

Frank Moore wrote:

you go on the list!


Hi Frank. I can (and will) endorse you as an individual. It's:

Steven E. Brown

Good luck! Let me know when you figure out how I can write you in here and have it count.


Steven E. Brown, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Center on Disability Studies,
Editor, Review of Disability Studies,
1776 University Ave., UA4-6
University of Hawai'i
Honolulu, HI 96822
808-956-7878 (fax)
Institute on Disability Culture

Movie Stars and Sensuous Scars:
Essays on the Journey from Disability Shame to Disability Pride

information at:

Frank Moore wrote:

you go on the list, steve! unfortunately your state is one of the four states that don't allow write-ins!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Steve Brown wrote:

As we say here, shoots!


Frank Moore wrote:

apparently it has been an on-going battle in hawaii for years.

Medical Devices Market Updates?



lisbeth west wrote:

Your candidacy has just been endorsed by duckdaotsu media arts, of which I am owner and manager. You may find more info about my support at my blog, and my commitment to change at

Finally! I don't have to write in Angela Davis any more!

in balance and in truth,
lisbeth west
carter lake, colorado
activist, pacifist with FIST in the air, writer, etc.

(run a google!)

Frank Moore wrote:

lizbeth, you blew me out by what you said about me. the key to this campaign is exposing people to what is really possible. it's a good virus! i'll try to live up to the shoes of Angela, one of my hereos!

would you want to make tapes of any kind that i could webcast on

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Dr. Susan Block wrote:

Fantastic! Angela is also a heroine of mine.
Embracing vote at a time...
Happy New Year!


Frank Moore wrote: is building!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Comment on NYC indymedia post - ChooseYourVote.Org Interviews

Some Good Ideas
New Volunteer

The $1,000.00 not taxable per month minimum income is not a bad idea. However may I suggest $1,500.00 per month. In this area $1,000.00 per month doesn't even cover the rent or mortgage + property taxes. No one should be homeless. May I also suggest that there be a cap on income of $1,000,000.00 per year. Cradle to grave universal health care is also an excellent idea.

Frank Moore wrote:

well, my tax policy does create a cap of sorts by hiking the tax rate on yearly income over a million dollars for an individual, and over 5 million for a corporation, from 10% to 75%.

the minimum income would be adjusted in relation to the cost of living.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Filing as a write-in candidate for president in the November

From: "Richard Winger"
To: Frank Moore
Subject: filing as a write-in candidate for president in the November election

Most states won't count write-ins unless the candidate files a declaration of write-in candidacy. The deadline vary all the way from July of the election year to November of the election year.

If you tell me a postal address for yourself, I'll send you a compilation of these laws. I publish Ballot Access News ( and live in San Francisco, 415-922-9779.

From: Frank Moore
To: "Richard Winger"
Subject: Re: filing as a write-in candidate for president in the November election

that would be very helpful. thanks!

Frank Moore
P.O. Box 11445
Berkeley, CA 94712

one of my guys, corey, has been working his butt off collecting such info. but this will save us a lot of work!

Would you be a guest on my 2+-hour show? You would be my sole guest for the whole program. We do it as a live streaming video show every Sunday at 8pm on our web station We do it from our north Berkeley home. Then we will play it on b-tv, Berkeley's cable access channel, and archive it on our site. We archive the shows at I'll interview you. Our first opening is Feb 17.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


Check this out. we are breaking through to the next level!:

from lisbeth west's (duckdaotsu) blog:

(editor note: the predisposition for “Seem to have a compulsion not to take no for an answer under any circumstances.” is why this candidate can revolutionize politics as he has revolutionized accessibility for all human beings. -lisbeth west, duckdaotsu media arts)

(and I thought I was going to have to write in "Angela Davis" again!)

Trimming the Presidential Fringes

By Brian Doherty on Reason Hit & Run....

ChooseYourVote.Org Interviews Presidential Candidate Frank Moore

1. Tell us about your family life.

Well, for about 40 years, I have lived tribally/communally. Now the 6 of us live together in two houses [one of which we built] on a street in Berkeley with 4 cats. Linda and I have been together for about 35 years. Michael has been with us for 20 years…as have Corey and Alexi. Erika joined us 6 years ago. We live as a tribal body. This tells you that I will expand concepts such as a family and family values. My relationships have always been what I am about. So we put our personal relationships and one another first. This opens up possibilities and expands our ability to use opportunities.

2. Tell us about your political experience prior to running for president.

If you mean holding political office, I’m a virgin. But if you mean being a subversive agent of social change…

I have always been dumb to what is impossible. So I just figure how to do the “impossible.” I have been doing this all my life! I am 61. I was born with cerebral palsy, can not walk or talk. I communicate using a laser-pointer and a board of letters, numbers and commonly-used words. But I am a host of a popular public access TALK show. Go figure it! So now I am setting my sights, as president, on eliminating poverty, hunger, war, etc. Impossible, eh?

When I was born, doctors told my parents that I had no intelligence, that I had no future, that I would be best put into an institution and be forgotten. This was a powerful expectation with all the force of western science and medicine as well as social influences, behind it. It would have been easy for my parents to be swept up into this expectation. Then that expectation would have created my reality. I would have long ago died without any other possibilities.

Instead, my parents rejected this expectation for the possibility they saw in my eyes, for what for them should have been true. This rejection of the cultural expectation of reality could not be a one time choice. They had to passionately live their choice everyday, every minute, or the cultural expectation would have sucked them and me into it. It fought them at every new possibility they opened to me. Their passionate commitment to how they thought things should be attracted people to me who kept opening new possibilities for me. Of course, these were in the minority. But I focused on them, making them how people should be, how I wanted to be. So I expected people and myself to be like that. So people were for the most part that least I saw them that way. This opened up to me what is called luck. It also gave me the ability to trust and the ability to use opportunities.

So the struggle for freedom, and against the powers-that-be has been my life. And it has been a continuous struggle, struggling with schools to let me in, etc. I have always been a radical. But that became obvious when I was 18 and invented my head pointer with which I type and communicate…I started writing political columns for the high school paper…as well as putting out an underground paper. I was in the first special class placed on a regular high school campus so that the disabled students could be in regular classes and be a part of campus life. I was involved in the civil rights and anti-war movements. This was 1965…before it was popular to be against the Vietnam War. In the school paper I got into a debate with a GI in Vietnam. I was sat down and told that, because of my political philosophy and activities, I was hurting the chances of the disabled students who would come after me. I replied that the goal was to get the rights for the disabled [and for all people] to be complete and equal…and that included the right to be political. I would not surrender that, or any other, right.

So I started doing political columns for underground newspapers, joined Students for Democratic Society and The Peace and Freedom Party. I did political pranks…such as rolling in my wheelchair into the Marines Recruiting Office to join, offering to push the BUTTON with my head pointer. But after the Kent State killings, I switched from straight politics to art, performance, and community building as my tools for effecting social change. In the early 90s I and five other performance artists were targeted by Sen. Jesse Helms in what is commonly seen as the first battle of the cultural wars. This placed me in a great position to fight for our freedoms!

3. Tell us about your personal career prior to politics.

Well, I follow where opportunities lead, without limiting goals or pictures of how things should look like or where they should lead to. We here have many different projects going on at once…in addition to the “day job.” I’m always writing, painting, making movies, playing in my band The Cherotic All-Stars, performing, doing a weekly cable/internet talk/variety show. That has always been the case. But my “CAREER”… In the mid-70s in Santa Fe I started a workshop which combined intimacy and theater. This turned into a communal performance group which moved to N.Y.C. A few years later, we moved to Berkeley, where I combined the workshop with relationship counseling, creating an extremely successful practice. But this too morphed into a communal performance group of 30 people. Among our productions was The Outrageous Beauty Revue which ran for over 3 years at the San Francisco punk club The Mabuhay.

The 90s found me touring the U.S. and Canada doing performances and lecturing. My writings started being published. I was also busy making films. By the mid-90s we were publishing the popular zine The Cherotic ®evolutionary. When the internet became available, we were among the first to have streaming audio and video on our A live weekly show, The Shaman’s Den, which I was doing on one of the first internet radio stations quickly dragged us into starting our own internet station,, which quickly evolved into a powerful 24/7 uncensored channel for change. We have expanded onto public access cable television, cell phones, etc.

And now I am running for president!

4. Please discuss a public figure from the past 300 year who you admire most.

During my teenage years I read the Beat writers and the French Surrealists, Lenny Bruce and Mort Sahl and Abbie Hofmann, listened to Dylan, watched the hippie movement grow. I wished I could be a hip artist living in San Francisco instead of being stuck outside San Bernardino reading, listening, watching, waiting. All of this brewed inside of me. I admired the muckrakers, the “trouble makers” in history like Tom Paine. I’m proud that Paul Krassner was the first to endorse my candidacy.

5. Do you think the US should have entered the war in Iraq? Why or why not? What is your strategy for finishing the war in Iraq.

We invaded Iraq on lies or blunders…take your pick. Almost everyone…with a few notable and impeachable exceptions…now agree that we should not have invaded Iraq. I would bring our troops home now. If someone tells you that s/he will stay in a failed marriage to avoid admitting mistakes, hoping things will somehow improve…you would rightfully question that person’s judgment.

I will change this country’s self-image from that of THE SUPER POWER/ WORLD LEADER to that of a member of the global community. I will cut our military budget by at least half.
6. While it is rarely mentioned in the news anymore, the US troops are still in Afghanistan. What are your plans for that theater of operations?

While going into Afghanistan had more of a logic to it than our invasion of Iraq, I would withdraw our troops from there and work through the U.N. Our interests aren’t served by having our troops there.

7. The US initially went to war with Afghanistan under the presumption that Osama Bin Laden would be captured or killed. Why do you think he has not been apprehended yet? What do you plan to do about this?

I don’t think that was the real reason why we went into Afghanistan, but the excuse. Most experts now believe he is in the tribal area in Pakistan. We don’t send our troops in there because it might destabilize the dictator who we for some reason support there…because if he falls, the nuclear weapons that Pakistan has might [probably] fall into the wrong hands! All hands are the wrong hands.

This is insanity. I would withdraw our troops from Afghanistan because being there does not serve our national interest, except as a part of a U.N. mission. I may send the C.I.A. in to bring Bin Laden out to stand trial.

We need to stop supporting dictators. On the nuclear issue, we need to get rid of double standards. We need to treat all nations with the same expectations, be it Pakistan, Israel, France, the U.S., Iran, etc. In other words, my policies would be even-handed. I will join the rest of the world in pressuring Israel to live up to treaties, and to dismantle its nuclear arms. I will use the “special relationship” between Israel and the U.S. to motivate Israel to do this.
I will work for global shutting down of all nuclear reactors and dismantling all nuclear [and biological and chemical] weapons. I will start this in the U.S. All countries should be expected to live under the same rules….not one set for the “super powers” and another for the “developing” nations like Iran. I will push for a global development of clean, safe energy sources as alternatives to nuclear power.

8. Iran has been spoken of by some as a potential threat to the United States. Is Iran a threat to the United States? What should be done about this?

I started answering this in the last question. But anything/everything could be a “potential threat”…except the things that are in fact threats now. Seeing things as “potential threats” is a sign of insanity. It blocks the effective dealing with real and present threats. It creates the fog of fear.

Iran is not a threat to the U.S. now nor in the short-term future. So there is time and opportunity to revert Iran from the nuclear path by giving Iran other options. Frankly nuclear used for energy and nuclear used for weapons are both dangerous.

9. Are there any policies you would like to change or implement in the US Military and the Department of Defense? Do you have any concerns about the oversight of these organizations?

Again, I will cut the defense budget by at least half, turning it into a real defense budget rather than a bloated offense budget with billions in waste and with many times over kill in weapons. This cutting has been long over due since the Iron Curtain fell. I will start closing our foreign bases. I will use the money that is now spent on weapon development on development of new cheap clean energy sources, mass transit, and other ways to live in the post-oil era. I will work closely with Congress in developing a more effective oversight system of all federal agencies.
10. Legislation and policy since 9/11 have attempted to increase Counter- Terrorism measures. Many Americans feel this has come at the expense of civil liberties. What if anything do you plan to change in this regard?

Well, I will have repealing parties in the White House, scrapping all the rules and policies in every department and agency which infringe on our rights, freedoms, privacy, health and welfare. We will have similar parties in both houses of Congress to repeal bad laws such as the so-called Patriot Act. We will return to the common English language in which “torture” means torture. I will declassify documents which were classified to hide questionable actions rather than to protect the real national interests. I will push the Justice Department to investigate the war on The Left by the F.B.I. since the 60’s.

11. Do you plan to make any changes regarding US immigration policy and border enforcement?

I believe we as citizens of the world should have the right of travel/movement. I believe we need immigrates. So I believe in fairly open borders…using our historical relationship with Canada as the model. I would remove racist filters. I would deny entry to those with criminal records. I would seriously beef up the security and inspections at our ports.

All businesses selling their products in the U.S. will have to certify that their products were manufactured in accordance with this country’s labor, wage, environmental, and safety laws ... that they meet or exceed these ... no matter where they were produced. This would curb people’s desire to come to this country for a better life. It would also remove the motivation of the corporations to drain jobs from this country. Businesses would pay non-citizen workers at least the minimum wage which would be tied to the cost of living.

12. Some people have discussed the idea of introducing a national ID card. How do you feel about this?

It is an awful idea!

13. What are your plans and opinions on the Enforcement, Intelligence and Security organizations such as the Department of Homeland Security, Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, Secret Service, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and the Drug Enforcement Agency?

The Department of Homeland Fear… I mean Security…has been a disaster, a con job on a massive scale. I will junk it. Terrorism is a criminal matter. It should be dealt with as such, not as a war. We shouldn’t abandon our principles, freedoms, rights, The Constitution and The Bills of Rights to live in fear. The F.B.I. is supposed to investigate crime…not to keep the people in line. The C.I.A. is supposed to gather information outside this country, and not to manipulate events. Whenever there is an attempt to fudge the limits of power for convenience of “safety,” we the people get screwed.

I would end the so-called war on drugs. The use of drugs should be legalized and taxed. Pot and spirits should be sold over the counter to adults only. Tobacco and other addictive drugs should be sold by prescription only. Free drug rehab programs should be readily available. So the D.E.A. can be greatly reduced.

Prisons should be only for violent or otherwise dangerous criminals. Prisons should be a part of the health and education system and should include drug rehab programs. This should also be true for the new creative in-community programs for non-violent criminals for paying back, rehab, and education sentencing. These programs will be more effective and much less expensive and harmful to the community on every level than the current human warehouse system. Flexibility of sentencing should be returned to judges. I will ban the death penalty.
Basically the law enforcement agencies should be the servants of the people, protecting our rights, freedoms, and welfare instead of the servants of the rich, the corporations, the status quo, and the powers-that-be. I would de-militarize the police departments.

14. What is your stance on gun control? What do you plan to change or implement regarding the specific policies on shotguns, rifles, handguns and assault weapons?

I’d ban assault and automatic weapons outright. For other guns, I am for strict control.

15. What is your stance on US drug policy? Do you plan to make any changes on the enforcement of Drug Prohibition Policy?

See #12.

16. Do you intend to legalize marijuana for medical use?


17. Government entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Welfare are going farther from fiscal solvency. What measures will you take on this? Do you plan on making any changes in the coverage or scope of current entitlement programs? Please outline any specific changes you will make.

I’ll do away with welfare, medicare and social security. Instead, every American will receive a minimum income of $1,000 a month. This amount will be tied to the cost of living and will not be taxable.

We will have universal prenatal-to-the-grave health care and universal free education with equal access.

18. Many people, especially the elderly are worried about the cost of medicine and medical care. What do you plan to do about this?

The universal health care would include all medicine, medical equipment and supplies, long-term care, personal attendants, etc. There will be no pre-authorization ritual. So your doctor will be free to prescribe whatever you need. There may be a review of treatment afterward if there are any questions. Everybody will have the same care as the President now has. Preventative medicine will be stressed and the so-called alternative medicine will be included. You will notice that health insurance companies are not in this picture!

19. What is your record on raising or lowering taxes? Do you plan to raise or lower taxes as President? Why?

I do not have a record. But…I’ll do away with all tax deductions for over $12,000 income. Instead, there will be a flat tax of 10% on annual income of less than one million dollars for an individual and less than five million dollars for a corporation. But the flat tax will jump to 75% on annual income exceeding these limits.

Now my policies are pro-business. The universal education system will provide business with a superior, flexible work force. The minimum income and the universal health care will remove the business’s burden of providing health insurance and pensions to workers. In reality, this relief will be much more than any tax cut could give. Moreover the minimum income will make the starting and maintaining a small business much easier. This is also true for small family farms. The minimum income will encourage independent invention and artistic pursuit, on which true progress depends.

20. How do you plan on ensuring the fiscal solvency of the United States Government? Please outline any specific plans you have for this end.

I will cut the military budget by at least half and use half of the savings to pay down the national debt. I will shrink the federal bureaucracy and again use half of the savings to this pay down.

Basically the problem is not a lack of money, but what we have spent our money on…war, pork, waste, etc. It has been a standard trick to distract us with supposed waste, fraud, etc. in the social programs while milking us out of billions of military waste, corporate welfare, etc.

21. The US Dollar is losing its value compared to other world currencies. What do you plan to do about this?

Honestly this wouldn’t be one of my focuses. But my policies taken together will tend to strengthen the dollar.

22. What plans to improve the United States Economy?

The minimum income of $1,000 a month for every citizen will give people money to spend, save, invest, or pool with others to create more effective financial communities which will open up a wide range of opportunities for the average person…to start small businesses, to stay on the family farm, to do art, to raise kids, etc. Free health care [which will include long-term care, home attendants, medicine, etc.], free life time education [including child care], free mass transit, etc. will in effect put more real money in the pocket of the average person. But more importantly the fear of the future will fade, releasing what is now horded away for old age, for when your health fails you, for your kid’s education…releasing the knot in your belly of knowing that no matter how much you manage to save [if any] it will not be enough.

23. President Bush agreed to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America in 2005. Do you believe this is a good thing? Do you plan on making any specific changes to the agreements in this partnership?

On paper, it may be desireable to form a more inter-dependent relationship with Canada, Mexico and the U.S., forming an economic and social union similar to the European Union…after it has been debated in depth in public and has been voted for by the people of the three nations. This so-called partnership is a con developed by the big corporations with their allies in government behind locked and heavy guarded walls…a con they plan to railroad “fast-track” through Congress. The con is a wish list of the corporations, and not in the best interest of the people of the three countries. So I will derail it.

24. Many people are worried about environmental concerns such as Global Warming, the Depletion of the Ozone Layer, and Pollution. What do you intend to do about this?

Public mass transit will be free, 24/7, and reliable. I will call for a major rebuilding of America. We will repair our school buildings and will build needed new schools. I will encourage a society of small villages connected by mass transit. Within these small villages, people could walk or bike to work, to school, to shopping, to entertainment, etc. Mass transit will combine these small villages within 15 miles radius into dynamic communities. Living in these villages will end gridlock traffic, will cut greenhouse gasses, will cut stress and isolation. Housing for all incomes will be included equally in each village.

We will encourage electric cars, fast trains, clean sustainable decentralized energy generators. I would shut down all nuclear generators. I would also shut down polluting coal-burning generators. I would encourage local organic small farms rather than huge factories farms which harm the environment in many ways and actually endanger our future food supply. To put it simply, we need to start shifting to a sustainable living model, preparing for the post-oil era. We need to work with the other nations to create this sustainable living rather than throwing roadblocks to this to protect short-term profits.

25. Do you plan to make any changes regarding US energy policy? Please address transportation, and power distribution.

I have addressed this in the last question. But a key is de-centralize and diversify energy sources.

26. Abortion is a heated debate among many Americans. What are your personal feelings on Abortion? Do you plan on making any changes in current abortion policy? If so, how do you plan to accomplish your changes?

My personal feelings about abortion…or any politician’s personal feelings about a moral issue…are not to the point. A person has a fundamental right to be in control of her body and personal life. Having/not having an abortion falls in this fundamental right. I will protect this fundamental right in all of its forms.

27. What is your stance on Gay Marriage? Do you plan to make any changes regarding policy in this area?

Government should leave marriage to churches. Instead, any two or more adults who have been living together for at least 2 years should be able to register as a “family.”

28. What are your opinions on the idea of “Net Neutrality”? What do you plan to do about “Net Neutrality”?

It is a case of where when you can’t understand what they are talking about, you can bet they are screwing us! It is also where the big boys are fighting among themselves over control…in this case, the control of the gates of the internet, about who will be in control and how much control on who and what passes through the “gates.” It is a part of the attempt to reduce the internet to a passive entertainment medium for selling. They are very threatened by the free-flowing democratic internet where something like my campaign can blossom beyond their control. I don’t see the web having gates, but pipes. We don’t need gatekeepers, but plumbers who keep the pipes wide open. I believe in equal and free access for all. I support the principles which were in The Internet Freedom and Nondiscrimination Act of 2006 which woulsd have made it a violation of the Clayton Antitrust Act for broadband providers to discriminate against any web traffic, refuse to connect to other providers, block or impair specific (legal) content; would have prohibited the use of admission control to determine network traffic priority. But this bill was let die in committee. I will push for its rebirth and enactment.
29. Do you have a set of standards by which you intend to appoint Federal Judges? What standards must a potential Federal Judge or Supreme Court Justice meet to gain your approval?

I’d look for people who have histories of protecting human and civil rights and freedoms, who have common sense and a sense of justice, and aren’t dogmatic.

30. What are your plans for the US education system? Is the “No Child Left Behind Act” a good thing? Do you plan on making any changes to the “No Child Left Behind Act”. How do you plan on changing US policy regarding elementary school, high school, and higher education?

We will have universal prenatal-to-the-grave health care and universal free education with equal access. Education should be federally funded, based on the number of students, adjusted to special needs of each student, in each school district. But schools should be locally controlled. The equal access of education for every student will be insured by the federal government. I will call for a major rebuilding of America. We will repair our school buildings and will build needed new schools. I will give back the art of teaching to teachers, instead of making generalized goals, instead of focusing on testing. I will focus on creating smaller classes, on providing needed tools, raising teachers’ salaries, and attracting/training new teachers.

Education will become a lifetime activity, not a process from which you graduate, not ending one part of your life. Colleges and universities will become community centers of resources, accessible to everyone. You could get training, explore your passions, do research, be challenged within an educational setting through out your entire life.

31. What issues are of strongest concern to you regarding domestic policy? What changes will you make?

Well, I have been talking throughout this entire interview about my concerns and the needed changes. The ending of hunger and poverty, true equality of possibilities for everyone, protecting our personal freedoms, civil and human rights, making sure all of our people have their basic needs met including housing, and creating a more caring environment will be my focuses. I will take back the control of our society from the big corporations with their addiction to obscenely huge profits. This addiction has distorted almost every aspect of our society. My policies will induce the big corporations to break up into much smaller entities that will be more dependent on serving the people’s real needs.

32. What issues are of strongest concern to you regarding foreign policy? What changes will you make?

They are pretty much the same as in my domestic policy. I would work as a member of the global community, not as THE WORLD LEADER, to end hunger and poverty, to provide health care and education, to de-nuclearize the world, to find ways to reduce world pollution and population growth, to protect people’s rights and freedoms, to end arms sales…all of which gets to the core causes of war. Corporate interests and the real national interests are rarely the same. I will protect the national interests. I will shrink our military into an effective defensive force rather than a bloated offensive machine that demands a purpose to exist and grow.

33. Please take this opportunity to address any miscellaneous concerns, plans or policies that were not discussed in this questionnaire. Also use this opportunity to make any closing statements.

Well, I have been running for president for about a year now. I started running basically because none of the prominent candidates are talking honestly and directly about the state of things, are committed to fundamental change, and have a clear plan to create a humane, sustainable, and just plain enjoyable society. So I took on that role. When everyday people in the “real world” hear about my candidacy, they become extremely excited. They don’t see a performance artist in a wheelchair. They don’t check the odds of my winning. Instead they see someone who they could excitedly vote for… somebody who shares their dreams, talks deeply about what really affects their lives. And then they read my platform. Then they got more excited at how possible it is to bring our dreams for our society into reality… to remove fear and isolation; to get the boot of big corporations off our neck; to provide everyone health care, life-long education, a minimum income, and a livable wage; to restore our rights and freedoms; and to bring our troops home now! We everyday people know the real state of the union! But more importantly, we have the sense of what is possible! We need leaders who share our dreams and who do not sell us short. Or sell us out!

So for most of the year, I have been running way below their radar. A performance artist in a wheelchair “pretending” to run for president is no threat… just a weird piece of conceptual art. But now I’m beginning to be a blip on the radar. Just a blip, mind you. But it is amazing that we have gotten to the blip stage this early… or at all! A blip who talks about the issues seriously and who gives real alternatives is dangerous. So the gatekeepers are beginning to say that I am not a “real” or serious” candidate. What they are really saying is that I’m not a part of the political system that has been corrupted by big bucks; that I’m not playing by the unwritten rules, etc. And of course this is true. It is one of the reasons why everyday people are excited about my running. That big bucks political system has been divorced from the everyday reality, hijacked by the addicts of obscenely huge profits. I am a real, serious candidate. I’m just working outside of their boxes. Outside of boxes is where the new possibilities are. Inside the limiting boxes is where political power is created. This is why the normal politicians stay in the boxes. This is why fundamental, humane change rarely—if ever—has come from power politics. I hope they keep saying that I’m not a real and serious candidate because each time they say that our blip gets brighter and more intense. I also hope they keep saying I am the candidate of the fringe, of the margins. Consider who they have marginalized… the poor, the working poor. In fact, most of the labor force: the disabled, gays, seniors, the uninsured, women, the middle class, artists, family farmers, racial minorities, immigrants, etc. Hey, I may win by a wide margin!

True, I do have my problems. As one “art expert” once wrote, I, “Seem to have a compulsion not to take no for an answer under any circumstances.” I do have this disability of not knowing what is “impossible.” So, I just figure out how to do it. When I was born, the doctors told my parents I had no IQ. Obviously the doctors were wrong. So I don’t pay any intention to the supposed limitations. I just do what is needed. When I was growing up, I struggled to get educated, struggled against discrimination and prejudices. I really enjoy the righteous struggle. This enjoyment of struggle gives me an advantage when struggle is needed. When Senator Jesse Helms tried to blacklist me, when the Berkeley City Council tried to ban my public access cable show… there have been so many struggles! My enjoying righteous struggle has been a winning element. I also enjoy when struggle is successful. I’m looking forward to the huge struggle of taking away controlling power from the big corporations, of reclaiming the rights and freedoms that have been stolen from the people of this country, of creating a new post-oil social order in which we will eliminate fear of getting sick, of getting old, of the future, of the Other.

In reality, as president, I will be able to do a lot to start the process of change. And I will! I get results! I deliver! But realistically, I will be working with a Congress full of people heavily invested in the old power system. I will need you! Writing me in on election day will be just the first step. I will need you to get involved in your local community. I will probably need you to put pressure on Congress—and on the press—to enact our dreams. It may take you coming to Washington DC a few times as you did for civil rights and to stop the Vietnam War. But together we will get this done! If it takes me throwing a giant party on The Mall every three months, then that’s what I’ll do!

It will be an exciting, fun four years! Just imagine a world in which somebody like you or me could really become president. Now keep imagining it and we just may win! Do not throw your vote away on a candidate who does not share your dreams, who is not committed to bring your dreams into reality! Go for it! It is the only practical thing to do because if we don’t go for it, we will never get what we need, what we want, what we are dreaming. Hey, it just makes sense… right? So write in Frank Moore for President and Susan Block for Vice President on election day! For more information, go to and