Frank Moore For President 2008

Candidate of the Just Makes Sense Party. Vote for Frank Moore. He gets results!

Friday, October 31, 2008

more on the campain trail


The union guy from IWW came in briefly ... he knows that Corey is involved in the Frank Moore for President campaign from chatting in the store, but also from seeing us at events where they have had booths too. He was saying that he ain't voting Obama, and doesn't want to vote McKinney or Nader either. Corey said he could vote for Frank! A qualified write-in in California. He said he would do that. Corey grabbed him a stuffed platform so that he had the names ... he said, "A voting guide and everything, great!"

KALX was doing a fund drive, and people were arriving to handle the phones ... they thought at first that Corey was one of those ... he could hear Loretta's voice on the air, doing the news, and just hung out on a couch and waited, watching the activity of a radio station. Fun! The girl next to him, waiting to be a phone person, asked what he was there for, and he told her and showed her Frank's platform. She said she liked election day being a paid holiday ...

Soon Loretta was out, and they were looking over Frank's bio that Corey had emailed her, but also brought a copy of ... she was picking out paragraphs she wanted to have on air, and couldn't stop checking them off one after the other! She kept saying, "Oh wow ... oh wow! This is really interesting ... this is great!" And soon they were heading into the recording studio with Chris, an engineer and new DJ at KALX too. Loretta would do a short intro/bio for Frank, and then Corey would continue the bio by reading from "Imagine the Possibilities", and then Loretta would ask why Frank decided to run, and Corey would read from "Finally, A Real Candidate for President", and then she would go into her 6 topics ... equal pay for women and men, getting out of Iraq, roe v. wade, global warming, health care and lowering gas prices ... But the computer filled up about 5 minutes into the recording! Chris had to delete a bunch of files and then they would start again. 5 minutes into what was supposed to be a 10 minute piece, and not out of the bio portion yet, Loretta reconsidered using as much of the bio, so that they could get to the issues ... and it still ended up going 17 minutes! Really really fun, and it felt like it went really well! Loretta and Chris were boweled over by Frank's words and approach ... Loretta said she wished she had more time to give to Frank's campaign, there was so much to talk about .. There were more tidbits that Corey gave off air that they were both fascinated by ... the write-in requirements, what happened in Minnesota, etc. ... Chris got the wave file burning, and headed out with handfuls of materials for Frank, and Corey and Loretta chatted while waiting for the file to burn. Chris had shown Loretta how to burn it to disc after the wav file finished, but she decided she wanted to wait for help doing it, since she really didn't know how to use that computer ... so Corey could get a copy of the interview at another time. She was talking about the late night music show she does on KALX ... saying she really wants to put stuff on that she hasn't heard anywhere else on the radio, to mix it up, to do stuff like she used to hear back east, when she was living in Erie, PA ... DJs would really mix it up a lot more than they do now, not just straight genre shows ... She liked to thrown in poetry, news, her own thoughts, music she hasn't heard much of on the radio ... She was talking about recently discovering The Last Poets, Gil Scott Heron ... Corey said that Frank was available to come on to her show and talk!

Back here, Corey came down for a tape to record the show... And soon the show was starting, Soapbox Derby. It started late because of the pledge drive, so hopefully, the DJ after Loretta wouldn't mind her running long and playing the whole interview she had done with Corey! After a guest talking about Prop. 8, Loretta introduced Frank Moore, and then it just went to music! It didn't play! Alexi called the station, and found out what Corey guessed ... technical difficulties ... too bad there wasn't someone there with more technical knowledge to help her!

We fliered around San Pablo/Gilman/Ashkenaz, and then down to Gilman St. Club, and then made our way around the city in a big circle, hitting all the major intersections and places where people congregate! It was a fun way to flier. At the corner of University and San Pablo, a guy watched us putting up the fliers, and was very curious, reading the poster. We handed him a platform, and he started reading it right away ... Then we postered our way around the street corners of that intersection, and when we came around to the last corner, there he was again waiting for a bus, and he came up to us and said that it is really good! "I like it, it is really good ... Obama won't do those things ... but he [Frank] can't ... it won't, happen now ... it is like ... 'utopia', no?" We said yes, but it could happen! It is possible ...

on the campaign trail

Corey got on the phone with Minnesota! He was put straight through to Nancy Breems, the woman who had signed the rejection letter to Frank, and talked over with her our contest of that decision, and the reasons, and mentioned Richard, and that we needed to have this resolved that day because of the impending deadline the next day! She put Corey on hold for a short time, and when she came back, she said that she was not the "end all, be all" of this elections department, so she needed to go over this with their legal counsel and she would have to get back to us. Corey suggested that he could email an article directly addressing this very issue, and she said that would be fine, and gave him the email to send it to. As soon as they were off the phone, Corey sent her the link to Richard's article, and then we started writing the day, and the usual morning stuff .... within about a half hour or so, she was calling back to let us know that their legal counsel had shown her her error in interpreting the requirements and that Frank was now a qualified write-in candidate for President, and Susan a qualified write-in candidate for Vice-President in Minnesota! Yay!!!

At BNG, it was the usual Monday morning activities ... fresh off the call to Minnesota, Corey was telling everyone what had happened. Amazing! Cindy, Nai were very impressed with the victory. Corey saw Steve Levine of Excellent Paper Supply again in the morning, in the store to check on BNG's stock, etc. Corey gave him a platform and a button this time, so that he was sure how to write in Frank and Suzy's names. He loved getting the button!

Corey told Jasmine all about Minnesota while they were stocking in the same aisle, and she really got it, really got how the government blocks access to the people, and how the whole thing is set up that way. She said, "What you don't know, CAN hurt you!" She said that she was telling her 12 year-old daughter about Frank running for President, and she was amazed and excited. She thought that there were only Obama and McCain! She didn't realize that anyone could run for President!

Corey called New York one more time to try and finally confirm Frank's write-in filing acceptance there. He left a message for Lisa, the woman he had been talking to, and she called back during our lunch break. It was official: Frank Moore and Susan Block are qualified write-in candidates for President/Vice-President in New York state!

On the way home from work, Corey put on the rw&b cowboy hat, and went door to door along Gilman's shops giving people platforms ... the response was mixed! Mostly people were surprised! What is this ...??? While the chiropracter glowered at Corey, and the BNG regular stood corrected (Corey was not supporting Bob Barr, but this Frank Moore!), the gal behind the counter was, with jaw dropped, looking over the platform Corey had just handed her!

We headed out with our cowboy hats on and hands full of stuffed platforms! We stopped by J.P.s first to invite him to the election night party, and then went door to door, leaving Frank's platform in the most obvious place we could, usually on the front door mats, or tucked into screens or in the door ... It was fun! Really a trip to think of all these people checking out Frank's platform ... We went all the way up Curtis to Marin, and then back up Neilson ... It got dark, and we ran out a little before Francis. So we headed home, reading the passage about the Brotherhood of the Spirit that we came upon in the cookbook that we had picked up along the way -- wow!! Then we picked up more platforms, hit a few more places on Curtis on the way to Gilman, and then went back up Neilson from the other side, completing that block! Really fun, and a workout, going up and down all those stairs!

When we got up to the Monterey Market area, we gave a platform to the gal with her Obama Biden table set up outside Monterey Market. She had met Frank already, and said that he is a "very nice gentleman" and wished us luck!

We bought the olive oil, and then wheeled down the set of shops there on Hopkins ... it wasn't the best time to electioneer with shop owners because it was the end of the day, and they were busy with last minute shoppers, etc. We went past Gioia pizza, hovering there for a few minutes and looking at the write-ups posted on their windows ... the cute girl working inside came over to the order window and asked us what was up? We told her we were checking out the pizza, and also handing out platforms for Frank Moore for President! We gave her one ... and she started reading it right there ... we did a little u-turn ... the guy in the liquor store was really busy too, so we would just head home, postering our way back ... She was still reading it! We asked her what she thought, and she came over pointing to a paragraph, and saying, "Well, I don't think I like this!" It was the paragraph about marriage ... She asked what was Frank getting at there? Did he not want the government to expand their concept of marriage? We explained that Frank wanted government to stay out of how people define their relationships totally, so people can get married or celebrate their relationships in whatever way they want to, but the government will afford all forms of relationships of 2 or more people the same rights and benefits. After talking about it for a bit, she really got it. She asked who Frank was, and we told her that he is an artist, a performance artist here in Berkeley ... he himself lives in a tribal relationship of 7 people. She said, "Hmmm .... sounds very ... intimate ..." We said yes ... And then her boss had to yank her back inside to serve up pizza! And we were off to put up fliers and head home.

I say vote for Frank Moore and Dr. Suzy Block! -



offline 215
Wed, October 29, 2008 - 12:14 AM
Very good policies
I don't think the rich would like it, I don't think people who *think* they might eventually be rich would like it either.

offline 139
Wed, October 29, 2008 - 12:36 AM
Isn't it weird you may be right about that?

Sticks and Stones

Gretchen Menn wrote:
Hi, Frank,
I wanted to thank you so much for having Sticks and Stones on your show last night! It was a real pleasure, and we sure appreciate you taking the time to talk to us (not to mention allowing us to take over your front room for a couple hours!).
Rock on, and kick butt on election day!

Frank Moore wrote:
are you going to vote for me?

Gretchen Menn wrote:
You've got all of Sticks and Stones' votes! Sam came into rehearsal last night having read your platform and informed Mickael and me that you are a genius who could save all the world's problems...and Sam's not one to to effusive!

Thanks again for having us, and I look forward to seeing you in my other incarnation (Francis Bakin).


Frank Moore wrote:
i value y'all's votes...and especially sam's!

Frank Moore For President 2008 Photo Blog

check out the new photos on the
Frank Moore For President 2008 Photo Blog

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Re: Frank received a rejection letter from Minnesota yesterday ...

John The Baker wrote:
wow ! that is like the best thing . in these times of voter fraud and purges. having a victory so huge is commendable. thank you frank moore , I am so proud to know you as my friend. Sometimes I get caught up in , "well a third party candidate is a waste of time", type of thinking and so to see a victory of this magnitude from the dilligence of one man and his friends is truly inspiring !

thanks you so much for staying focused and pour of heart. your innocent approach to this process allows this type of changes in our system. I am overjoyed ! Now I will always believe that other party candidates can make a difference, I will explain this to people using your experience in MN as an example of just how a lone wolf candidate can make a difference just by standing up with persistance to do the right thing.

wow. i am a changed person. thanks once again for helping me frank.
John the Baker

Frank Moore wrote:
john, what a wonderful letter/email! it fuels me/us! it means a lot to me. what we have here is a feedback inspire me, i inspire you, we inspire others, and so on. there have been thousands of these feedback loops during the campaign [not to mention in life in general]. people who say "but you can't win!" don't understand. we are expanding the possibilities in very concrete ways. btw, today in the mail there was the official apology from mn.!

Susan Block wrote:
Wow, tears are flowing, tears of joy that our campaign makes such a dif...
Xo suzy

P.S. Frank: You and the campaign should be on Twitter:

Frank Moore wrote:
yes, indeedie!

how Frank would pay for all of the programs he proposes!

From Virtual and Open Presidential Debate for 2008

Mr. Moore,

Great ideas on campaign reforms.

How do you plan to fund all the "free" programs you list?

With considerably reduced military, how do you propose to defend the USA against probable attacks?


Daniel Kingery

Frank Moore wrote:
I’ll do away with all tax deductions for over $12,000 income. Instead, there will be a flat tax of 10% on annual income of less than one million dollars for an individual and less than five million dollars for a corporation. But the flat tax will jump to 75% on annual income exceeding these limits.

I’ll cut the military budget by at least half.

I will also reduce the federal government while raising services to the people by getting rid of welfare, social security, the so-called war on drugs, etc., and by the cuts in the military, the I.R.S., prisons, etc.

We will use half of the money we will save by cutting the military budget to pay down the national debt. I will shrink the federal bureaucracy and again use half of the savings for this pay down. I will reduce the pollution caused by obscene corporate profits.

Basically the problem is not a lack of money, but what we have spent our money on…war, pork, waste, etc. It has been a standard trick to distract us with supposed waste, fraud, etc. in the social programs while milking us out of billions in military waste, corporate welfare, etc.

Today, because of monopolies, we pay much more for drugs and have less access to drugs than most Western nations. The drug companies are searching for what will generate the largest profits, and that dictates the research. This means many problems that are deemed unprofitable are left unexplored. Under my policies, companies that develop drugs based on research done at universities, government labs or other public institutions will pay royalties to those public institutions, thereby making future research possible.

It is to get back to common wealth rather than wealth, to induce the break up of the big corporations, to bring back the control of our society to us the people, to turn away from greed and distorting huge profits, and shift the burden of paying for our common good to those who have the ability to pay. all of this will open up a great wealth of new opportunities for everybody.

Frankly, most of "the rich" make out very well under my plan. In your personal life, do you know anybody making a million dollars a year? I don't. but I would call that person RICH. and that person would pay at the 10% tax rate. Not bad! The everybody else...will get $12,000 tax-free each year, free health-care and education, etc. Businesses won't have to provide health-care or pensions to their workers. Yep, the rich will do quite well. and the wealth junkies can still make as much money as they want. They will keep 25%!

All businesses selling their products in the U.S. will have to certify that their products were manufactured in accordance with this country’s labor, wage, environmental, and safety laws ... that they meet or exceed these ... no matter where they were produced. This would curb people’s desire to come to this country for a better life. It would also remove the corporations’ motivation for draining jobs from this country. Businesses would pay non-citizen workers at least the minimum wage which would be tied to the cost of living. Businesses that hire non-citizen workers would pay a tax to cover the additional costs to our educational and health systems. This tax couldn't be taken out of the wages of the workers.

The military budget is so bloated, so focused on the past, cutting it by half would actually increase, rather than decrease, our military defense effectiveness.

Frank Moore is a screwball

Blue House wrote:
I posted Frank's platform on energy and climate change on craigslist Oregon, and was posted after ...

Frank Moore is a screwball

So Frank Moore wants us all to live in small villages connected to mass transit? What happens to all the big cities that exist? If you took away most of the combustion engines in the major cities and put an emphases on mass transit or produced electric cars or hybrid cars you could create a much healthier environment, why would people have to live in small villages?

His ideas seem to be unrealistic at best. He says that he promotes free public mass transit,well who will pay for it? He says he is also for legalizing drugs yet he turns around and says that tobacco should require a prescription. He proposes that he will do away with welfare and social security and give every adult American a minimum income of $1,000 a month. What happens to the safety net for people who have been laid off, and people with disabilities, and people nearing retirement age? Don't they need that social security and don't the severely disabled need some form of assistance?

If he completely does away with welfare and social security just how exactly is he going to "guarantee employment" for millions of Americans out of work and not receiving any money? Just think how desperate millions of Americans will become if you leave them jobless, with no social security, or food stamps, and with no money to eat or provide shelter over their heads when they are out of work, crime will triple.

What he says sounds enticing but it really doesn't make any sense at all, and why would I vote for a candidate who stands absolutely NO chance at all to win?

Frank Moore wrote:
a screwball, eh? well, pitchers will tell you that screwballs are very useful, especially if they are controlled/focused.

cities are actually networks of small villages. living in terms of small villages is much more effective on every level. the less energy we use the better, no matter what kind of energy.

see my platform at to see how we will pay for our proposals. the combination of the guaranteed minimum income of $1,000 a month, lifetime free education, and universal free health care [including long term care and home attendants] will form an effective safety net.

will you put this in GOING ON?

this November [or earlier],



for a humane, sustainable, and just plain enjoyable society!

for the states in which Frank is qualified as a write-in candidate and
instructions for how to write-in Frank Moore / Susan Block in your state!

Frank Moore has qualified in the following 25 states as a write-in
candidate for President of the United States! Alabama, Alaska, California,
Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota,
Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia,
Wisconsin, Wyoming.

Go to to read his platform and
check in with the campaign. And to find out to write in, go to and
click on your state.

Harley wrote:
Hi Guys n Gals - please send Goings On email to
only - this account is my personal one - no need to duplicate. thanks
m'friends, Harley

Frank Moore wrote:

Harley wrote:
grassy-ass! run Frank run = Pennsylvania Avenue's almost in sight and lord
knows we need ya! Harley, forever dangling carrots

Frank Moore wrote:
better than dangling chads!

New York

Blue House wrote:
It is official (finally got the confirmation from NY yesterday after weeks of the write-ins being under "Executive Review"): Frank Moore and Susan Block are qualified write-in candidates for President/Vice-President in New York state!

Frank Moore wrote:
it's very exciting!

btw, i just read that they don't count write-ins on election night. it may take up to a month to find out how many votes we got.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

on the campaign trail


There was the call from the polygamist group! Corey went down to call Carlene ... amazing! She loved all of Frank's platform ideas that Corey talked about in response to her candidate survey ... this would be reaching 30,000 polygamist voters in Utah! She was especially struck by the simple masterful concept of family that Frank outlines in the platform ... marriages would be left to churches, etc. ... but any 2 or more people who have lived together for more than 2 years can register as a family, and receive all the benefits and protections that married couples receive today. An amazing call, and she would be sending the list of questions to Frank as well so that he could expand on some of the ideas!

Then we were parking in downtown Berkeley, and getting started! We plastered all of downtown Berkeley. We realized that it was much easier to do a postering night in Berkeley on a Saturday night, plus we knew now that they would stay up until Monday! Much easier than going out on a Friday night after a full day of work and all the other Friday evening activities. We wore our red, white & blue cowboy hats, which people really like, and made our way through downtown, plastering! People were curious, and we handed out platforms to several people along the way. At a cafe about halfway through our route, we ran into this older scraggly guy and a young black guy at the back of the cafe near the poster board. They both knew about Frank running for President. The older guy said that he and Frank are legendary! We asked him what he was legendary for?! He said he didn't want to toot his own horn, and tried to get the younger guy to tell us, but it didn't work, so he confided that he has sold enormous amounts of pot in his lifetime, a proud member of NORML. We told him about Frank's platform on legalization, and he already knew about it. He really liked Frank, loved the platform, and said that people think that this is some kind of a joke when they see Frank's picture, but this is a very substantive serious platform that Frank has. The younger black guy knew that Frank was running too, but hadn't read the platform, and we gave him one, and left him reading it ... totally engrossed. We gave the older guy a button too, which he loved!

We postered our way back to the car ... a succesful night of fliering. It was so neat to experience first hand how effective the fliering is, and how many people are being exposed to Frank ...

At bng, on an early break with Nai and Kao, they were watching the news, and Nai was asking why they never talk about Frank on the news if he is one of 7 or so candidates who could actually win the presidency. Kao said that they don't even cover some of the more well known 3rd party candidates, because they don't want people to know about anyone except the parties in power, they don't want to allow for the other possibilities.

Corey was also telling folks about the call from Utah, and the 30,000 potential votes in Utah! Jennifer said that she liked Frank's platform about marriage -- it made a lot of sense!

Checking off the new milk guy, Tom, telling him the latest about Frank's campaign ... and then back into the cooler to do the milk delivery ... Kevin of Cultured (raw sauerkraut), Alex's husband, was doing his semi-regular delivery to the store ... The last time he was there, Corey was outside checking off the milk order and talking to Bruce about the campaign ... and Corey told him about Frank running for President ... he sort of knew about it, but was totally impressed to learn that it was completely for real! Now, Corey had a chance to hand him a platform, and he was really glad to get it, saying he and Alex were going to check it out! Corey also told him about the call from Utah, which he was totally amazed by, and as he was leaving, saying, Frank could get the polygamist vote in Utah!

Also, in the morning at some point, Steve Levine of Excellent Paper Supply was in the store, doing his order for BNG, and Corey and he started chatting about the election. He was disgusted with the process ... he didn't like that his local polling place had been shut down and his only choice for voting now was to do it by mail. That was not an anonymous vote, they knew where it was coming from, especially out where he lived in the country in Napa ... He much preferred to go into the polling place and push the buttons, and turn in his ballot, but since Napa county was closing down scores of polling places, he imagined that the Napa elections department didn't share his point of view! Corey asked him if he had told him about Frank running for President? He had, and Steve had also read the platform ... Steve said, so I can't look for his name on the ballot, right? I have to write him in? Frank Moore? M-O-O-R-E? Ok. Well, I am going to vote for Frank, I'll write him in. !

Corey wrote up the email about the Minnesota letter to Richard Winger, and it wasn't long before he responded, and then Corey talked to him by phone too. What would we do without Richard!? Amazing! ... reading his blog post later, it was amazing how he could just pull up these court cases to illustrate his point, and now we could use this as well when Corey called Minnesota Monday morning!

We went into Cafe International, and saw Zahara again, the owner ... it had been quite some time. We told her that Frank was running for President! She said, Really?? "Well, he'll be better than this," and she pulled out a color copy of McCain's head with Palin next to him, actually her face on a nude playboy-type model's body! We gave her the platform and she started reading it, loving everything ... She took a button too and put it right on. And told the guy waiting for coffee behind us that he should vote for Frank! She said, "He'll get some votes through me, because I have a lot of influence in this neighborhood!"

virtual debate question

Blue House wrote:
There was actually another question, which I'm not sure exactly how Frank would answer (part of the same post with the question about funding the free programs ...)

"With considerably reduced military, how do you propose to defend the USA against probable attacks?"

Frank Moore wrote:
the military budget is so bloated, so focused on the past, cutting it by half would actually increase, rather than decrease, our military defense effectiveness.

District of Columbia

Richard Winger wrote:
did you file in the District of Columbia?

can't tell from your map. DC is too small to show up!

I am broken-hearted to learn today that Alaska won't tally write-in votes, even for declared write-in candidates.

Frank Moore wrote:
unfortunately we are one person/elector short in d.c.

i figure that if we had known when we started this campaign 2 years ago what we know now, we would have qualified in between 5 to 10 more states.


Paul Escriva wrote:
Hi Frankie,

Just got home from casting an early voting ballot for you.

Have been distributing the buttons you sent for the past few weeks. I even gave one of the original buttons to Tim Miller back in July.

Chicago weather is cold but it is heating up over you!

When will you get the actual count from each state?

Take care,

xo Paul

Frank Moore wrote:
great, paul! keep it up! as for finding out how many votes we got, we will figure that out AFTER the election. now we are focused on getting votes!

Frank received a rejection letter from Minnesota yesterday ...

ok, gather around....i've a tale of victory to tell...

on saturday i wrote suzy, my vice-president, this:

"btw, i hope you are ready to move to another state if we win california's popular chaney did! as if we have to worry about that happening. apparently we can't have the same electors if we live in the same state...but only if we win in that state!

we only found out that absurdity today! it came up because yesterday we got an official letter from mn informing us they had rejected our forms in july to be write-in candidates [oh, btw,, the deadline to appeal is this week!] because the president and the vice president can't be from the same state. this was the first time i heard that requirement...and obviously the other 24 states that qualified us haven't either! so we asked our ballot expert. he was outraged. it's bogus. we are challenging it! but then he told us about the elector rule! but never fear...if we win california, just move to d.c. early!"

this was the letter from the Elections Division of the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State, dated OCTOBER 17:

"Dear Mr. Moore,

Thank you for submitting the document, Written Request By Write-In Candidates for Federal and State Office. Your document was received on July 1, 2008.

Your document has been rejected because, for the office of President and Vice President, the candidates must be residents of different states.


Nancy Breems
Elections Division
Office of the MN Secretary of State"

(The deadline for filing for write-in candidates is OCTOBER 29)

Included in the envelope were three other things:

1) a blank "Written Request By Write-In Candidates For Federal And State Office" form. This is the form that we filled out and sent in to them. It has a space for the name of the Vice-Presidential candidate, and says to print name and state of residence. It does not say anything about the vice-presidential candidate needing to be from a different state.

2) a print-out from the Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State website --

It is titled: "Presidential Ballot Access and Election Process"

We have read through this description of the qualifications and process for a candidate for President, and it makes no mention of the candidates for president and vice-president needing to be from different states. In fact, there are other links on this page, including one that says: "2008 Presidential Ballot Access Q&A".
This also does not make any mention of this requirement.

The "Presidential Ballot Access and Election Process" page lists the qualifications for President, and cites the Constitution: "A person must be a natural born citizen of the United States, be at least 35 years of age, and have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years to be qualified to be President of the United States. (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article II, Section 1)"

3) a glossy printed brochure from the Office of the Secretary of State, State of Minnesota.
Inside, there is a section outlined in pen, under "Qualifications for Partisan Offices Elected in 2008:"

"President and Vice President: Candidate must be a natural born citizen, at least 35-years-old and a resident of the United States for 14 years. Candidates for president and vice president must be residents of different states."

It does not cite the Constitution here.

so we asked richard winger, the nation's leading expert on ballot access, who has been helping us, what gives!

richard answered:

"This is outrageous. Many people mistakenly think the US Constitution requires the president and vice-president to be from different states. They are wrong. The Constitution only says that electors from one state cannot vote for both president and vice-president for people who are from THAT STATE. Furthermore, the 12th Amendment says "The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. Furthermore, in 2004, a Democratic elector from Minnesota did vote for someone for both president and vice-president from the same state. One elector voted for John Edwards for both president and for vice-president. Please get me a copy of the Minnesota letter. I will denounce it!"

he and corey talked throughout the weekend. Richard advised us to call first thing Monday morning and talk to the woman who wrote the rejection letter from the MN Elections Division. over the weekend richard posted this on his site,

Minnesota Secretary of State Rejects Presidential Write-in Filing for Frank Moore
October 25th, 2008

Frank Moore is a write-in presidential candidate, who has been diligently attempting to file for declared write-in status in as many states as possible. He is likely to succeed in 25 states, which will probably be a record. However, on October 17, the Minnesota Elections Division rejected his write-in filing on 12th Amendment Grounds. The Minnesota Elections Division seems to not understand the 12th Amendment.

The letter says, “Dear Mr. Moore, thank you for submitting the document, Written Request by Write-in Candidates for Federal and State Office. Your document has been rejected because, for the Office of President and Vice President, the candidates must be residents of different states.”

This letter is mistaken for two completely separate reasons: (1) The 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not require presidential and vice-presidential candidates to reside in different states. The only restriction is that if a presidential and vice-presidential candidate do both live in the same state, they can’t both receive electoral votes from THAT state; (2) Even setting that point aside, the residence of the candidate for president and vice-president is only material in December of the election year, when the electors meet and vote. To illustrate, in 2000, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush both lived in Texas when they were nominated. After being nominated, Cheney changed his voter registration from Texas to Wyoming, so that both he and Bush would be able to receive the Texas electoral votes.

Ironically, in 2004 a Minnesota elector did vote for someone for president, and someone for vice-president, who lived in the same state, the state of North Carolina. One Democratic elector, for reasons unknown, voted for John Edwards for both president and for vice-president. Congress counted that electoral vote.

Another point is that Minnesota in the past has placed teams of presidential and vice-presidential candidates on the November ballot, even though both individuals lived in the same state. The Socialist Workers Party ticket consisted of a New Yorker for president, and a New Yorker for vice-president, in 1968, and that team appeared on the Minnesota ballot. In 1968, a New York challenge was filed against the SWP ticket on the grounds that both lived in that state, but the challenge was defeated. The case was Application of Horowitz, 294 NYS 2d 69, affirmed, 294 NYS 2d 988.

this generated outraged calls other than corey's to mn. so when corey called mn early monday morning, the groundwork had been laid. after consulting with their own legal staff, mn reversed itself, admitting it was a mistaken interpretation! suzy and i are now qualitified in mn! it is amazing that our campaign has forced a few states to change their election policies!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Comment on Ballot Access News blog re: Frank's MN rejection letter

This is from the October blog posting about Frank's rejection letter from MN on Ballot Access News

# randallthayes Says:
October 26th, 2008 at 8:44 am

I emailed the Minn. Sec. of State’s office last night explaining how they misapplied the law and asking that they correct their mistake and accept Mr. Moore as a write-in candidate.

If anyone else wants to contact them, here’s their contact page:

Ruth Spivak wrote:

We got our sample ballots last week. I was so pleased to see your name in the write in candidate area. You are definitely on the ballot in Maryland!

Let me know your final numbers. I will be very interested.

I think you will be interested in this article, if you haven't already read it.

Ruth Meyer Spivak

Frank Moore wrote:
yep, it is slightly surreal to see it in the official frame of reality!

so do i have your vote?

John The Baker wrote:
wow ! that is like the best thing . in these times of voter fraud and purges. having a victory so huge is commendable. thank you frank moore , I am so proud to know you as my friend. Sometimes I get caught up in , "well a third party candidate is a waste of time", type of thinking and so to see a victory of this magnitude from the dilligence of one man and his friends is truly inspiring !

thanks you so much for staying focused and pour of heart. your innocent approach to this process allows this type of changes in our system. I am overjoyed ! Now I will always believe that other party candidates can make a difference, I will explain this to people using your experience in MN as an example of just how a lone wolf candidate can make a difference just by standing up with persistance to do the right thing.

wow. i am a changed person. thanks once again for helping me frank.
John the Baker

Frank Moore wrote:
john, what a wonderful letter/email! it fuels me/us! it means a lot to me. what we have here is a feedback inspire me, i inspire you, we inspire others, and so on. there have been thousands of these feedback loops during the campaign [not to mention in life in general]. people who say "but you can't win!" don't understand. we are expanding the possibilities in very concrete ways. btw, today in the mail there was the official apology from mn.!

Good luck in the election...

Twisterbait wrote:
You guys are going to win this time.

Then there'll be no more of this...

Good luck!

Frank Moore wrote:
yep, i and susan just might win this sucker! more and more people are saying they WILL vote for us!

Twisterbait wrote:
Here’s hoping all the votes get counted properly this time… you’ve got mine mentally (being a UK citizen), for a fully functioning democracy!

Frank Moore wrote:
actually some states refuse to count write-ins...even officially qualified write-in candidates...which is illegal!

Twisterbait (Brendan Fitchew) wrote:
I’m sad to say that doesn’t surprise me, taking into account the blatancy of the other illegal vote-removing methods that have been used successfully in the past.

Here’s something I’ve just sent out in the hope it might catch a few undecided folks out there…

Terrorism relies on people's fear of an enemy.

There is no enemy other than fear.

It's a tool that's been cunningly and callously used throughout history to physically empower those who are themselves ruled by it.

It's instilled in Americans every day, because without it the US could not have its democracy, constitution, civil liberties and freedom removed from the hands of its people.

'Terrorists' spread terror to justify actions which only they benefit from while those who support them are left disillusioned, poor, homeless, childless or dead, and devoid of rights.

If you're looking for an alternative to fear, may I suggest you vote for this guy:

Frank Moore wrote:
brendan, thanks for your endorsement!

Monday, October 27, 2008

moore/block campaign pics from meloversary at the speakeasy

the finale of the campaign

Last night, we did my last campaign speech…at least for this campaign! It was at the retirement community where Erika works as The Director of Enrichment. I spoke there about a year ago delivering one of my first campaign speeches. A lot has changed between the 2 appearances, both in the outside world, but especially in their world…and NOT change for the better. Their community was just bought from a family-owned non-profit by a big for-profit corporation. This corporation doesn’t value “enrichment,” “community,” or the people [the residents and the staff alike] who have been there for many years. Instead it is in the process of removing the older people and going after a younger [richer] crowd who would require less care, hence less costs, hence bigger profits. This was the context in which the standing room only audience took what I was saying. Last year they got what I was saying. But this year, everything was more intense, real, and personal. We were describing how things should be, how we could get there in very practical terms. I did my longer speech, but almost everybody in the room stayed engaged. What a finale for the campaign!

It was really fun to be back at the Claremont again, setting up for another campaign event! Kit was around too, finishing off his day of work ... It was really fun to decorate ... the last hurrah! Election night would be the last event of this amazing campaign ... unless of course Frank won!!!

We all decorated, and Corey set up the camera, and folks were starting to come in and sit down, and by the time Frank, Linda and Mikee arrived, they had a full house! The running commentary from some of the ladies in the back row was stuff you couldn't make up if you tried ... so, so funny and totally uninhibited ...

After getting the mics set up, Frank got right into his speech ... and it was really amazing how it felt like everyone there was really taking it in on a deep level, really listening. It did feel like the hour went by very fast, and it was so great that Frank brought in what had happened at the Claremont, now "Monarch", to illustrate what he would confront as President ... really powerful on so many levels! And how Frank's speech addressed seniors specifically, and what he would do as President to address the "warehousing" of seniors, to cover all of their needs, to integrate everyone into society together because we need all members of society ... it was just so powerful, and it really felt like everyone there took these ideas in very deeply! It was amazing how the one guy likened Frank's ideas to socialism, a revival of Eugene Debs' ideas, and we remembered later that Richard Winger had said something similar about Frank's platform ... that it was socialist in nature, but did not give you the feeling you get from listening to Socialists or reading socialist writing ... it was much more inviting, attractive .... something like that! It was really powerful too, Sydney's comments about the former Claremont and what has happened there ...

And then the speech was over, and everyone was invited to have milk and cookies ... And Frank and Linda chatted with Ruth up front, who really enjoyed Frank's speech, and liked wearing the red, white & blue cowboy hat, and liked that she would be on public access tv! And then the evening melted into a deep, soft concentrated conversation with Carol ... a woman we found out later is around 97 years old ... she wanted to know more about Frank, and Linda, and how we all live, what Frank's daily life is like ... it was so deep and moving on so many levels ... Linda said later it was felt like "one body" with Carol ... She just kept asking questions ... and was really moved and impressed and fascinated with Frank ... She used to live in our neighborhood, was a teacher ... they got to know each other ... she got to hear all about Frank's daily routine, what you do "for fun", basically what Frank's day is like ... It was so powerful after hearing Frank's presidential plan, to hear about your/our life so intimately, and to feel it resonate so deeply in Carol ... And then later, we were talking about the level of how Carol would repeat questions, but it never felt like it was the same question ... more like rubbing a wood carving in a certain place deeper and deeper to get to the deep feeling of the carving. And how because you didn't get into the repeating of her questions in the way that people might commonly perceive them, that it transformed not only the conversation, but the whole notion of aging, and communicating with older people ... the whole thing was very transformative! It was so neat how you talked about your days ... longer than 24 hour days, and how Carol really appreciated this, and then there was the level of how she asked Frank so much about how he gets around, and can he walk, and does he mind sitting for long periods of time...? ... we only found out later that she was confronting issues with her own need for a wheelchair, and so hearing how Frank enjoyed his life so fully, even though he was usually sitting, in one form or another, must have had quite an effect on her ... It was really really fun, and deep.

Kit was back from putting up flyers and he helped set up the cookies with red, white and blue napkins!!! The decorations looked great and soon you arrived, just in time. The residents were chatting, "Where is the toothless wonder?" "Who is this Guy Frank Moore?" And then he arrived. Frank started right in with his speech telling everyone that they could interrupt at any time with questions and comments. The room was sucked into his speech, everything dropped down deep and they were ready to listen. There was a little chatter throughout but the feeling in the room was they were right there with him going into the world that he was creating through his speech/platform, especially in the parts that were about health care, and that everything they needed including all their expenses to live in a retirement community would be taken care of, wow!! Then there were some questions and comments and Sidney said that she was noticing changes in the Monarch Place, that going from a non-profit to a profit business changes the feeling and that they had gotten rid of their nurse and Frank said to cut costs, to make more of a profit and that health care should not be for profit. There were a few more questions and comments and then we served up some Paul Newman's cookies and milk and most of the crowd left the room but before that time it was packed!!! A couple of residents stayed including Carol and Helen. Carol had questions about our life at home and how Frank spends his days and how he gets around and at times she repeated questions each time taking us down a different road, what do we do for fun, how do we spend our days, where do we live, does Frank walk, how does he get around the house. She was amazed by it all and impressed with all that we do including Frank's 48 hours performances!!! What an amazing night, what a great audience, what fun!! We started to clean up taking down the decorations etc. and soon headed home still talking about the night, the amazing conversation with Carol how ready for the speech everyone had been, how powerful the parts were that went directly into the lives of the residents.

We got there and started decorating. Every now and then someone would poke their head in and say hi. A lot of people were looking for Erika. The place felt good. Once the room was done it filled up fast. Erika and I went around with consent forms and then you guys showed up and got ready in no time. The feeling there was very full and fun. Everyone taking in what Frank was saying, what his speech was about on a deep level. Even the comments and the joking was part of the fun. A lot of people felt what it would mean to them if Frank was president, how that would stop the for-profit bulldozer. There were serious candidate questions like what is his stance on abortion and gay marriage. His answers sunk in. It was very real and deep how Frank spoke to the people as himself, not some glossed over image of who he wants them to believe he is. After the speech people stuck around and had cookies and milk. They felt good, cozy. Then we had a great talk with Carole and her friend when everybody else had gone. She was so innocently curious as to how Frank lived. Her questions cut through everything and lead down different paths each time she asked them again. Finding out something new every time. Rubbing deeper into us. Everyone having a really great time just being there. It was a wonderful last campaign stop.

Betsy wrote:
Sounds like a really good event. You are doing a great job. I have been following along with your emails. All the best, good luck,
Love, Betsy

Frank Moore wrote:
betsy, that means a lot coming from you! now vote for me!

Louis Scott wrote:
Is this the Betsy from San Bernardino days?

Thank you for all the work you're doing on the political scene. I never
thought I'd have the privilege to vote for anyone I completely believe in.
I did a mail-in several days ago and it was a thrill.


Frank Moore wrote:
yep, i never thought i would run for president. but votes are coming in!
it's very humbling!

yep, it's our betsy!

Election Night at YBCA

Anna Halprin and Mountain Home Studio wrote:
Election Night at YBCA
Dear Friends

Final announcement concerning, November 4th, Election Night. We will not be having a class on Tuesday November 4th. We will start the new series the following Tuesday, November 11th.

I hope you will come to Yerba Center for the Arts at 3rd and Mission in San Francisco on November 4 where artists of every discipline will gather for this historic occasion. I will be presenting the Earth Run from Planetary Dance with Billy Cauley, maybe Barbara Borden, and Jahan Khalighi at 6:30 sharp to 7:00 pm. We will be the first performers following the YBCA Director, Ken Fosters' introduction. Please come as it promises to be a great time to be together. The event is free and there will be free pizza when the poles close.

Look up the YBCA WEB site for futher description.

There is a parking lot at 5th and Mission. YBCA is at 3rd and Mission---give yourself plenty of time to park if you are driving.



Frank Moore wote:
hi, anna! did you know i'm running for president as a write-in candidate? see i and my running mate susan block are qualitified in 25 states [including california, of course] which breaks the record for write-in candidates!


HaloPixelated has made a comment on on Taxes and Debt (YouTube):
Does anyone know if Frank Moore is eligible in Missouri for a write-in vote?

Frank Moore wrote:
unfortunately Missouri is one of those states that make it virtually impossible to qualify as a write-in...thus denying their voters full choice which voters in other states requiring rituals of absurd hoops. in Missouri...

The candidate will need to file a notarized “Candidate Declaration Form United States President” and a notarized “Declaration Of Intent Candidate Vice President And Elector Nomination Form” (which needs to include the Vice-President candidate’s name, and the names of 11 presidential electors in Missouri pledged to the candidate).

These two forms will need to be accompanied by 11 notarized “Declaration of Candidacy” forms for each of the Missouri electors. 9 of the electors must come one from each of Missouri’s 9 congressional districts, and 2 can be “at large”.

Friday, October 24, 2008

election night party!

y'all come to celebrate our 2-year presidental campaign!!!

you are invited to a potluck/bbq ELECTION PARTY at the Blue House on
Tuesday, November 4, 2008!

it will start around 6pm or so!

Blue House
1200 Curtis Street
Berkeley, CA 94706
bring a dish, something to grill, and anything else you can think of!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Who knew Alternative presidential candidates - The Collegian Online


Who knew??? Alternative presidential candidates
By Kaley Delarosa

California write-ins known Thursday

Richard Winger ( wrote:
The Calif. Secty of State says she will tell the world which presidential candidates have filed for write-in status, on Thursday Oct 23.

Frank Moore wrote:

Comment posted on "Frank Moore at "How Berkeley Can You Be?" Parade 2008"

Craig Glassner wrote:
Hi Frank. It's Ranger Craig on the Rock! Frank Edward Nora (who I've been talking with for some time - we did a few podcasts about Alcatraz a year or so ago) has asked me to be on his podcast again to talk about you. I let him know (when I heard him talk about your campaign for president - which he is actively supporting) that I knew you, mentioned your (amazing) performance art - history - and how I kind of helped get you "online" (I kinda miss our old Atari computers - I'm using a Mac these days). I don't know if I can do this (as a federal employee subject to the Hatch Act) but if I can I wanted to make sure that it was OK with you that I discuss our (back then) history.

I must admit that I am still trying decide how to vote. I've (literally) voted for NOBODY (back in the 70s - the candidate that was supported by Wavy Gravy and the Yippies! who was the only candidate that would end the war, support the environment, etc.), I've voted for 3rd party candidates, but I'm so SO tired of the Republican regime that I am tempted to vote for Obama this time as a "lesser of two evils. I must admit I'm a bit embarrassed by this, but I regret having voted my conscious a while back allowing Bush1 winning control. Oh, I know it wasn't ME voting that got senior in office, but, well, our system is so fucked up I felt bad when he won.
You know, back when we were more in touch we talked about you coming out to the Rock. I would really love to show you around some time. It's really an interesting place. We would have fun if you came out!


Frank Moore wrote:
hi, craig! ah, that was pre-web days when we found each other on the GENIE bbs!

great about you being on frank's show to talk about me! we're debuting his show on luver this friday night. repeat myself....the voting for the lesser of 2 evils is a powerful con for maintaining the status quo. if you are in a "swing" state, voting for obama just to make sure that mccain doesn't slip in makes some rational sense. but not in states like california...IF you like my platform better than his. your vote for nader in california did not let bush in for various reasons. so your guilt isn't founded in fact...most guilt isn't! so don't throw your vote away...if my platform speaks to you, vote for me! such a vote is a vote for the new possibilities!

and how about this spring for THE ROCK?

Craig Glassner wrote:
Your "swing state" argument makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks. Spring, summer, winter or fall works for me - just come visit!

Ranger Craig coming to you from the tubes.

Frank Moore wrote:
so can i depend on your vote?

Can you come to our school?

From: Chris
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:52 AM
Subject: Can you come to our school

My school has a politics class and we are looking for guest speakers. Would you be willing to make an appearance at a high school not far from St. Paul.

Frank Moore wrote:
hi, chris. i wish i could speak with your class. but i live in berkeley, california. i'm running our campaign with virtually no money. so i can't travel there.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan"
To: Frank Moore
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 6:34 PM

I see you are running as a third-party or independent candidate for President. What is your position on abortion, and how does it compare with the positions of John McCain and Barack Obama?

Frank Moore wote:
i think it should be a private personal issue of the person. i think the
government has no business meddling in private personal issues.

Jonathan wrote:
Thanks for your reply. Appreciate it.

Frank Moore wrote:
so do i have your vote?

Jesse's Endorsements, Rent Board Party, and Sophie Hahn @ Jesse's house!

Frank Moore wrote:
jesse, this is a very useful, clear tool to help california voters as we go into the voting booth. we here just used it as we prepared.

and thanks for including susan and me in your presidential top 3 picks!

Jesse Townley wrote:
Hello to all of my friends and supporters of my 2008 campaign for Berkeley Rent Board & my 2004 campaign for Berkeley City Council-

3 subjects on this October morning, but first a disclaimer: If you do not wish to receive periodic updates and alerts, or if you're receiving multiple copies of this e-mail, please let me know and I'll remove your e-mail from this list. THIS IS THE LAST E-MAIL from me until after the November 4th election. Thanks!

*** Wednesday & Saturday- Sophie Hahn @ Jesse's house!
*** Rent Board party @ Blake's & hot window signs!
*** Jesse's Endorsements for this November!

*** Wednesday & Saturday- Sophie Hahn @ Jesse's house!
Sophie Hahn is the sole challenger to incumbent Laurie Capitelli- many of you supported me in my race against him in 2004. I'm proud to host a house party for her @ my house, 1354 Carlotta Ave, this Wednesday the 15th, from 7-9 pm. There will be food & drink, it's wheelchair accessible, and you can ask Sophie any questions you want. Bring your checkbook!

3 days later, please join Sophie & I at my house to walk around our neighborhood & speak with voters and drop literature. It's early on- 11am-1pm- so you'll still have a full Saturday afterwards. Please e-mail me & let me know that you'll be able to come by!

*** Rent Board party @ Blake's & hot window signs!
But wait Jesse, aren't you running for Rent Board? You bet, and yes we- the Progressive Slate of Townley, Tregub, Shelton, Harrison, & Drake- really need your support. E-mail me quickly if you want a window sign (they're running out because they're so popular!). We need phone bank & lit drop help. Please donate via check or paypal here:

We're having a fundraiser/birthday bash for Slate-mate Igor Tregub @ Larry Blakes this Saturday night from 8-10pm. The 1st $250 worth of food & drinks are FREE, so show up early! There's a requested donation of $5-$10 which will go to our Rent Board Slate & to Jesse Arreguin, my pick to replace the (frankly) irreplaceable Councilmember Dona Spring in District 4.

All 7 Rent Board Candidates will be live on B-TV (Channel 33) tonight 7-8pm in the League Of Women Voters debate. It'll be repeated on B-TV until election day. Check their schedule here

*** Jesse's Endorsements for this November!
If it's election season, it must be time for my endorsements. I don't agree with 100% of any of these people's stands- after all, the only person I'll back 100% is myself. Same for you, right? Anyway, add these endorsements to your deliberations- though I know some of you reading this have already sent off your absentee ballots. Still, you'll be advocating for particular political positions or candidates with your friends & family, so read on...

Since I'm running for Rent Board here in Berkeley, let me get this out of the way first. Please vote for the 5 of us:
Jesse Townley, Jack Harrison, Judy Shelton, Igor Tregub, Nicole Drake.
There are 5 open seats, and we were chosen from a field of 12 by more than 200 progressives, tenants, and Greens in August to run as a unified 5-person slate. Please look at our endorsers & positions at for more information.

President of the U.S.- NOT McCain/Palin.
I live in California, a state that is going for Obama/Biden. I love the excitement and hope surrounding Obama's campaign, and deplore everything the McCain/Palin campaign stands for. However, Obama is NOT the 2nd coming of JFK, let alone FDR. Cynthia McKinney & Rosa Clemente are running on the Green Party ticket. McKinney was incredibly impressive & realistic when she spoke @ February's Green Presidential debate. Local artist & troublemaker Frank Moore is running his own nationwide independent write-in campaign, with sex educator Susan Block. I'm not supporting Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez, even though both have been excellent candidates & activists throughout their careers- I'm working hard to build up the Green Party & I'd rather support candidates who specifically join & build the Greens national profile (although Matt Gonzalez is a Green).
Frank Moore/Susan Block

California State Senate District 9- Marsha Feinland
Marsha is the Peace & Freedom candidate, running against the probably unstoppable Loni Hancock. Marsha is more progressive & NOT a part of the local political machine that revolves around Hancock & her husband Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates. The major critique of the Hancock/Bates machine is its disdain for sustainable, neighborhood-appropriate development & people who aren't registered Democrats. Send Loni a message!

Judicial Office, Superior Court Judge, Seat 9- Dennis Hayashi
Smart, experienced, and just.

Berkeley City Council Races
District 2- Darryl Moore
Darryl is a solid progressive who is stellar.

District 3- Max Anderson
Max is a solid progressive who is stellar.

District 4- Jesse Arreguin
There is 1 great candidate- Jesse Arreguin- 3 very fine candidates, and 1 business-as-usual candidate. This district was represented by Councilmember Dona Spring, who passed away this year. She was my political mentor and was the conscience of our town. She was a political realist who knew when to reach for the seemingly unreachable- and succeed in reaching her goal. Jesse A is the one who will carry on her legacy honestly and earnestly.

District 5- Sophie Hahn
She's smart, she's energetic, and is ready to be a leader on the Council. I ran against her opponent last election, so I've been keeping a close eye on the incumbent. Come meet her tomorrow or Saturday at my house!

District 6- Phoebe Ann Sorgen
After years of serving on community & city commissions, Phoebe's finally making the move to City Council. It's an open seat, and the other candidate is the 16-year aide to the outgoing Councilmember. Business as usual? No way, vote Phoebe!

Berkeley School Board
John Selawsky is the #1 choice of every progressive in Berkeley. Although there are 2 seats open on the school board, both the Green Party & BCA did sole endorsements for John. Since he's the sole Green in a field of Democrats, the area Democratic clubs cannot (because of the state Democratic party) endorse him. This means that the other 3 candidates may have different endorsements than John, even though he is in line with the local progressive Democratic Clubs, like the Wellstone Club & the John George Club. A "bullet vote" (a vote for just 1 candidate in a multi-seat race) for John will ensure his election.
If you want to vote for 2 candidates, then please vote for Beatriz Leyva-Cutler as your #2 choice.
John Selawsky
Beatriz Leyva-Cutler

AC Transit At-Large- Joyce Roy
It's tough, because the incumbent has been really good over the past few years, but Joyce stepped up & helped expose the atrocious Van Hool bus deals in the press. The incumbent, whose heart & vote is usually in the right place, supported the AC Transit management responsible for the Van Hool situation. Vote Joyce Roy for a change to a knowledgeable, experienced advocate.

California State Propositions
High Speed Rail- Is it perfect? No. Do we need a quick & (hopefully) inexpensive route to L.A. that breaks the current status quo of millions of automobiles and thousands of tons of jet fuel? Yes.
2- YES
Mandating semi-humane treatment for animals in factory farms? A no-brainer.
3- NO
$2 Billion bond for Children's Hospitals- sounds good, but it's mostly going to private hospitals with massive endowments. We in Alameda County will probably be asked to replace our only public hospital- Highland Hospital- within a couple of years. We should save hospital bonds for that much more pressing need.
4- NO
Parental notification for abortion- this is something like the 3rd time in 4 Novembers that this proposition is on the ballot. It's been rejected so far & it's vital for us to reject it a 3rd time.
5- YES
Expanded treatment & diversion programs- It's common sense to not lock up someone who isn't a recidivist when they're a non-violent offender. Why spend the human & economic capital on locking up people who could turn their lives around outside of a prison cell?
6- NO
This is a punitive, anti-democratic, mean-spirited law that wasn't able to get through the legislative process so billionaire Henry Nicholas III put up $$$ to bring it directly to the voters. We're already facing massive budget shortages, why add another $1 billion/year to the mix?
7- NO
Quick, take a picture! I'm backing the same proposition as PG&E! Of course, so is the Union of Concerned Scientists, the California Green Party, and many others who I trust. Basically, the prop isn't well thought out-- it's skewed to long-term big energy suppliers, leaving the grassroots & medium-sized vendors out of the loop.
8- NO
Banning gay marriage- er, equal rights? A no brainer!
9- NO
Like Prop 6, this is not helpful for addressing recidivism or rehabilitation- it's just vengeance pure and simple.
10- NO
This is a trojan horse proposition- the major alternative fuel covered by this is Natural Gas. It's still a fossil fuel- where's the love for non-fossil fuel transportation? Oh yeah, that's 1A.
11- YES
Redistricting is broken- everyone agrees that having legislators draw their own districts is a bad idea. This solution, which has 11 appointees, 4 each from the majority parties, plus 3 'decline-to-state' or non-majority parties, isn't perfect. However, it's much better than the current system.
12- YES
The soldiers caught up in W's Afghanistan & Iraq debacles should have the same chance @ home ownership as WW2 veterans. This prop expands those chances.

Alameda County Propositions
VV- YES (to fund current bus operations in light of skyrocketing fuel prices without another damaging fare hike)
WW- YES (to fund east bay parks)

Berkeley Propositions
Fix branch libraries, just like Central was fixed a few years ago. Accessibility, seismic strengthening, & expanded space = no brainer.
End fire station 'brownouts,' fund disaster CERT training, & enable paramedic training. Removing these incredibly important items out of the General fund is imperative to our response after the next earthquake & wild fire. Even many from the anti-tax crowd have said that these issues should be priority one. Please join all of us in passing this measure by an overwhelming margin!
Regularly scheduled reauthorization of current taxes that fund vital services in Berkeley, including for the disabled. This adds no new taxes. This is a no brainer.
Housecleaning measure that bumps redistricting deadlines back to accommodate problematic and/or late Federal census data.
This is identical to the Medical Marijuana Measure R narrowly defeated by voters in 2004. Possible vote fraud led a judge to order this placed on the ballot again. I supported it then & I support it now. It doesn't legalize marijuana, but it does treat medical marijuana dispensaries as regular businesses. It's an important step towards common-sense regulation of dispensaries.
Pitched as a referendum on BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), this is actually a requirement that all transportation proposals that require carpool lanes or bus-only lanes be voted on by the public. This adds a layer of time, energy, & expense to a process that can better be used to create local consensus (or at least broad public support) for specific transit projects as they come up. Supporters say that Berkeley voters made the right choice when we voted to have BART built underground in the 1960's. That's true, but how many times have we watched big business or conservative funders distort a worthwhile proposition? To imagine that Berkeley initiatives are immune to distortion by partisans is fantasy. If this were a referendum on BRT specifically, this recommendation would be a lot more difficult. I wish the anti-BRT people had put forward a measure focused on BRT instead.
Berkeley developers been able to build many many new buildings under the current Landmarks Preservation Ordinance. But that's not enough for them- this measure is a watered-down LPO dreamed up by the Mayor & a pro-development-at-any-price City Council. Considering the high numbers of empty storefronts & empty condos in the newest buildings, why is there a need to further loosen the rules? The City should concentrate on refurbishing existing buildings & other Green building processes.

P.S.- THIS IS THE LAST E-MAIL from me until after the November 4th election. Thanks!

Stay strong,
Jesse Townley
Boardmember, Independent Arts & Media
Secretary, Berkeley Green Party
Vice-Chair, Disaster & Fire Safety Commission
Candidate, Progressive Rent Board Slate 2008
Former candidate Berkeley City Council District 5
510-525-4373 Election Specials conclude next week on BCM 28

we are flooding berkeley's [and surrounding cities] public access station with our campaign specials...a couple hours a day....until we legally can't do it! Election Specials conclude next week!

How Berkeley Parade Part 1:

12:30 PM
Channel 28

11:00 AM
Channel 28

How Berkeley Parade Part 2:

01:30 PM
Channel 28

06:00 AM
Channel 28

People’s Park Part 1:

03:30 AM
Channel 28

People’s Park Part 2:

04:21 AM
Channel 28

Ballot Access Part 1:

08:00 AM
Channel 28

Ballot Access Part 2:

09:00 AM
Channel 28

Café Leila:

09:00 AM
Channel 28

Carl Bryant Part 2: (no room for Part 1 L)

01:30 PM
Channel 28

Finally, A Real Candidate!:

05:30 PM
Channel 28

Frank Moore’s Prez Platform:

11:00 PM
Channel 28

02:30 PM
Channel 28

Good luck to you all,

Programming Coordinator
Berkeley Community Media
B-TV Channel 28 Live Stream:

Frank Moore's Platform - Topic By Topic

another useful tool!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Comment posted on "Frank Moore at "How Berkeley Can You Be?" Parade 2008"

Makron5 has made a comment on Frank Moore at "How Berkeley Can You Be?" Parade 2008:
I want to be serious and address Frank Moore if he is listening. How are you capable of negotiating with foriegn officials if you cannot speak to them? I mean I know you have the laser pointer, but that is quite cumbersome and I do not mean to be offensive, but its hard for the American people to take a front man who cannot speak. Also Cerebral Palsy is a major handicap for you, the disease does make it too easy to expect someone who is intellectually ready. (Even though Bush was not.)

Frank Moore wrote:
well, that is an interesting point. it is amazing that this is only the second time in the 2 years of campaigning that it has come up. i could say i would be better than bush or sarah negotiating with foreign officials. but that would be too easy...anybody [almost] could do better! the way i communicate is no more cumbersome than using a translator to speak with foreign leaders. i am a communicator! i have made a career out of talking to people on very deep levels for over 40+ years, from relationship counseling, directing plays and films, community building, running various organizations such as the web station, guiding several political projects, to being a host for years of a popular cable TALK show! in fact, to get the feel of how i handle all kinds of people, check out the archive of my show at i think the people who would be negotiating with me will do their homework on me and will know i am skilled at bringing home the bacon...and if they haven't...well, i'll bring home the steaks!

Makron5 wrote:
Now, Frank Moore, I know my first comment seemed rather scathing, but I do not mean to insult your intelligence at all, you seem to be mentally there, but I don't believe others will feel you are ready to lead. P.S. May I ask your opinion on how to reform the voting system?

Frank Moore wrote:
I will push for the banning of political contributions and the use of personal wealth in political campaigns.

Each city and each “media market” will have at least two public access channels on radio, broadcast television, cable, AND satellite! These channels will be free and open forums for discussion of the issues. Moreover, starting 2 months before an election, every radio and television station will give each candidate 5 hours of free prime time.

Election day will be a paid holiday.

Also I will push to give every american voter back the right to write-in anyone s/he sees fit. this will open the elections up, will create a more level playing field, and unfreeze the natural evolution of our political system.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Comment posted on "on Taxes and Debt"

Makron5 has made a comment on on Taxes and Debt:
If you don't win, could you direct me to where I can get tablets of acid so it feels like you did?

Frank Moore wrote:
i value your vote! unfortunately the last time i dropped acid was 1973! so you should pass out my platform so i will win!

more from the trail!


A canvasser girl was just going up to the PH when he walked up. He let her know that no one would answer (you guys had already gone to sleep) ... and asked her what she was canvassing for? She said Obama, and asked Corey if he was supporting Obama in November? Corey told her that this house and another down the street, we were all voting for Frank Moore for President. She asked, "What, you're going to pencil him in?" Did she know of Frank? No, she hadn't heard of him ... Yeah, we are going to write Frank in ... he's qualified in 25 states as a write-in candidate. Qualified? She didn't realize that you had to actually file for write-in status in most states. Well, what is he about? she asked ... Corey went over to the "take-one" box and pulled out a platform and write-in handout for her ... and she started reading it right there under the streetlamp ... She read the first platform, about getting rid of welfare and social security and giving everyone a $1,000/mo. guaranteed minimum income, and said, "Wow, that's great, that's a great idea! I wonder why no one else has ever talked about doing that." Corey told her about the recent blog that listed Frank as one of 7 candidates that could get the necessary electoral votes to win the presidential race, and he told her too that Frank is a performance artist and a shaman. She said, "Even better!" And as she walked on, she said, "Why can't we have someone like that for president!"

Richard Winger wrote:
This is a great story and I'm happy I get your e-mails.

The Socialist Party presidential candidate, Brian Moore, who has qualified status in 15 states now, also claims to be a potential winner, since combining his 15 write-in states with the 10 states where he is on the ballot, he is also at 270 electoral votes. So that would make 8 if one uses that method.

Frank Moore wrote:
that's right, richard. so it is 8 that have the possibility of winning.

i am getting ready to reveal our victory in mn. yesterday. in advance, i want to thank you for your role in this victory...and for all of your guidance to our campaign.


wasting your vote/throwing your vote away is an interesting concept. it has some validity if you live in a swing state and if you don't want mccain to slip in even if obama doesn't turn you on. but it has no rational validity if you live in a solidly blue state like california...or solidly red state...and if you want the reality of possibility that i represent. in those states every vote for me is an effective and safe vote for the reality of possibility!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


A regular customer came in the store, a woman who is one of a pair of twins that come into the store all the time, both professional classical musicians, she plays cello, and her sister plays violin ... Corey realized he had never told her about Frank running for president, and when she asked how he was doing, he told her about the campaign! She was curious ... He went and grabbed her a platform, and she started reading it while she was filling her water bottles. She liked it! She asked if Corey would be voting for Frank? Yes! She said, ironically, "So don't you think you're "wasting" your vote?" He knew that she didn't think so, but was saying the common line ... Corey said that he looked at it from the complete 180 degrees from where most people are coming from when they say that ... She knew what he was going to say and finished his thought ... "You're voting for who you really want to see in office, who you think is the best person for the job, so you are not wasting your vote!" She said all these people gave her so much shit for voting for Nader in 2004, but that is who she wanted to be President ... people made her feel like such a betrayer. She said she really liked Frank's platform, agreed with everything in it ... but this year, she feels like she will probably vote for Obama just because she wants everyone to see McCain lose by a landslide ... She really liked Frank's picture too, liked his missing teeth! She said she has seen more and more people nowadays just going around with their missing teeth, not bothering to fix them ... and why not?! Rather than spend a ton of money on the dental bills, etc. Corey told her that it was the same for Frank, and he actually auctioned his off on the internet! She was impressed. And also that we had to doctor the photo because it was taken before he lost the tooth, and what other candidate would do that!?

Presidential Election 2008 Issues...

From: Mike Baker
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:19 AM
Subject: Presidential Election 2008 Issues...

Hi Frank,

I came across your site, Frank Moore for President; and thought you may be interested to know about Minekey's initiative regarding the upcoming U.S elections 2008.

We just announced the public launch of Minekey's Election 2008 micro-site: to provide a forum for global citizens to discover, vote upon and discuss the key issues being debated between Barack Obama and John McCain, the two candidates for President of the United States.

Anyone can join the conversation on Minekey, and vote upon and discuss the issues which are central today to the welfare and prosperity of America and the world. So far, users have expressed several thousand opinions on Minekey about Obama and McCain, and all the important issues relevant for this election.

We hope you will test drive the micro-site to see whether you agree or disagree with the Presidential candidates on the key issues and also share this with your audience.

Let me know if you have any questions or need additional info.


Frank Moore wrote:

i would...if you have myself and the other third and independent candidates [at least those of us who have a possibility, however remote, of winning] as equal with obama and mccain. i don't see us others as opinions in your poll.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Friday, October 17, 2008

FUTURECLAW interview

Frank Moore Email Interview

In your early campaign address for the New York Foundation of the Arts you stated, “I am a real, serious candidate.” How do you intend to compete with the major contenders of the 2008 election without comparable finances?

Realistically/practically a write-in candidate can not “win” the presidency because the odds are stacked against such an independent candidate in various ways. The lack of money is the least of it. Almost half of the states either outright do not allow their people to write somebody in or make it virtually impossible for somebody to become an officially sanctioned write-in candidate. You can’t “win” when half of the states are off limits to you no matter how much money you have. Add to this the freezing out of both independent and third-party candidates by the mainstream (and most of the “alternative”) media coverage and so on, it becomes obvious “winning” is not a sane goal for someone in my position to have. Historically independent and third-party candidates have induced new possibilities, expanded our freedoms, and introduced fresh concepts into the society, which the mainstream then absorbs. The process is very similar to that of the artist in society. I have operated within the process of an artist in society focused on inducing change in society for 40 years. So I’m use to, and comfortable in, the process, operating with little/no money, getting the message [the dream/vision] out despite the blocks, getting things done in new ways, etc. This interview with you shows the campaign is working! The European mainstream press has given our campaign serious respectful coverage. It now looks like we will qualify in most states where that is a possibility. That is amazing for a campaign that has no money or an army of operatives! But the real fuel for me is seeing people fill up with hope when they read my platform.

Obviously, the odds are not stacked in your favor this election. Why even run?

Well, it gives me a powerful position to outline our dreams in a direct, clear, practical way, thereby exposing who is blocking those dreams, and how and why they have been blocked. In the late 90’s Sen. Jesse Helms provided me a similar position when he targeted/blacklisted me and four other performance artists. When you are given such a position, I think it is your responsibility to take the ride, to fully use it to expand freedom for everyone.

I never know when something appearing to be trivial will bloom into an important channel for change…be it a show, a magazine, a web station, a series, a political project, or whatever…which takes years to realize its potential. This has always been how my life has unfolded. This campaign started with a Three Stooges shirt! Mikee, one of the 5 people who I live tribally with, had a Curly for President shirt. For Christmas two years ago they made me a Frank Moore for President shirt. Fun. But when I wore the shirt, people started seriously asking me what my platform was. So I wrote up a blueprint of how we can create the society we have been dreaming of. The platform was clear, direct, practical. When people read it…even people who at first thought it was an arty joke…changed right before our eyes, filling up with hope….saying things like “THIS WOULD WORK!” “FINALLY!” and “SO WHY DON’T WE HAVE THIS NOW?” Their reactions…and their deep seriousness and longings…placed on me the responsibility to put on a real campaign. This set up a feed back cycle, attracting European coverage, support of a wide range of people, opportunities to address the issues in ways candidates rarely, if ever, do. I always follow openings! Who knows, we may even win this sucker! We have already forced a few states to refine their election procedures.

Do you consider yourself a hippie?

What do mean by “a hippie”? Define that, please.

For about 40 years, I have lived tribally/communally. Now the 6 of us live together in two houses [one of which we built] on a street in Berkeley with 4 cats. Linda and I have been together for over 35 years. Michael has been with us for 20 years…as have Corey and Alexi. Erika joined us 6 years ago. We live as a tribal body. This tells you that I will expand concepts such as a family and family values. My relationships have always been what I am about. So we put our personal relationships and one another first. This opens up possibilities and expands our ability to use opportunities.

In her essay “Hookergate` II” your running mate Dr. Susan M. Block writes that war is “porn for journalists.” Quite obviously her open sexuality has political motivations. Upon visiting her “Bloggamy”, however, my first impression was that it was about a step away from a porno site. The American public has a long history of lambasting open sexuality whilest consuming it privately. How closely does sexual freedom tie into your platform?

Both Suzy and I use sex in our art, our work, and our lives as a tool for political and cultural change…among other things! When you talk about sexual freedom, what you are really talking about is personal freedom…which is basic to my political philosophy. During the Helms’ attack on artists…which is generally considered the first battle in The Cultural Wars…it was always framed in terms of sex. But in reality all of us targeted artists were doing politically motivated art from suppressed groups [gays, women, etc.]. The real aim of the attack was to kill this political art.

Suzy and I don’t hide in closets! Funny, sex rarely has come up in the campaign…and when it does come up, it is positive! This speak volumes about this

Supposing you actually became the President of the United States of America, how do you think congress would react to your extensive cuts in the military budget? How would you convince them to support a 50% military budget cut?

Well, as the commander in chief, I wouldn’t spend what they budgeted! But to answer the core of your question…true, I’d be facing a congress full of people in both of the parties who are still operating in the old limiting boxes. However the fact that I had gotten into The White House would mean the people are tired of wasting money on a bloated, wasteful military designed for an era that has long passed, a military that is used primarily to promote the corporate interest, rather than the real national interest. I will work directly with the people to “convince” Congress to invest the money into rebuilding our society rather than in insanity.

With a weakened military, how will America defend itself?

First a smaller military is not a weakened military. Our bloated military is out of date by at least 40 years in terms of the actual kinds of threats we are or may be in the future facing. This has been true since World War Two. In the real world that we live in, we need a much smaller, more flexible military, based primarily in this country. I would cut the pork and the waste out of the military.

To answer the question of how will America defend itself, you first need to define what we are defending ourselves from. Our military couldn’t defend against 9/11. Good police work could have.

How would you deal with another attack such as 9/11?

You need a lot more details about such an attack to responsibly answer this question. I would not give up our freedoms and our principles for a myth of security. I wouldn’t invade a third country that had nothing to do with the attack. I wouldn’t wage a war of which the goals can’t be explained, a war which has taken thousands of lives, left us much more vulnerable in various ways, left us in debt billions upon billions to China and Japan, placing our financial/economical future at risk.

If we remove our forces from Iraq, what do you see in its near future? Do you feel they need our military support to maintain at least some semblance of stability in such a volatile region?

Funny, they asked the same question about Viet Nam. The fact is we need to withdraw. Whenever we do, there will be a chaotic period. That is no reason to put our leaving off. We should work through the U.N. to ease this period. But to put off our leaving would like putting off getting out of a failed/violent marriage just to avoid the admitting of the ugly reality.

You propose a 75% flat tax for all businesses with earnings over 5 million dollars. This is certainly not appealing to larger corporations. What would you do to prevent the flight of corporations (and their money) from the United States?

Let me be clear. One of my main aims is the breaking up of the big corporations and their negative distorting influence and control over every aspect of our society. We have to break the addiction of going after obscenely huge profits. This addiction is the root cause of most of the problems we face today. I will go after the greed culture.

So the tax is only one aspect one of my platform aimed at the corporations!

Where are the corporations moving to? China? Don’t think so! Europe has similar taxes. It hard to see the corporations moving from the U.S., especially if to sell their products in this country they will have to certify that their products were manufactured in accordance with this country’s labor, wage, environmental, and safety laws ... that they meet or exceed these ... no matter where they were produced.

Your health care plan seeks to eliminate private monopolies of new drugs and health products. These monopolies provide the current private health care providers with the wealth and resources to invest vast quantities of money into further product development and enable them to pay professionals much more than they are paid in other countries for their drug development knowledge and expertise. How would you keep incentive for a strong product development strong in the switchover from private to public healthcare?

Today, because of those monopolies, we pay much more for drugs and have less access to drugs than most Western nations. The drug companies are searching for what will generate the largest profits, and that dictates the research. This means many problems that are deemed unprofitable are left unexplored. Under my policies, companies that develop drugs based on research done at universities, government labs or other public institutions will pay royalities to those public institutions, thereby making future research possible.

Franklin D. Roosevelt hid his disability from the American public. Do you think that the American public will see your paralysis as a weakness or as strength?

Well, first I am spastic, not paralyzed. I move, dance! That said…most people see that I’m somebody who gets things done, no matter what…using my body as an asset. So they see me as a strong person. I have always been dumb to what is impossible. So I just figure how to do the “impossible.” I have been doing this all my life! I am 61. I was born with cerebral palsy. I communicate using a laser-pointer and a board of letters, numbers and commonly-used words. But I am a host of a popular public access TALK show. Go figure it! So now I am setting my sights, as president, on eliminating poverty, hunger, war, etc. Impossible, eh?

When I was born, doctors told my parents that I had no intelligence, that I had no future, that I would be best put into an institution and be forgotten. This was a powerful expectation with all the force of western science and medicine as well as social influences, behind it. It would have been easy for my parents to be swept up into this expectation. Then that expectation would have created my reality. I would have long ago died without any other possibilities.

Instead, my parents rejected this expectation for the possibility they saw in my eyes, for what for them should have been true. This rejection of the cultural expectation of reality could not be a one time choice. They had to passionately live their choice everyday, every minute, or the cultural expectation would have sucked them and me into it. It fought them at every new possibility they opened to me. Their passionate commitment to how they thought things should be attracted people to me who kept opening new possibilities for me. Of course, these were in the minority. But I focused on them, making them how people should be, how I wanted to be. So I expected people and myself to be like that. So people were for the most part that least I saw them that way. This opened up to me what is called luck. It also gave me the ability to trust and the ability to use opportunities.

So the struggle for freedom, and against the powers-that-be has been my life. And it has been a continuous struggle, struggling with schools to let me in, etc. I have always been a radical. But that became obvious when I was 18 and invented my head pointer with which I type and communicate…I started writing political columns for the high school paper…as well as putting out an underground paper. I was in the first special class placed on a regular high school campus so that the disabled students could be in regular classes and be a part of campus life. I was involved in the civil rights and anti-war movements. This was 1965…before it was popular to be against the Vietnam War. In the school paper I got into a debate with a GI in Vietnam. I was sat down and told that, because of my political philosophy and activities, I was hurting the chances of the disabled students who would come after me. I replied that the goal was to get the rights for the disabled [and for all people] to be complete and equal…and that included the right to be political. I would not surrender that, or any other, right.

Most of your views and actions do not quite…coincide with the conservative republican political stances most Americans choose to align themselves with. Do you have any plan to convince these voters that they should vote for you?

Hey! Ain’t I doing that now? I never sell people short…or sell them out! If they read my platform, they can see if it is what they desire!

Dorothy Jesse Beagle wrote:

Dear Frank,

This Interview with your informative, clear and intelligent answers revealing that your Presidential candidacy is your life as you have lived it, should be required reading for younger Americans, informative and apt to stimulate progress for the human species, and in a period of history where millions of truth seekers are working 24/7 to turn the 'ship around' and head for mountains of solutions that are humane and that work. You only need look at the Internet to know how many earnest truth seekers are looking for answers, getting opinions from wide sources, and seeking the leader(s) who can boldly (don't take no for an answer) and quickly, discard the boxes intended to confine us, and as if by the 'releasing of a beautiful butterfly from a cage' illustrate as your platform does, the end of greed and the birth of co-existence.

Jesse deBeagle

Frank Moore wrote:
extremely well said, jesse!